
There are four types of solutions for the general public.  The first is to do what you can to remediate EMF impact where you live, work, learn and play.  The second is to educate your local community.  The third is to educate your legislators and help shape public policy. The fourth is to pursue legal action when the law is broken. Those who work in the industry can work toward biologically safe technology solutions.

Quick On-Line Training

Experts at the non-profit Safer Screentime have distilled the facts into an easy to learn on-line course that only takes @ an hour to understand the basics of this issue. You will learn the science, risks, what other countries are doing to protect their public, and medically recommended best practices for safer technology. 

Please consider taking the following course and asking your loved ones and colleagues to do the same as a way to level-set with the facts. It will take the burden off of you to have to convince them this issue exists; then you can start the conversation on how to transition to safe technology. A printable safety tip sheet is available at the end with handy reminders, along with a list of credible references from each lesson. There is a small fee to help keep this non-profit afloat:

Bulk rates are available to train entire schools and workplaces.

Community Conversations

The award-winning film Generation Zapped (Best Documentary, DC Independent Film Festival; Winner, Women's Independent Film Festival; Official Selection, United Nations Association Film Festival) features leading world scientists, doctors, public health experts and patients who explain how wireless came to market, its impact on health and environment, and choices we can all make for safer technology.

Many communities have screened Generation Zapped at their local libraries or in their living rooms to start the technology safety conversation. It is also available via personal download, YouTube (with commercials) and DVD as well. Library streaming services Kanopy and Hoopla also offer Generation Zapped, as do other streaming outlets.

Note: Subsequent to the film's release, the U.S. National Toxicology Program's $30M study reported "clear evidence" of tumors (cancer) and DNA damage. This was corroborated by another large study by Italy's Ramazzini Institute. See Cancers page. It is imperative we protect ourselves, our families and communities from wireless radiation until public policy catches up to the science.

Community Actions

Americans for Responsible Technology has a tool kit to empower citizens to learn and take action:

Measure Your Exposures

Radiofrequency radiation detection meters allow you to measure the amount of radiation your devices are emitting:

EMF Exposure Standards & Guidelines, Various Sources from Around the World:

The following websites also offer ways to safeguard against EMFs:

Educate Your Community

Please, use your voice if this issue matters to you: at the grass roots level, do your research then talk to your loved ones and acquaintances, see what folks know about EMFs.  Feel free to share this site with them. 

Here are steps you might consider to act locally:

Educate Your Legislators

While we can do our best to remediate our personal spaces now, and open the conversation in our communities, many will fail to act to protect our health until our Federal Communication Commission policies change or state laws are put in place. Please ask your legislators to ensure our government policies are changed soon. At the federal level, our FCC standards are supposed to be under formal review but the FCC has failed to respond to a court order and the court failed to give them a deadline.

Medical and environmental experts are urging the FCC to set public health standards that protect our citizens and our planet, but corporate interests may influence the outcome otherwise. If we look at how other public health issues have been handled at the federal level, like smoking, asbestos, or genetically modified foods, we know it can take decades for our country to do right by its citizens instead of being influenced by powerful corporate stakeholders.

In the meantime, manufacturers and expert marketeers will continue to create an artificial need to buy the latest and greatest wi-fi device and uninformed consumers will continue to purchase them. Former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler secured the go-ahead to bring 5G to market, which will bring faster data speeds but also requires millions of small cell antennas be placed in our municipalities and neighborhoods. Our legislators likely do not understand that these expose our citizens to biologically hazardous microwave radiation 24/7/365.

The FCC looks forward to developing a complete record by soliciting the input of qualified expert agencies and organizations and the public, to determine whether the current rules and policies should remain unchanged, or should be relaxed or tightened.  

The FCC has received over a thousand formal submissions, which can be viewed in their raw state here.  Dr. Joel Moskowitz of the University of California, Berkeley has organized a selection of them here for easier reference.  However, years have gone by and the FCC has failed to update the allowable radiation levels to mirror science and protect the public; instead, they continue to rush to be first-to-market with new untested wireless technology like 5G.

If this issue is important to you, please use your voice.  Americans for Responsible Technology has built the Tool Kit to provide you with credible resources to do so.

Closing Thoughts

“We’ve never had our injustices rectified from the top, from the president or Congress, or the Supreme Court, no matter what we learned in junior high school about how we have three branches of government, and we have checks and balances, and what a lovely system. No. The changes, important changes that we’ve had in history, have not come from those three branches of government. They have reacted to social movements.”  Thank you, Howard Zinn, for the reminder to use our voices at the grassroots level, in our own communities, when something needs to change.  If we can do so with honesty, diplomacy, understanding and compassion, all the better for humanity.

Note: The information provided here is publicly available on the Internet.  

It is intended to provide a starting point to inform you of EMF dangers.  

Please do your own research, draw your own conclusions, and act accordingly to protect those you love.