Massachusetts EMF Bills
The following two documents provide background information for our public servants, journalists and the public on the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of radiation emitted by all of today's wireless technology:
EMF Points of Confusion vs. Fact
See also Boston Globe 1/17/19 article:
"Could your cell phone's electromagnetic field make you sick?"
Summary of 2020-21 Bills
Senators and State Representatives directly sponsored 11 bills this session, several of which advanced out of committee in prior sessions. We recognize public policy in Massachusetts is a marathon, not a sprint, and we hope this session the leading bills will be enacted and that Massachusetts will quickly issue a legislative report as New Hampshire has done to reduce wireless radiation risks and recommend safe technology solutions.
Last Tree Laws has also written additional bills, please see
If you are not in Massachusetts, please consider using these bills to ask your own legislators to file similar bills to address man-made radiation where you are. Some other states are already introducing bills too. The NH bill that was passed into law is perhaps the best in the country to emulate.
Please contact your State Senator and Representative to encourage co-sponsorship and full passage of these critical bills.
Scroll through the current bills below. At the bottom of this page see also See Bills in Other States and How a Bill Becomes Law in Massachusetts.
Bills in Other States
Click below to see legislation introduced this session in other states. The NH 5G health and environmental risk bill posed point-blank questions on why the FCC is not protecting the public, was enacted into law and the NH Commission issued a groundbreaking final report:
How a Bill Becomes a Law
For those who remember School House Rock, you may appreciate this three-minute refresher on how a bill becomes a law at the federal level which is not too different from the state level:
The following indicates how a bill becomes a law in Massachusetts; other states will have their own processes on file:
Following are the 2021-202 Session Legislative Deadlines & Significant Dates, though these may changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and shifting priorities:
Note: The information provided here is publicly available on the Internet.
It is intended to provide a starting point to inform you of EMF dangers.
Please do your own research, draw your own conclusions, and act accordingly to protect those you love.