Juan A. Hernández Cabrera

R is a statistical analysis program and graphics implementation , which a dual nature of data analysis software and programming language. It is free distributed under the GNU General Public Licence and is available for all operating systems: Windows, OSX and Linux. Like any program, R operates from libraries or set of tools that allow the user to perform different analyzes. Unlike many commercial applications where more complex libraries are extra, in R the program already has a lot of them in the default installation. It is a high quality product fruit of selfless work of thousands of contributors who are among most researchers in each scientific field.

The main drawback of this excellent programming language is that it requires some effort to learn the basic rules of object-oriented syntax. To solve this problem, we created ULLRToolbox which is a "toolbox" that will free the user to learn the language and its more or less complex syntax. Calling to simple functions even the novice user can perform data analysis fron the simplest procedures as descriptive statistics such as more complex as multivariate analysis.

ULLRToolbox makes a heavy use of the libraries: stats, MASS, nlme, lme4, car, psych, languageR, bestglm, foreign, klar, gplots, GPArotation, ca, mice, polycor, corpcor, ltm, vcdExtra y candisc. Most of the functions .fnc of this toolbox for a given process comprising the automated call to execute multiple libraries for a single analysis allowing a more integrated output according to results obtained in commercial packages. The toolbox aims to achieve the user unfamiliar with programming languages can in a free and fast way make a graphic or statistic analysis with a single function call that returns results grouped into a unique output.

The site is organized into eight large blocks that can be seen in the navigation panel on the left. Its numerical sequence follows the natural way of approaching the analysis of a database from scratch. In each block there are multiple examples of analysis with functions explained from beginning to end. It will allow the user to integrate and understand each of the stages of statistical analysis.

The user can from this website copy, paste and adapt to their data in their own "script" all the needed functions in order to perform their analysis, following the many examples of each item or type of statistical analysis.