Massachusetts EMF Bills
The following provide background information for our public servants, journalists and the public on the
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of radiation emitted by all of today's wireless technology:
EMF Points of Confusion vs. Fact
See also many Massachusetts News articles at:
Massachusetts for Safe Technology
Summary of 2023-24 Bills
Senators and State Representatives directly sponsored six bills this session to ensure technology safety, several of which advanced out of committee in prior sessions (click to see history). We recognize public policy in Massachusetts is a marathon, not a sprint. Now that safe technology bills had been in the legislature for ten years, we hoped this session Massachusetts would take meaningful action to reduce wireless radiation harms. It did not. One can see the bills that did pass at LegiScan (MA passed @350 out of @7,500 bills introduced; most were for individual towns or employees).
Please contact your State Senator and Representative to encourage co-sponsorship and full passage of these critical bills. Ask organizations to which you belong to do the same.
Send a statement of support to the committees for each bill.
Following are the 2023-24 Session Legislative Deadlines & Significant Dates:
If you are not in Massachusetts, please consider using these bills to ask your own legislators to file similar bills to address man-made radiation where you are. Additional states are already introducing bills.
At the bottom of this page you can see How a Bill Becomes Law in Massachusetts.
Current Bills
S.2152 An Act relative to smart meters is sponsored by Senator Michael O. Moore and assigned to the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. S.2152 requires a no-fee wireless meter opt-out and includes an emergency pre-amble, "Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to maintain public health, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health." This bill is in its fifth session.
Resolve S.155 Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications is sponsored by Senator Julian Cyr and assigned to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. Resolve S. 155 requires an investigation and study by a special commission relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications. This bill is in its fourth session.
S. 156 An Act relative to the safe use of electronic devices by children is sponsored by Senator Julian Cyr and assigned to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. S. 156 requires cell phone distributors to disclose RF radiation legal notices. This bill is in its fourth session.
S.316 An Act relative to best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education is sponsored by Senator Paul W. Mark and assigned to the Joint Committee on Education. S.316 requires the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish best practices that protect the health and safety of public school students and staff. This bill is in its fourth session.
S.1044 An Act prohibiting injurious operations or offering services or products that discriminate against or injure protected classes is sponsored by Senator Paul W. Mark and assigned to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. S.1044 prohibits injurious operations or offering services or products that discriminate against or injure protected classes. While this bill does not specify particular protected classes, it would codify that those with electromagnetic sensitivity and all other disabilities have a right to ask for reasonable accommodations.
H.2158 An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends is sponsored by Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Vanna Howard and Mary S. Keefe and assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Health. H.2158 requires the Department of Public Health to add electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) to the list of diseases dangerous to the public health.
Note: There are over 70 pieces of legislation introduced this session that have "wireless" in the language. Some are protective, others are permissive to industry for fast-tracking toxic radiation plans. See
Bills in Other States
Click below to see legislation introduced this session in other states. The NH 5G health and environmental risk bill posed point-blank questions on why the FCC is not protecting the public, was enacted into law and the NH Commission issued a groundbreaking final report:
How a Bill Becomes a Law
For those who remember School House Rock, you may appreciate this three-minute refresher on how a bill becomes a law at the federal level which is not too different from the state level:
The following indicates how a bill becomes a law in Massachusetts; other states will have their own processes on file:
Note: The information provided here is publicly available on the Internet.
It is intended to provide a starting point to inform you of EMF dangers.
Please do your own research, draw your own conclusions, and act accordingly to protect those you love.