Service (other)

President of Canadian Association of Acoustics, 2023 - on-going,

Board Member of AiCARR (Associazione Italiana Condizionamento dell'Aria, Riscaldamento e Raffrescamento), 2023-2026

Board Member of ICA (International Commission for Acoustics), elected as North America Representative. ICA was instituted in 1951 as a subcommittee to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), and since 2006, it is a Scientific Associate of the International Council for Science (ICSU), 2019-2022, 2022-2025

Board Member of IABP (International Association of Building Physics), 2021-2024

Vice-President IAQVEC association, 2019-2023 and 2023-2026,

Member of the Board of Directors IBPSA-Canada, 2018-2020, 2020-2022, 2022-2024,

Member of the Board of Directors Canadian Association of Acoustics, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023 (then elected President),

Expert reviewer, IPCC Secretariat for Canada - Working Group I - Sixth Assessment, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Science & Technology Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada of the Government of Canada, 2019-2020

Membro del Comitato Scientifico Fondazione Sorella Natura, Assisi, Italy, -

Climate Reality Leadership Corp, since 2020

Member of the Travel Award Committee and Best Paper Committee for the journal "Sustainability" - 2020, 2022

ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation):

Premio Bojannes - Apulian Local History and Tradition, award committee, Foggia Italy), 2017 (I edition), 2019 (II edition)

Member of the Travel Award Committee and Best Paper Committee for the journal "Buildings" in 2018 (I edition) and 2019 (II edition), plus for "Sustainability" in 2021

Judge of the Emerging Green Builders (EGBs)  Greater Toronto Hackathon 2017 (Competition theme: Zero-Carbon Retrofits) -

Judge of the enviroSCULPT 2016 Award and of the enviroSCULPT 2014 Award in Toronto for the Greater Toronto Chapter of the Emerging Green Builders (EGBs) 

Membro della Commissione "Energia e Ambiente" dell'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Foggia, dal 2010 al 2012. 

Attivita' seminariali e di formazione continua organizzati presso  l'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Foggia, tra il 2014 e il 2018

Membro in qualita' di ESPERTO del Comitato Tecnico Amministrativo (CTA) del Provveditorato per le Opere Pubbliche, Campania Molise Puglia e la Basilicata, dal 2023

Member of the following societies:

Voting member of ASHRAE committee  SSPC 169, Climatic Data for Building Design Standards, 2020-2024

Corresponding Member of several ASHRAE committees, such as