
Frontiers Planet Prize, 2024,

Royal Society of Canada, elected to the College of New Scholars, 2023,

Most Cited Award, 17th conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems SDEWES, Paphos Cyprus, November 2022 

Young Investigator Award, Buildings MDPI 2022 -

10th Canada's Clean16 award and Clean50 winner (list category: R&D), 2021,

Premio Daunia, 2021, Foggia, 2021

Best keynote speaker EECE conference, St Peterburg, Russia, November 2020

2020 European Conference on Thermophysical Properties ECTP-NETZSCH YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD. 27 November 2020. The award intends to recognize exceptional scientific achievement in any area of thermophysical properties research by a young person.

Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM),, Sweden - for the contribution to strengthening of the Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence, 2022

2019 Most Cited Paper Award of the journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling  (RCR) for the paper entitled "A cross-country comparison of the building energy consumptions and their trends". The Award recognizes papers published in the journal RCR that received the highest numbers of citations in the following three years including the year of publication (2017-2019), 2020, 

2018 Energies Best Paper Award, for the paper Berardi, U.; Tronchin, L.; Manfren, M.; Nastasi, B. On the Effects of Variation of Thermal Conductivity in Buildings in the Italian Construction Sector. 2020 

Reviewer of the Month Award, Engineering Reports 2019 - WILEY, 

Best Paper Award, 7th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development, for the paper "Modelling the impacts of climate change on Canadian building energy demand", New York, USA, 25 September 2019, 

Included in the list of TIS - Top Italian Scientist - Engineering category, September 2019

Three Publons Awards 2019: Top reviewers for Engineering, Cross-Field, Social Science, and Top reviewer in Canada, September 2019,

Young Researcher Award - Best Paper, “Effective thermal conductivity and the impact of aging effects on foam insulations: an analysis using microstructure and chemical methods”, (committe proff. Piva, Manca, and Pietrafesa), 4th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and 13th AIGE 2019 Conference, Matera, Italy, 14 June 2019 

Premio (award) Argos Hippium, Foggia, 28 June 2019,,

Named Outstanding Elsevier Reviewer for the following journals: "Science of Total Environment"; "Landscape and Urban Planning"; "Sustainable Production and Consumption"; "Construction and Building Materials"; "Applied Acoustics"; "Cities" in 2018

Three Publons Awards 2018: Top reviewers for Engineering, Environmental/Ecology, Social Science, and Top reviewer in Canada, September 2018,

Early Research Career Excellence Award, Ryerson University, 28 March 2018,

Listed among the 70 Most brilliant Italian researchers in CARTADITALIA, book in four languages (IT,FR,NL,EN) published by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles, 2018,

International Award "Pugliesi nel Mondo", Association "Pugliesi nel Mondo", 16 December 2017, - - - - - -

Eight Publons Awards 2017: Top reviewers for Energy, Engineering, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Social Science, Top reviewer at Ryerson, and Top reviewer in Canada, September 2017,

Honorary Member of the Association "Pugliesi nel Mondo", March 2017,

Named Outstanding Elsevier Reviewer for the following journals: “Energy and Buildings”; “Applied Energy”; “Renewable Energy”; “Energy”; “Solar Energy”; “Buildings and Environment”; “Sustainable Cities and Society”; "Science of Total Environment"; "Journal of Building Engineering"; “Landscape and Urban Planning”; "Journal of Cleaner Production"; "Computers, Environment and Urban Systems"; "Measurement" (in 2016 and 2017)

Franco Strazzabosco Award for Young Engineers - ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation), Washington DC, 18 October 2016

             **  TGR - Intervista prof. Berardi  

              > City of Foggia (Italy) recognition for worldwide achievements >

Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science Dean' Scholarly, Research and Creative Award (Best Faculty award), Ryerson University, 17 March 2016 -

Finalist ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation), Nanotechnologies for Advanced Building Systems, Washington DC, November 2015

Analysis excellence and Design excellence 2015 award at the Race to Zero competition organized by the US Department of Energy, May 2015

Technical Merit Award in the NESEA competition, Zero Energy Repeatable Apartments, Boston (US), March 2014

Best Faculty Paper at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Conference 2013, Norwich (US), March 2013

International Commission of Acoustics (ICA) Young Scientist, 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal (Canada), January 2013

International Commission of Acoustics (ICA) Prize, European Symposium on "Environmental Acoustics and Building Acoustically Sustainable", Caceres (Spain), October 2011

Premio "Italo Barducci", Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Rimini (I), June 2011

Ambassador Rotary International Fundation for Study Exchange in New York (US), April 2011

Award of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), "Congress on Sound and Vibration - EAA EUROREGIO 2010", Ljubljana (Slovenia), September 2010

Nomine "Young Scientist" of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE), Internoise2010, Lisboa (Portugal), June 2010

Prize "Andreas Lara", Sociedad Espanola de Acustica - Best Paper at Symposium Europeo di Acustica TecniAcustica 2008, Madrid (Spain), October 2008

Prize "Piccoli scienziati", "Progetto acustico di una chiesa", European Union, October 2008

Prize "Nunzio Aprilis", Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Perugia (I), 2° position, December 2008

Prize "Olimpiadi Nazionali della Fisica", regional level, Bari (I), June 2003

(my) Students' awards:

Andreas Gallardo Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) for the 2020 - 2021 academic year, and Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for 2019/2020 and 2021/2022.

Dagmawi Degefu got the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for 2021/2022

Khaled Khaled got the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for 2020/2021

Pourya Jafarpur got the Best Paper Award at the 7th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development, New York, 25 September 2019

Pourya Jafarpur got the Global Learning Award. Ryerson University. 2019

Shahrzad Soudian Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) 2018,2019, and 2020

Jelena Madzarevic got the OBEC Graduate Research Scholarship, 2018-2019

Douglas Belanger got the eSim2018 best paper award for the paper "The Impact of Aging on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Foam Insulation: A Simulation Investigation Using Laboratory Characterization Data", 2018

Matteo Calisesi's thesis has been awarded the Prof.ssa Agnese Ghiniin award from the University of Parma, 2017

Students conducting MAs and MRP supervised by Dr. Berardi have received end-of-the-year best project awards by the program in Building Science,  the Department of Architectural Science or by Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (Mrs. Nosrati, Mrs. Shahrzad, etc.) , 2014-

Three students of Dr. Berardi have been awarded the Newman Medal of the Acoustical Society of America. These are Anna Pavia and Matthew Gelowitz in 2015 from Ryerson University and Yunjae Sohn in 2014 from WPI.

Ryerson Architectural Science students won four awards for three projects in the 2015 Race to Zero Student Design Competition organized by the US Department of Energy held from April 18-20th at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado – among 33 teams from U.S. and Canadian universities.  Ryerson projects and the awards they earned include (