The Art of Computing

Course Title: The Art of Computing

An Advanced Course in Scientific Computing

Designed by: Umeshkanta Thounaojam, PhD

“ I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them."

- Isaac Asimov

“ The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.”

- Bill Gates

Preamble: Computers will dominate our technical lives and so there is a need to prepare for technical future. The purpose of developing this course is to teach the present generations and the next about the evolution, mechanics and the importance of scientific programming.

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Course Aims:

Who is the Course for?



  1. The Physics of Machine learning

  2. Physics Informed Machine learning

  3. The meaning of Logistic Classification from Physics

  4. Introduction to Machine Learning in Physics

  5. Physics Informed Machine Learning

  6. The Physics of Optimization Algorithms

  7. The Physics of Machine Learning Engineering

  8. Applications of Machine and Deep Learnings in Physics

  9. The Fusion of Physics Simulations and Machine Learning

  10. How do you teach physics to Machine Learning models?

  11. A lively review of machine learning for particle physics