№ 1(12)


Л. О. Колодочка, М. Ф. Ковтун, В. О. Харченко, О. В. Пучков, В. А. Іванова. Найбільш цікаве завжди ще буде ... До 80-річчя з дня народження видатного українського зоолога, акаролога, заслуженого діяча науки і техніки України, директора Інституту зоології ім. І.І. Шмальгаузена НАН України Ігора Андрійовича Акімова .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3


K. V. Martynova. Microsculpture of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae): general overview with first attemptof classification ........................................... 7

Microsculpture of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae): general overview with first attempt of classification. Martynova K. V. The variety of surface sculpture in European cuckoo wasps was estimated. Preliminary 14 main forms of miscrosculpture within 5 major types were distinguished, and some combined and complex forms were additionally described. Punctures were shown to be structurally highly various. The variability of punctuation and its taxonomical significance were highlighted.

Key words: cuckoo wasps, microsculpture, punctuation. 

Л. С. Черней, Т. С. Зелинская. Морфологические особенности преимагинальных стадий и биология видов рода Alphitobius Stephens 1829, подтверждающие новый таксономический состав трибы Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) ................................................................................................................... 20

Morphological features of the preimaginal stages and biology of species of the genus Alphitobius Stephens 1829, confirming the new taxonomic composition of the tribe Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Cherney L. S., Zelinskaya T. S. Based on a detailed study and analysis of the morphological features of the preimaginal stages of the genera Alphitobius, Diaclina and Ulomoides, the original keys for determinantion larvae and pupae of the genera and species of the tribe Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917. The morphological differences between the sexes at the pupal stage are shown for the species A. laevigatus and A. diaperinus at first, which was previously established for the species U. dermestoides and shows the reliability of the change in its taxonomic position, namely transferring U. dermestoides from the tribe Diaperini Latreille, 1802 of subfamily Diaperinae Latreille, 1802 to the tribe Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917 of subfamily Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802. A detailed description of the preimaginal stages of A. laevigatus is given. The larva and pupa of A. diaperinus are described. It is shown that with such a striking external and behavioral difference between A. laevigatus and A. diaperinus larvae, their hair covering is almost identical with the exception of 9th abdominal segment. There are no reliable species rank differences of the pupae of these species. New data on the study of the life cycle, trophic relations and behavior of species of the genus Alphitobius are presented. It was established that the females A. laevigatus become mature already in a week after hatching. An egg in the female's body is formed 7–8 days. After a single mating, the oviposition of the female lasted 44 days. At the age of 60 days, females are capable of repeated copulation and egg laying. The egg’s stage is continuing 5–6 days, the stage of the larva – 38–41 days, the pupa’s stage – 5–6 days. 

Key words: Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Аlphitobiini, Ukraine. 


А. В. Пучков. Обзор жужелиц рода Acupalpus Latr. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) фауны Украины ...................................................................................................... 35

The ground-beetles of genus Acupalpus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Ukraine. Putchkov A. V. The data on occurrence of 12 species of genus Acupalpus in 13 geographical regions of Ukraine is presented. Short review of changes of species composition in separate geographical regions of Ukraine is discussed. The findings of Acupalpus notatus had been confirmed. Two species, Acupalpus dubius and A. exiguous, were recoded in Ukraine, but are not listed for the country in the last Сatalogгу of the Palearctic Coleoptera. The species diversity of the genus over the zones is almost even. Nine species were recorded in the forest zone; eight species in each of three other zones: in the Carpathians, foreststeppe and steppe zones. Only four species were registered in the Crimean Mountains. Most species of the genus are the intrazonal elements. There are mainly hygrophilous, otherwise mesophillous. Six species, Acupalpus elegans, A. flavicollis, A. luteatus, A. maculatus, A. parvulus, A. suturalis, are widely distributed in Ukraine. Three species, Acupalpus brunnipes, A. dubius and A. exiguus, are the typical inhabitants of the forest (partially – forest-steppe) zone. Representatives of the steppe zone are Acupalpus interstitialis and, possibly, A. notatus. The change of species composition in the main zones and provinces are briefly discussed. General data of the bionomy, ecology and geographical distribution of all species registered in Ukraine are given. A key for 13 taxa of the genus (Acupalpus brunnipes, A. dubius, A. elegans, A. exiguus, A. flavicollis, A. luteatus, A. maculatus, A. flaviceps, A. meridianus, A. notatus, A. parvulus, A. suturalis, A. interstitialis) is presented.

Key words: Carabidae, Acupalpus, Ukraine, distribution, bionomy, ecology, key.


О. М. Ярошко, В. В. Шепелевич, Л. Г. Степура, Л. М. Гриценко, Н. В. Яворська, В. М. Святецька, Т. М. Єфіменко, Г. В. Односум. Антибактеріальна активність екстрактів квітів щодо мікроорганізмів, виділених з личинок медоносних бджіл, уражених гнильцями  ............................................................................................................... 46

Antibacterial activity of flower extracts on microorganisms isolated from the larvae of honey bees affected by foulbroods. Yaroshko О. М., Shepelevych V. V., Stepura L. G., Hrytsenko L. M., Yavorska N. V., Svyatetska V. M., Yefimenko T. M, Odnosum H. V. It is known that bee colonies at certain diseases are able for “self-curing” and it coincides with the beginning of mass blooming of the melliferous plants. In other words, the phenomenon of “self-curing” may be related with therapeutic and health improving properties of the honey flora. Additionally, the flower nectar contains not only sucrose, fructose and glucose, but also dextrin, organic acids, minerals and enzymes, glycosides, essential oils, tannins, saponins, derivatives of phenol and flavones. That is why it is recommended to take out bee colonies out of places of forbs blooming to prevent and treat the bees᾽ diseases. We investigated the antibacterial properties of plant extracts of melliferous flowers against cell cultures, isolated from the bee`s honeycombs affected by foulbrood. Antibacterial activity of ethanol extracts of flowers on isolated strains of microsporidia were investigated using microbiological, cultural-morphological, biochemical, electron microscopy, and statistical methods. The antibacterial effect on the strain Melissococcus pluton 8.1 showed flower extracts of 14 species of plants, on bacteria of the Bacillus genus - flower extracts of 27 species of early blooming plants. The obtained data can be used in research on bee families affected by foulbrood, with foulbrood properties of such melliferous plants as: Lamium album, Acer campestre, Prunus tomentosa, Allium cepa, Tagetes patula, Spiraea japonica, Achillea millefolium, Calluna vulgaris, Mentha piperita, Tilia cordata, Centaurea jacea, Lysimachia nummularia. The results of experiments on the culture of microorganisms isolated from honeycombs of the bee families affected by foulbrood indicate that these plants can be effective for prevention and treatment of bacterial bee᾽s diseases.

Key words: melliferous plants, bacterial disease of bees, microbiota of combs with affected bee brood, antibacterial activity, Bacillus, Melissococcus pluton.


М. В. Круть. Д. Ф. Руднєв - відомий вчений-ентомолог .......................................................................................................................................................................53



Пам'яті Сікури Адальберта Йосиповича  ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 65

ПРАВИЛА ДЛЯ АВТОРІВ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66


№ 2(13)



A. V. Martynov, M. Žiak, Kh. I. Arkhipova. Stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera) of Eastern Ukraine: species list with data on distribution and habitat preferences ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera) of Eastern Ukraine: species list with data on distribution and habitat preferences. Martynov A. V. , Žiak M. , Kh. I. Arkhipova Kh. I. Stonefly fauna of Eastern Ukraine were investigated. Despite the numerous significant material and big number of sampling sites only five species of stoneflies in four genera and three families were registered in Eastern Ukraine. Habitat preferences of species were analyzed. Most numerous species within the region is Nemoura cinerea (Retzius, 1783). It is supposed that Leuctra fusca (Linnaeus, 1758) and Zwicknia bifrons (Newman, 1838) are represented by the geographically isolated populations within Eastern Ukraine.

Key words: stoneflies, species diversity, habitat preferences, Ukraine.

K. V. Martynova. Cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of the National Nature Park “Dniester canyon”: first species list with notes on rare taxa ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of the National Nature Park “Dniester canyon”: first species list with notes on rare taxa. Martynova K. V. The preliminary list of the cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of the National Nature Park “Dniester canyon” encounters 37 species in 7 genera of the subfamily Chrysidinae. Among these six taxa (Chrysura cuprea (Rossi, 1790), Chrysura austriaca (Fabricius, 1804), Chrysis distincta thalhammeri Mocsáry, 1889, Chrysis germari Wesmael, 1839, Chrysis phryne phryne (Rossi, 1790), Chrysis marginata Mocsáry, 1889) are rarely found in Ukraine and neighboring countries. The landscape variety and climatic characteristics of studied territory suggest that much more species can be revealed at NNP “Dniester canyon” further. 

Key words: cuckoo wasps, Chrysididae, Ukraine, National Nature Park “Dniester canyon”.

М. О. Калюжна. Видовий склад та хазяїно-паразитні зв’язки їздців-афідіїн (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) Національного природного парку «Дністровський каньйон» .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Species composition and host-parasitoid interactions of aphidiine wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) of the National Nature Park “Dniester Canyon”. Kaliuzhna M. O. Species composition and host-parasitoid interactions of aphidiine wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) are studied in the National Nature Park (NPP) “Dniester Canyon” for the first time. Totally 15 species of 10 genera are registered. Material was collected in 2017 as part of the project “Economically important groups of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera) and their hosts in the basin of the middle course of the Dniester River” (M/4-2017), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Also, specimens collected in 2016 at the NPP “Dniester Canyon” were identified. Entomological sweeping, as well as rearing from the infested aphid hosts were used as collecting methods. Species Adialytus ambiguus, Aphidius asteris, A. ervi, Lysiphlebus fabarum, Praon volucre have been registered quite often, while the species Lipolexis gracilis, Paralipsis evervis, Toxares deltiger are comparatively rare. A brief characteristic of species is presented, which includes trophic specialization, hosts, habitats, distribution in Ukraine and in the world. Among the identified species, wide oligophagous and polyphagous species are dominating. 

Key words: aphidiines, aphids, Dniester canyon, species composition, host-parasitoid interactions.

П. Н. Шешурак, Ю. А. Гугля, В. В. Кавурка, А. С. Вобленко. К изучению чешуекрылых (Insecta, Lepidotera) Ичнянского национального природного парка (Черниговская область, Украина) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38

On the study of Lepidoptera (Insecta) of the Ichnia National Nature Park (Chernihiv Region, Ukraine). Sheshurak P. M., Guglya Yu. O., Kavurka V. V., Voblenko O.S. An annotated checklist of Lepidoptera of the Ichnia National Nature Park (INNP) (589 species of 356 genera and 30 families) is given. The Trostyanets State Arboretum of NAS of Ukraine (as a separate component of INNP), where from 505 identified species of Lepidoptera of 304 genera and 21 families are recorded is studied the best among other territories. In other parts of INNP, only 119 species belonging to 101 genera and 24 families are registered. As the result of this study, 77 species of 73 genera and 20 Lepidoptera families are recorded from the INNP for the first time. Eleven species from the checklist (Saturnia pyri ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775), Eudia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758), Catocala fraxini (Linnaeus, 1758), Callimorpha dominula (Linnaeus, 1758), Staurophora celsia (Linnaeus, 1758), Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775), Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758), Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758), Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758, Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758), Limenitis populi (Linnaeus, 1758)) are included to the Red Book of Ukraine, one species (Lycaena dispar (Haworth, 1803)) is on the IUCN Red List, three species (Zerynthia polyxena, Parnassius mnemosyne, and Lycaena dispar) are on the European Red List and the Appendix II of the Bern Convention, two species (Hamearis lucina, Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1780)) are included to the Red Data Book of European Butterflies and two species (Autographa bractea ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775) and Nymphalis xanthomelas) are rare in this area and need conservation in Chernihiv Region. . 

Key words: Lepidoptera, Ichnia national nature park, Ukraine, species composition, conservation.

В. В. Кавурка, К. К. Голобородько. Перші результати дослідження листовійок (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) Національного природного парку «Великий луг» (Запорізька область, Україна) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61

First results of study of tortrix moths (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) at the National Nature Park «Velykyi Lug» (Zaporizhia Region, Ukraine). Kavurka V. V., Holoborodko K. K. he systematic list of tortrix moths (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) of the National Natural Park «Velykyi Lug» was compiled for the first time basing on the results of the study conducted in 2010–2016. At present it includes 9 tribes, 32 genera and 57 species: Tortricini (2 genera, 3 species), Cochylini (5 genera, 8 species), Cnephasiini (1 genus, 2 species), Archipini (4 genera, 8 species), Endotheniini (1 genus, 2 species), Olethreutini (4 genera, 9 species), Lobesiini (1 genus, 1 species), Eucosmini (9 genera, 18 species) and Grapholitini (3 genera, 6 species). Eleven species of tortrix moths appeared to be the most numerous in the collections (almost 20% of the total number of species found on the territory of the National Natural Park «Velykyi Lug»): Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus, 1758), Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758), Phalonidia contractana (Zeller, 1847), Eucosma conterminana (Guenée, 1845), Epiblema scutulana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Cydia pyrivora (Danilevsky, 1947), Celypha cespitana (Hübner, [1817]), Spilonota ocellana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Pandemis heparana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Cnephasia communana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851) and Epiblema foenella (Linnaeus, 1758). The total number of specimens of the species studied constitutes ka. 70 % of the total number of all collected tortrix moths on the territory of the National Natural Park «Velykyi Lug». There are five species among these that can harm the garden crops, forest and park plantations: Cydia pomonella, C. pyrivora, Archips rosana, Pandemis heparana and Spilonota ocellana. Other species of tortrix moths (80 % of the total number of species found on the territory of the National Natural Park «Velykyi Lug») occur as a separate specimens (from 1 to 5) in the collections.

Key words: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, National Nature Park «Velykyi Lug», Ukraine.

А. М. Теплюк. Фауна мошок (Diptera, Simuliidae) Карпатського біосферного заповідника ........................................................................................................... 67

Fauna of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Сarpathian Biosphere Reserve. Tepliuk A.M. A total of 32 species of blackflies in 2 genera are registered in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. Among these 23 species develop in the streams (the index of species diversity of Simpson (Іs) is 0,011), and 19 species (Іs – 0,023) of Simuliidae develop in the rivers. Ten species are common for both types of watercourses (the index of similarity of Chekanovsky-Sorensen (I) is 0.6). Only 13 species of blackflies develop in the streams, and only 8 species develop in the rivers. The nucleus of simuliidfauna in the rivers formed by the mass representatives: Simulium (Nevermannia) carthusiense Grenier et Dorier, 1959, S. (s.str.) rotundatum Rubtsov, 1940, S. (s.str.) intermedium Roubaud, 1906, S. (s.str.) trifasciatum Curtis, 1839 form the nucleus of the fauna Simuliidae of the streams, аnd S. (s.str.) ibariense Zivkovitch et Grenier, 1959, S. (s.str.) bezziі Corti, 1914, S. (s.str.) argyreatum Meigen, 1838, S. (s.str.) maximum Knoz, 1961 form the nucleus of the rivers. Within the reserve S. (s.str.) argyreatum, S. (s.str.) trifasciatum are the widespread species and Prosimulium tomosvaryi Enderlein, 1921, S. (s.str.) brevidens Rubtsov, 1956, S. (s.str.) bezzi, S. (s.str.) maximum, S. (s.str.) monticola Friederichs, 1920, S. (s str.) ornatum Meigen, 1818, S. (s.str.) variegatum Meigen, 1818 are spread ones. The larvae and pupae inhabit different submerged substrates of the natural (mainly fallen leaves, branches of trees, stems of plant, stones) and anthropogenic (polyethylene, glass, reinforced concrete support of bridges) origin. The water phases of blackflies mostly occur at a depth 0.2–4,0 cm. The complex of Simuliidae in the watercourses at the altitudes up to 499 m a.s.l. counts 20 species (Іs – 0,085), at 500–749 m a.s.l. 26 species (Іs – 0,039), at 750–999 m a.s.l. 16 species (Іs – 0,025), at more than 1000 m a.s.l only 10 species (Іs – 0,086). Seventeen species of blackflies have one generation per year, 10 species have two generations, 5 species have three generations. The first larvae appear at the end of February – in early March, and first imagoes emerge in the middle of April. 

Key words: blackflies, fauna, species composition, streams, rivers, Karpathian Biosphere Reserve.

А. М. Заморока, Р. М. Бідичак, Ю. М. Геряк, С. В. Глотов, І. Я. Капрусь, Ю. Г. Козоріз, О. В. Мартинов, О. В. Михайлюк-Заморока, Т. І. Пушкар, В. Б. Різун, О. М. Слободян, Н. А. Смірнов, С. Ю. Утєвський, В. Ю. Шпарик. Розповсюдження рідкісних видів безхребетних тварин, занесених до Червоної книги України, в Івано-Франківській області .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77

Distribution of rare invertebrate animals listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Zamoroka A. M., Bidychak R. M., Geriak Yu. M., Glotov S. V., Kaprus I.Ya., Kozoriz Yu.H., Martynov А.V., Mykhayliuk-Zamoroka O.V., Pushkar T.I., Rizun V. B., Slobodian O. M., Smirnov N. A., Utevsky S. Yu., Shparyk V. Yu. In the current study we present comprehensive list of 65 rare invertebrate animal species listed in third edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine and their records in Ivano-Frankivsk Region of Ukraine. Some of the listed species are under protection of International legal acts such as Bern Convention – 15 species, European Red List – 14 species, Red List of IUCN – 21 species and EU Habitats Directive – 11 species. We provide detail data on their records, estimation of populations size and their range in Ivano-Frankivsk Region. We found that two species are, possibly, extinct in the Region. Populations of three species are critically endangered and dramatically decreasing in the size. Fifteen species are characterized by small and stable populations. We revealed that populations of fourteen species are large in size with high density of individuals. Two species rapidly increased their range northward and currently penetrated into Ivano-Frankivsk Region. However, there are no sufficient data on population size for the rest 29 species. We described distribution of the rare species within Ivano-Frankivsk Region. According to our data, 21 species are widely distributed in the Region occupying the Carpathian Mountains, the Precarpathian Lowland and the Podillya Eminence. Seventeen species were registered only in the Carpathian Mountains; all other species distributed mainly within the Precarpathian Lowland and/or the Podillya Eminence. Present data can be used in preparation the IV edition Red data Book of Ukraine, and also be a base for creation Red book of Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

Key words: invertebrate animals, rare species, Red data Book of Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk Region.


М. В. Круть. Зоолог–ентомолог М.М. Римський-Корсаков ............................................................................................................................................................. 95

ПРАВИЛА ДЛЯ АВТОРІВ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 99




N2, N3


N4, N5


N6, N7


N8, N9






N12, N13