№ 1-2(10)


М. В. Круть. Відомі українські вчені-ентомологи — учасники Великої Вітчизняної війни  .............................. 3


А. В. Пучков, В. Б. Ризун. Жужелицы трибы Trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) фауны Украины  ................................................................................ 13

The Ground-Beetles of Trechini tribe (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Ukraine

Key words : .

Е. В. Мартынова Определительная таблица ос-блестянок (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Восточной Украины ........................................................................................................................  33

Key for the identification of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of Eastern Ukraine .

Key words: Acari, Tetranychoidea, Tetranychidae, Bryobiidae, Middle Dnieper area, Ukraine.

С. В. Воловник, В. Ю. Назаренко, П. Н. Шешурак. Долгоносики-ликсины (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Lixinae) Черниговской области (Украина): видовой состав и географическое распространение]  ............................................ 76

Lixine weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Lixinae) of the Chernihiv region (Ukraine): species composition and geographical distribution


Key words: .

Пучков А. В., Шешурак П. Н., Назаров Н. В.[Жужелицы (Сoleoptera: Сarabidae) Черниговской области (Украина). 1. Nebriini, Notiophilini, Loricerini  ........................................................................ 84

The ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Chernigov region (Ukraine). 1. Nebriini, Notiophilini, Loricerini}

. Based on own and museum collections and literature data, 13 species from 7 genera of short-winged mold beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) belonging to 4 tribes Tychini, Pselaphini, Ctenistini, and Tyrini are given. Four species (Tychus niger (Paykull, 1800), Т. armeniacus Saulcy, 1878, Chennium steiger-waldi Reitter, 1881, and Pselaphogenius longipalpis Kiesenwetter 1850) are new for fauna of Ukraine. For all species places of finds, short ecological and morphologic data and occurrence are presented. Keys of genera and species are given.

Key words: Pselaphinae, Tychini, Pselaphini, Ctenistini, Tyrini, Ukraine.

Чернєй Л. С.[Ulomoides dermestoides (Chevrolat, 1878) (Сoleoptera, Tenebrionidae) в условиях Украины и его таскономическое положение]{ 92-104

 ............................................................................................................................................................... 45

Ulomoides dermestoides (Chevrolat, 1878) (Сoleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in Ukraine environments and its systematic position}.

Key words: amber, arthropods, inclusion, toponym, Ukraine.


Заблудовская С.А.[Почвенные клещи (Acarina) днепровских островов г. Киева и его окрестностей]{The soil mites (Acari) of Dnieper islands of Kyev and neighbourhood} 105-112

 .......................................................................... 51

The biological features of Chrysura laevigata (Abeille, 1879) (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) at the steppe zone of Eastern Ukraine. Martynova K.V. The results of using the method of artificial trap-nests on the territory of reserve “Kam’yani mohyly” (department of Ukrainian Steppe Reserve) in 2008–2010 are presented. For the first time the chrysisid wasp Chrysura laevigata was shown to be the host of megachilid bee Osmia coerulescens and the sex ratio of the former was shown to be 2:1 (133♀: 66 ♂). The role of Ch. laevigata in the regulation of host’s abundance is detected – it is the main enemy of O. coerulescens. The regularity of occupation of the host nests and the biotopical preference within the reserve are also discussed: the highest abundance of the bee and its enemy is registered at the mesophytic biotops, where the chrysidid wasps invade approximately the half of host nests. Both Ch. laevigata and O. coerulescens were shown to overwinter as imagoes (enclosed in their cocoons). One more enemy, the inquiline Sapyga quinquepunctata L. (Sapygidae), was revealed in the nests of O. coerulescens – occupied 10% of host nests, and the half of them it shared with Ch. laevigata. The both enemies had been developing successfully, while following different strategies: the inquiline S. quinquepunctata fed on pollen mass, the methaparasite Ch. laevigata, obviously, ate the last instar larva/prepupae of host bee. The main reason to state the latter is the fact that all cocoons of chrysidid wasp were found within the cocoons of the host bee (the «hidden cocoons»). The investigation on cocoons structure gave also the opportunity to reveal some aspects of interaction between Ch. laevigata and O. coerulescens at the preimaginal stages.

Key words: chrysidid wasps, Chrysura laevigata, Osmia coerulescens, nest, cocoon, reserve “Kam’yani Mohyly”.


В. Ю. ) ................................................................................................................... 69

Morphological anomalies in Molytinae weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Nazarenko V. Yu. Tw.


М. В. Круть. Круть М. В.[Видатний ентомолог М.В. Курдюмов]{Well-known entomologist M.V. Kurdyumov}113-117 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 73

Круть М. В.[Микола Абрамович Теленга — видатний український ентомолог]{Mykola Abramovich Telenga — well-known ukranian entomologist} 118-125

ПРАВИЛА ДЛЯ АВТОРІВ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 126