Final Reflective Essay


Me and  classmates, though I'd like you to consider submitting a piece for the "Tutor's Column" feature of WLN. Guidelines are here

One of our Consultants, Lillian Tzanev, published a piece for the journal. Publishing a piece is hard (many others have gotten rejection letters) but will greatly help you with grad-school assistantships or when you interview for jobs that involve communications/editing skills.


Sadly, a class of this nature cannot cover everything about peer assistance in detail. Think back to the list I had you make recently, for things you'd like covered in the last class meetings.

Identify an issue you want to know more about, as a newly trained Consultant: one also that you'd think worth the while of a bigger audience (existing Consultants who read WLN or those newly trained). Read over some old Tutor's Columns in the WLN archives to guide you. Look at well at The Peer Review's back issues.


Ex.  As Bartholomae notes, “quotation” or paraphrase (200).

 I grade down for citation and grammatical errors--being careful is good practice for Writing Consultants.