Basic Rules

All ULLRToolbox functions names has .fnc chain as final part of the name.

read.file.fnc, histogram.fnc, factorial.analisis.fnc, Anova.fnc, etc.

All fnc functions (ULLRToolbox functions) follow the following five rules:

  • The first argument will always be the name of the database to analyze. Never between apostrophe.

Anova.fnc(OBrienKaiser, dv='pre.1', between.factor='gender')

  • We can use the name or colum number of a variable in many arguments. If the name of the variable is used, it must be ALWAYS between apostrophes (' '). If we used column number, it must be just the column number of the desired variable.

Anova.fnc(OBrienKaiser, dv = 3, between.factor='gender')

  • If an argument requires more than one variable, we must use the compose function c( )in order to include more than a variable in that argument.

Anova.fnc(OBrienKaiser, dv=3,


  • If number of columns are consecutive, we can use just the first and the last one, separated with colon character (:).

descriptivos.fnc(OBrienKaiser, variables=3:17,


  • If you use a function that read files, creates or transform variables, you must assign the output of that function to an arbitrary object name. Otherwise no one variable or transform will be saved. In all the following examples, mydat will have all the original variables plus the new one transformed.

mydat=cut.variable.fnc(OBrienKaiser, variable='pre.1',


mydat=reorder.factor.fnc(OBrienKaiser, which.factor='treatment',

