
Industry Whistle-Blower, Retired Microsoft Canada President Frank Clegg

Former FCC Attorney: How the FCC Fails to Follow Environmental Laws and Fails the Public

T-Mobile Report in 2000 Shows Biological Effects

Telecom Union Warns its Workers 

2018 Investigation by The Nation

How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.

Harvard's Captured Agency Report

Prof. Tom Butler: Ethical Risk Analysis

Industry Lobbying Influence

World Health Organization

The Fine Print That Few Have Read

Congressional Hearing

FCC Fails to Respond to Public Health Issues

Public Hotspots

Cell Tower Regulation Compliance

The link to the abstract is here:

Patent for Safer Technology

History of Prior Public Health Concerns

Lobbying Influence on Government Regulations

1. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, uncertainty should not be a reason for postponing action to prevent that damage.

2. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, precautionary measures should be taken even if cause-and-effect relationships are not clearly established.

3. Whenever an action or substance could cause irreparable/irreversible harm, even if that harm is not certain to occur, the action should be prevented and eliminated.

Even though the FCC has its 1996 public radiation exposure regulations under formal review, and we would like to believe our government will protect us, history dictates otherwise and we have to allow that the lobbyists may influence an outcome that does not serve public health.

Advertising Influence on Public Media Content

"If this were true, surely we would have heard of it!"

They said that evening's story would just be a two-minute piece on the Fay School, but the journalist wanted to talk to her network about doing a bigger story on wireless radiation.  Below is the Fay School story that ran (note, when I have looked at this clip, I have to sit through advertisements first.  Often they are from telecom companies, or others pitching wireless services.  I also have to adjust the mute/volume buttons to hear the clip):

I noticed right away they did not reference credible science. Instead, they used a 2014 draft document of 16 inconclusive studies instead of the BioInitiative Report. They also reported the school has "safe levels" of radiation exposure, yet there have never been safe levels set by the FCC, just levels indicating at what exposure tissue heating occurs.  That thermal-effect is obsolete since science has proven biological harm at the non-thermal level but the FCC has not updated its standards to mirror the science.  

I have since looped back in with the journalist to see if she pitched the EMF story to her network, and she said she had, a couple of times, but there didn't seem to be any interest.  I let her know the influence of advertising dollars was the likely reason why.  

So, since we may not fully be informed by mainstream media of potential harm from wireless technology, it is up to each of us to educate ourselves on what the non-industry funded scientists are telling us, and take action accordingly in our own homes and communities.


Note: The information provided here is publicly available on the Internet.  

It is intended to provide a starting point to inform you of EMF dangers.  

Please do your own research, draw your own conclusions, and act accordingly to protect those you love.