№ 1(6)



А.В. Пучков. Обзор жужелиц трибы Platynini Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) фауны Украины. ................................................................................................ 3

Putchkov A.V. The ground-beetles of tribe Platynini Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Ukraine. Summary. Geographical distribution of 37 species belonging to 7 genera of the tribe Platynini (Agonum — 26, Platynus — 5, Olisthopus — 2, Anchonemus, Oxypselaphus, Paranchus and Sericoda each with 1 species) in Ukraine is considered. Agonum permoestum is revorded for the first time in the fauna of Ukraine. Five species were omitted in Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera (2003) for Ukraine: Agonum dolens (Mixed Forest and Wood-and-Steppe zones), A. ericeti (Carpathian Mountains, Mixed Forest zone and North of Wood-and-Steppe zone), A. fuliginosum (all Ukraine, except Southern Steppe subzone and Crimea), A. permoestum (south of Odessa Region) and Olisthopus sturmii (almost all of Ukraine). The data on occurence of species composition in Ukraine are given. Only six species occur in all gegraphical regions of Ukraine. In Transcarpathian Lowland, 22 species are registered, 26 species in each Carpathian Mountains and Deciduous Forest zone, 28 species occur in the Mixed Forest zone, 25 species in the Wood-and-Steppe zone and 21 species in the Steppe zone. Only 13 species inhabit Crimean Mountains. Zoogeographic and ecological data of all species are briefly discussed.. 

Key  words: Carabidae, Platynini, Ukraine, geographical distribution, zoogeography, ecology, occurence.

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В.Ю. Назаренко. До вивчення жуків надродини Сurculionoidea (Сoleoptera) Національного природного парку “Деснянсько-Старогутський”. ........................... 12

V.Yu. Nazarenko. On the Study of the Weevils of the Superfamily Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) in the the "Desnyansko-Starogutsky" National Nature Park. Summary. Studies of the fauna in the “Desnyansko-Starogutskiy” National Park  revealed 126 species of 6 families of the superfamily Curculionoidea: Neocoenorrhinus germanicus (Herbst, 1797), Temnocerus caeruleus (Fabricius, 1798), Apoderus erythropterus (Gmelin, 1790), Apion cruentatum Walton, 1844, A. frumentarium (Linnaeus, 1758), A. haematodes Kirby 1808, A. rubens Walton 1844, Betulapion simile (Kirby, 1811), Сeratapion onopordi (Kirby, 1808), Cyanapion spencei (Kirby, 1817), Eutrichapion viciae (Paykull, 1800), E. vorax (Herbst, 1797), Exapion elongatulum (Desbrochers, 1891), Ischnopterapion loti (Kirby, 1808), Melanapion minimum (Herbst, 1793), Omphalapion hookerorum (Kirby, 1808), Oxystoma craccae (Linnaeus, 1767), O. subulatum (Kirby, 1808), Perapion curtirostre (Germar, 1817), P. marchicum (Herbst, 1797), P. oblongum (Gyllenhal, 1839), P. violaceum (Kirby, 1808), Protapion apricans (Herbst, 1797), P. dissimile (Germar, 1817), P. fulvipes (Fourcroy, 1785), Pseudoperapion brevirostre (Herbst, 1797), Stenopterapion meliloti (Kirby, 1808), Taeniapion urticarium (Herbst, 1784), Taphrotopium sulcifrons (Herbst, 1797), Nanophyes brevis Boheman, 1845, N. marmoratus (Goeze, 1777), Grypus brunnirostris (Fabricius, 1792), Notaris acridulus (Linnaeus, 1758), Tanysphyrus lemnae (Paykull, 1792), Thryogenes festucae (Herbst, 1795), Anthonomus rubi (Herbst, 1795), Archarius salicivorus (Paykull, 1792), Auleutes epilobii (Paykull, 1800), Bagous subcarinatus Gyllenhal, 1836, Baris artemisiae (Herbst, 1795), Brachonyx pineti (Paykull, 1792), Brachyderes incanus (Linnaeus, 1758), Ceutorhynchus erysimi (Fabricius, 1787), C. floralis (Paykull, 1792), C. hampei (Ch. Brisout, 1868), Chlorophanus viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), Cionus clairvillei Boheman, 1838, C. hortulanus (Geoffroy, 1785), Cleopomiarus micros (Germar, 1821), Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus, 1758), Dorytomus melanophtalmus (Paykull, 1792), Glocianus distinctus (C. Brisout, 1870), Gymnetron melanarium (Germar, 1824), G. beccabungae (Linnaeus, 1761), G. veronicae (Germar, 1821), Hylobius abietis (Linnaeus, 1758), Hypera arator (Linnaeus, 1785), H. arundinis (Paykull, 1792), H. rumicis (Linnaeus, 1758), H. suspiciosa (Herbst, 1795), H. viciae (Gyllenhal, 1813), Larinus obtusus Gyllenhal, 1836, L. planus (Fabricius, 1792), L. turbinatus Gyllenhal, 1836, Limnobaris dolorosa (Goeze, 1777), L. t-album (Linnaeus, 1758), Lixus filiformis (Fabricius, 1781), L. bardanae (Fabricius, 1781), L. linearis Olivier, 1807, L. fasciculatus Boheman, 1836, L. iridis Olivier, 1807, L. paraplecticus (Linnaeus, 1758), Magdalis duplicata Germar, 1824, Marmaropus besseri Gyllenhal, 1837, Mecinus janthinus Germar, 1817, M. labilis (Herbst, 1795), M. pascuorum (Gyllenhal, 1813), Miarus ajugae (Herbst, 1795), Microplontus rugulosus (Herbst, 1795), M. triangulum (Boheman, 1845), Mogulones venedicus (Weise, 1879), Mononychus punctumalbum (Herbst, 1784), Nedyus quadrimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Orobitis cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1758), Otiorhynchus ligustici (Linnaeus, 1758), O. ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758), O. tristis (Scopoli, 1763), Pelenomus comari (Herbst, 1795), P. quadricorniger Colonnelli, 1986, P. waltoni (Boheman, 1843), Pelletierius albosignatus (Boheman, 1839), Phyllobius argentatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Ph. brevis Gyllenhal, 1834, Ph. calcaratus (Fabricius, 1792), Ph. maculicornis (Germar, 1824), Ph. pomaceus Gyllenhal, 1834, Ph. thalassinus Gyllenhal, 1834, Pissodes pini (Linnaeus, 1758), P. piniphilus (Herbst, 1795), Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst, 1793), Rhamphus oxyacanthae (Marsham, 1802), Rhinoncus bruchoides (Herbst, 1784), Rh. castor (Fabricius, 1792), Rh. perpendicularis (Reich, 1797), Rhinusa asellus (Gravenhorst, 1807), Rhyncolus ater (Linnaeus, 1758), Rh. sculpturatus Waltl, 1839, Scolytus intricatus (Ratzeburg, 1837), S. ratzeburgi Janson, 1856, Sibinia pellucens (Scopoli, 1772), Sitona cylindricollis Fahraeus, 1840, S. griseus (Fabricius, 1775), S. lateralis Gyllenhal, 1836, S. lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758), S. macularius (Marsham, 1802), S. striatellus Gyllenhal, 1834, S. waterhousei Walton, 1846, Smicronyx coecus (Reich, 1797), Strophosoma capitatum (Degeer, 1775), Tanymecus palliatus (Fabricius, 1793), Tapinotus sellatus (Fabricius, 1794), Trichosirocalus troglodytes (Fabricius, 1787), Tychius breviusculus Desbrochers, 1873, T. junceus (Reich, 1797), T. meliloti Stephens, 1831, T. picirostris (Fabricius, 1787). A comparison of the investigated areas of the park as a whole and Rivne Nature Reserve is given. 

Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, beetles, weevils, fauna, “Desnyansko-Starogutskiy” National Park.

П.Н. Шешурак, В.В. Кавурка. Коллекция ос-сколий (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) в фондах зоологического музея Нежинского государственного университета имени

Николая Гоголя (Черниговская область, Украина). ................................................................................................................................................................................ 33

P.N. Sheshurak, V.V. Kavurka. The Scoliid Wasps (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) from the Collection of the Zoological Museum of Nikolay Gogol State University of Nizhyn (Chernihiv Region, Ukraine). Summary. A checklist of the scoliid wasps (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) in the collection of the Zoological Museum of Gogol State University of Nizhyn, including the label data of all the available specimens is given. Two hundred ninety-four specimens of species of scoliid wasps, Colpa klugii (Van der Linden, 1829), Megascolia maculata (Drury, 1773), Scolia galbula (Pallas, 1771), S. fuciformis Scopoli, 1786, S. sexmaculata (O.F. Müller, 1766) and S. hirta Schranck, 1781, are deposited in collection here. Eighty-nine specimens of M. maculata, S. sexmaculata and S. hirta are collected in Chernihiv Region of Ukraine. This essentially expands distribution of the scoliid wasps in the Northeastern Ukraine. Ecological features of the scoliids of the regional fauna are considered. Megascolia maculata and Scolia hirta require protection in Chernihiv Region.

Key words: Hymenoptera, Scoliidae, scoliid wasps, collection, Nikolay Gogol State University of Nizhyn, Ukraine.

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В.К. Односум. Об изучении ископаемых жуков семейств горбаток и скраптиид (Coleoptera: Mordellidae, Scraptiidae) Cтарого Cвета. ............................................ 43

V. K. Odnosum. On the Study of the Fossil Mordellid and Scraptiid Beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae, Scraptiidae) of the Old World. Summary. The history of the studies of fossil mordellid and scraptiid beetles of the Old World is considered. Studies of compressions, as well as inclusions in the Baltic and Rovno ambers. The following synonymy is established: Scraptia inclusa Ermisch, 1941 = Pentaroides fischeri Jablokov-Khnzorian, 1960 syn. nov.

Key words: Coleoptera, Mordellidae, Scraptiidae, fossils, compressions, Baltic and Rovno amber.

А.А. Петренко, П.М. Шешурак. Видовий склад жуків-стафілінід (Cоleoptera, Staphylinidae) Національного природного парку “Деснянсько-Старогутський”.  50

A.A.Petrenko, P.N. Sheshurak. On the Study of  the Rove Beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Species Composition in the "Desnyansko-Starogutsky" National Nature Park. Summary. A checklist of 80 taxa of the rove beetles belonging to 42 genera and 9 subfamilies are recorded from the territory of NNP “Desnyansko- Starogutsky” taking into account the latest nomenclature changes is given. The subfamilies rechest in species are Staphylininae (26 spp.), Paederinae (13 spp.) and Tachyporinae (13 spp.). The genus Philonthus is reachest in species (10 spp.), which are large and active predators. The short ecological and zoogeographical data are given.

Key words: Сoleoptera, Staphilinidae, rove beetles, fauna, “Desnyansko-Starogutskiy” National Park.


М. В. Таращук. Адаптивні стратегії онтогенезу колембол під впливом забруднення як прояви гетерохронії. ................................................................................... 65

M. V. Tarashchuk. Adaptive Strategies of the Collembolan's Onthogenesis under the Pollution as the Manifestations of a Heterochrony. Summary. Influence of pollution on the development of laboratory cultures of Orthonychiurus stachianus, Folsomia candida and Heteromurus nitidus (Collembola) was studied. For regular wetting the increasing concentrations of Pb(NO3)2 solution were used. Experiments were carried out under different fixed temperature and two levels of relative humidity. Comparative analysis of the results showed the significant acceleration of development rates and reduce the amount of degree days (effective temperatures sum) in O. stachianus and F. candida under impact of increasing pollutant concentration. On the contrary, the life cycle duration and degree days sum of Heteromurus nitidus increased under such conditions. The representatives of different families demonstrated the different ontogenetic strategies that may be considered as variants of heterohrony process. The adaptive response of the investigated species development differs accordingly to differences of their ecological strategies. Analysis of the overall population density changes caused by pollution should take into account the possible acceleration of development rates and increasing egg lying frequency, observed in some species, in addition to reducing the amount of egg lying and increase of mortality. This fact complicates the estimation of population response to pollution.

Key words: Сollembola, pollution, development, ontogenesis, life cycle, embryogenesis, intermoulting period, adaptive strategies, degree days, effective temperatures sum, lower

temperature threshold.

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Л.С. Черней. Новые для фауны Украины род и вид жуков-чернотелок (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). .................................................................................................. 78

L.S. Cherney. First Records of a Genus and Species of the Darkling Beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from Ukraine. Summary. Ulomоіdes dermestoides Chevrolat, 1878 is recorded for the first time from Ukraine.

Key words: Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Ukraine.


В.Л. Мєшкова. Підходи до оцінювання шкідливості комах-хвоєлистогризів.  ........................................................................................................................................ 79

V. L. Meshkova. Approaches to evaluation of injuriousness of foliage browsing insects. Summary. Methodical approaches for evaluation the relations between characteristics “insect population density — level of crown damage (defoliation)” and “defoliation level — consequences for trees and stands” are presented. Criteria of estimation for ability of foliage browsing insects to damage forest are considered. Species of foliage browsing insects, which damage trees up to economically significant level, are able to rapid increase their population and maintain it for several years. List of forest plots, where crown damage by foliage browsing insects is expected, as well as the borders of their foci of mass propagation is expedient to determine using forest inventory data and score of preference of forest plots for mass propagation of one or another insect species. Prediction of threat of crown damage by foliage browsing insects using population number is the most precise in the case of assessment of eggs (before hatch) or the youngest larvae. Factors, which influence on the results of evaluation of increment losses or sanitary condition change in result of tree damage by foliage browsing insects are analyzed. These indices depend on regional climate, weather, ecological conditions of forest plot, increment and condition of trees before beginning of outbreak, as well as from period of insect feeding, possibility and temps of crown regeneration.

Key words: foliage browsing insects, threshold population density, injuriousness, defoliation, sanitary condition of trees, increment of trees.

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М.В. Круть. В.І. Вернадський (до 150-річчя від дня народження). ........................................................................................................................................................ 90

M. V. Krut'. On the 150s Anniversary of Vladimir I. Vernadsky. 


Правила для авторів. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92

№ 2(7)


95 років Національній академії наук України. ................................................................................................ 3

Ninety-Fifth Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Восьмий з’їзд громадської організації «Українське ентомологічне товариство». Резолюція. .......... 6

Eigth Meeting of the Ukrainian Entomological Society. Summary.


П.В. Пучков. Адвентивні види клопів (Heteroptera) у Європі. ................................................................... 11

Putchkov P.V. Invasive True Bugs (Heteroptera) established in Europe. Summary. Till now at least 19 extra-European true bug species have established in Europe. Four of them were registered before 1960 (North American Stephanitis rhododendri Horvath and Pentacora sphacelata (Uhler, 1877); East Asian Stephanitis pyrioides (Scott) and Amphiareus obscuriceps Poppius), three — in 1961–1991 (North American Corytucha ciliata (Say) and Tupiocoris rhododendri (Dolling); Buchananiella continua (White) of unknown origin), and twelve — after 1991 (North American Perillus bioculatus (Fabricius), Trichocorixa verticalis (Fieber), Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, Corythucha arcuata (Say), Tropidosteptes pacificus (Van Duzee), Belonochilus numenius (Say), Zelus renardii (Kolenati), Tempyra biguttula Stal; East Asian Stephanitis takeyai Drake et Maa, Halyomorpha halys (Stal); New Zealand Nysius huttoni White; Amphiareus constricus (Stal) of unknown origin). Probably, six other species (Empicoris rubromaculatus (Blackburn), Ploiaria chilensis (Philippi), Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter), Taylorilygus apicalis (Fieber), Dichrooscytus gustavi Josifov, Nezara viridula (Linnaeus)) have extra-European origin too; except Ploiaria chilensis, they have expanded their European ranges during the last 20-50 years. Also many south European true bug species advanced recently to Middle, North-West and partially — to North Europe and settled down there. The recent acceleration of alien true bugs range expansion and naturalization process takes place due to various human-induced (intensification of intercontinental and intra-continental flows of people and goods; broadscale introduction of numerous alien plants — hosts to many invasive bugs or to their prey; man-made changes of native landscapes and communities; the industrial “islands of warmth” in megalopolises) and natural warming effects. Appearance in and expansion within Ukraine of two alien pests of sycamores (lace bug Corytucha ciliata) and conifers (coreid Leptoglossus occidentalis), as well as an extension of sycamore feeding seed bug Arocatus longiceps Stal beyond Crimea are the regional emergences of this general tendency. 

Key words: Heteroptera, alien species, range extension, Europe, Ukraine.

Д.В. Вовк, П.Н. Шешурак, Н.В. Назаров. Пластинчатоусые жуки (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) Ичнянского национального природного парка (Черниговская область, Украина).  29

Vovk D.V., Sheshurak P.N., Nazarov N.V. The Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) of the Ichnya National Nature Park (Chernihiv Region, Ukraine). Summary. Check-list of the Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) from Ichnya National Nature Park is given. Collections were made by usual methods for this group of insect near Budy village (ca. 51˚45’N, 32˚07’E), near Chervone village (ca. 50˚48’N, 32˚15’E), near Trostyanets village (ca. 50˚47’N, 32˚49’E) and near Khayenki village (ca. 50˚51’N, 32˚17’E) from Ichnya district. On the territory of the Ichnya National Park the 49 species from 4 families are present (it is near 40% from all species of Scarab Beetles on the Chernigov Region)/ There are: Lucanidae – 3, Trogidae – 1, Geotrupidae – 4, Scarabaeidae – 41 species. Only 5 species need to protect: one species is submitted in Ukrainian Red Book and Bern Convention (Lucanus cervus Linnaeus, 1758), one species is submitted in European Red List (Onthophagus furcatus (Fabricius, 1781)) and three species are regional rare (Liocola marmorata (Linnaeus, 1758) (= lugubris Herbst, 1786), Cetonischema aeruginosa (Drury, 1770), Eupotosia affinis (Andesch, 1797)). Many common species were not found in the Ichnya National Park until now. We are hoping that they would be registrated in future. In this case the full check-list of Scarab Beetles would be increased to more than 100 species. 

Key words: Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Ichnya national nature park, Chernihiv Region, Ukraine.

О.В. Жовнерчук. Видове різноманіття тетраніхоїдних кліщів (Acariformes, Tetranychoidea) м. Черкаси (Україна) ........ 32

Zhovnerchuk O.V. Species diversity of tetranyhoid mites (Acariformes, Tetranychoidea) of Cherkassy city (Ukraine). Summary. Total, 15 species and 10 genera of spider mites were found on the green plantings of Cherkassy city in 2013. The mite Eurytetranychus furcisetus Wainstein, 1956 is recorded in Ukraine for the first time. Nine species (B. redikorzevi, B. ulmophila, T. horridus, E. furcisetus, A. viennensis, O. mitis, O. longiclavatus, O. ununguis, S. tiliarium) were found on trees, five species (E. buxi, A. viennensis, P. ulmi, N. rubi, O. ununguis) – on the bushes and three species (T. hystriciformis, T. turkestani, P. przhevalskii) — on the herbs. The cases of coexistence of different species of tetranychoid mites on the same plant were noted. The number of mite species increases from the center to the outskirts of the city. The index of similarity of species diversity of tetranychoid mites in Cherkassy city and Kyiv city is 55%. The occurrence index, relative abundance of species and their feeding preferences are given.

Key words: Acariformes, Tetranychoidea, Cherkassy, Ukraine.

М.А. Калюжная. К изучению афидиид (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) зеленых насаждений г. Киева ................................ 36

Kaliuzhna M. O. On the study of Aphidiid wasps (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) in green areas of Kiev. Summary. For the first time a study of the Aphidiidae species composition was conducted in green areas of Kiev. Material was collected in 8 districts of the city during 1977-2013 through sweeping and rearing from infested aphids. In green areas of Kiev 31 species from 12 genera were found. Among the identified aphidiids the most abundant genera are Aphidius (9 species), Ephedrus (4 species), Praon (3 species). Lysiphlebus species are characterized by the highest frequency of occurrence. The least common species are Adialytus salicaphis, Aphidius megourae, Binodoxys sp. aff. brevicornis, Paralipsis enervis, Pauesia abietis, P. laricis, Praon longicorne, P. pubescens, Trioxys cirsii. Thirteen species occurs mostly in habitats with meadow, steppe and ruderal vegetation; 13 species are found mainly in forest habitats, parks and squares, 5 species are eurybionts. The greatest diversity of species observed on Murometz Isl. — 15 species, in «Teremki» and «Lysa Hora» localities — 11 and 8 species, respectively. In our opinion, the location and the preserved natural conditions of the territories, as well as the regular collection of the material in the localities, can explain this result. A greater variety of species on Murometz Isl. can be explained also by its location on the border of the forest and forest-steppe zones, and a variety of habitats (wet meadow, forest and forest-steppe areas and localities with ruderal vegetation). For more information, further research on the diversity and distribution of Aphidiidae in green areas of Kiev is required.

Key words: Aphidiidae, parasites of aphids, Ukraine, Kiev, green areas.

А.В. Пучков. Жужелицы трибы Licinini Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) фауны Украины и сопредельных территорий .......................................................................... 41

Putchkov A.V. The ground-beetles of tribe Licinini Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Ukraine and adjacent territories. Summary. The data of geographical distribution of 13 species from 2 genera of tribe Licinini (Badister — 9 species, Licinus – 4 species) in 13 main regions of Ukrraine are given. України. Four species (Licinus silphoides, L. hoffmannseggii, Badister lacertosus and B. dorsiger) in Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera (2003) for Ukraine are not presented. The ecological data are discussed. The data of occurence of species composition in Ukraine and key are given.

Key words: Carabidae, Licinini, Ukraine, geographical distribution, ecology, occurence.

М.Е. Сергеев. К изучению жуков-листоедов (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) Национального природного парка «Святые Горы» (Украина, Донецкая область) ...... 51

Sergeyev M.E.The study of the leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of National Nature Park «Svyati Gory». Summary. For the first time the check-list of leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of National Natural Park «Svyati Gory» (the valley of the Seversky Donets River in the south-east part of Ukraine) are presented. The park is one of the largest protected area in the Ukraine.The material of leaf-beetles was collected in the period from 1999 to 2012 in National Natural Park, as well as in adjacent areas of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv Regions too. 297 species of leaf beetles from 70 genera and 12 subfamilies are registrated (more than 80% of the family in the south-eastern part of Ukraine). The representatives of almost all subfamilies of leaf-beetles, known in Europe (except of the subfamily Synetinae), are marked. Most of species are typical taxa for the steppe zone of Ukraine. Three subfamilies: Alticinae, Chrysomelinae and Cryptocephalinae are dominated. Three species (Timarcha goettingensis (L.), Crepidodera nitidula (L.), C. lamina (Bedel.)) are known for region by the literature data only. 23 species are included in the check-list as possible finds. Genus Calomicrus Dillw.are new for Ukraine. Species of genus Oreina Chevr.is found in the south-east of Ukraine at the first time. Find of Gonioctena decemnotata (Marsh.), Zygogramma suturalis F. and Cryptocephalus octomaculatus Rossi, faunistically are very interesting. Biology and distributions of these species are not well understood. It is probably, that the National Park — southern boundary for the some steppe species. In the park is marked as well Cryptocephalus pini (L.), one of the few species of the leaf-beetles which trophically associated with coniferous plants. Gonioctena linneana (Schrnk.), Hippuriphila modeeri (L.), Hermaeophaga mercurialis (L.), Argopus ahrensii Germ. are rare species for the whole south-east of Ukraine.

Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, fauna, protected areas, «Svyati Gory», the south-east of Ukraine.


Г.Д. Нужна. Оваріальні яйця їздців-іхневмонід підродини Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) фауни України. ........................................................ 60

Nuzhna A. D.  Ovarian eggs of the Anomaloninae Wasps (Hymenoptera, Icnheumonidae) from Ukraine. Summary. The morphological data on the ovarian eggs of the Anomaloninae wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Ukraine are given. The subfamily Anomaloninae is divided into two tribes: Anomalonini (with one recent genus Anomalon) and Gravenhorstiini (which includes 41 genera). The representatives of this subfamily are larval and pupal endoparasitoids of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. The previous studies of the ovarian eggs of Anomaloninae were conducted by K. Iwata (1958, 1960). As a result of our research during the 2011-2013 the eggs of 15 species belonging to 7 genera (Anomalon Panzer, Agrypon Förster, Barylypa Förster, Erigorgus Förster, Trichomma Wesmael, Therion Curtis, and Aphanistes Förster) were studied. For genera Barylypa Förster and Erigorgus Förster ovarian eggs were described for the first time. The eggs are oval; the colour is yellowish, grey-yellowish or brownish-yellow. Basing on the shape and the presence of special outgrowth on the ovarian eggs’ surface we divide the Anomaloninae species into the 2 groups: the species, whose eggs have caudal stalks and disks and the species whose eggs have not special outgrowths. The caudal stalks and disks appointed to fixate the eggs in the hosts’ body. The form of the eggs

have common features for the closely related genera or species belonging to the same genus.

Key words: Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Anomaloninae, ovarian eggs.



С.П. Ужевська, О.К. Фурман, С.П. Ковалішина, Н.М. Непомяща. Кліщі (Acarina) міцетобіонти культивованих грибів ........... 64

Uzhevska S.P., Furman O.К., Kovalishyna S.P., Nepomyashcha N.M.. Mycetobiotic mites (Acarina) of cultured mushrooms. Summary. On the champignons and oyster in the farms of South of Ukraine 19 species of mites are registered: Mesostigmata (11 species from 5 families) — Aceosejidae (4), Macrochelidae (1), Laelaptidae (3), Parasitidae (1), Rhodacaridae (2); Trombidiformes (4 species from 5 families) — Pygmephorіdae (1), Tarsonemіdae (3); Sarcoptiformes (4 species from 5 families) — Astigmata, Acaroidea (3); Oribatida, Оppiidae (1). Actually as mycetophages are known only representatives of Pygmephorіdae, Tarsonemіdae, Acaridae and Оppiidae families. On the champignons Pygmephoridae (as dominants), Acaridae and Gamasida mites were registrated. On the oyster– only Gamasida and Acaridae mites are found. 

Key words: mites, mushrooms cultivation, Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus ostreatus.


О.З. Злотін, Т.Ю. Маркіна. Експрес-метод добору вихідного біоматеріалу для створення культур комах.................................. 69

Т.А. Сергі. Методики дослідження преімагінальних фаз родини жуків-скритників (Coleoptera, Latridiidae) .............................. 73


М.В. Круть. Олександр Неприцький-Грановський — відомий eнтомолог українського походження .......................................... 80


Правила для авторів. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 87





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