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В. П. Федоренко. Пам'яті  Віри Олексіївни Мамонтової ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4


В. А. Мамонтова. Теоретическое и прикладное значение систематики и ее методологий на примере тлей (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) .............................................. 6

Theoretical and applied significance of systematics, its methodologies in the study of aphids (Homoptera, Aphidoidea).  Mamontova V. A. The literature data and the author's own research, have exhaustively proved that taxonomy provides a framework for all other studies in entomology. The main thing in the taxonomy is full compliance with the genealogical tree of the study group, i.e., its evolutionary path determining the phylogeny of the group. There are two accepted methods for compiling the system and species determination: «evolutionary taxonomy», which the author of the article is based on and economical computer Hennig‘s «phylogenetic systematics» (Hennig, 1954, 1956) or cladistics. Specific examples show that the preference to cladistics among foreign aphidologists leads to by no means reliable conclusions, inconsistent with the systems under study. Even carried out at the high molecular level (Normark, 2000), it does not save the family tree from errors and conventions. Thus, cladistic ethodology in the study of aphids (due to their complex biology, and polymorphism in particular) is completely unacceptable. Only evolutionary taxonomy, based on A. N. Severtsov‘s and his school teaching «Morphological Patterns of Evolution» is allowable. 

Key words: evolutionary taxonomy, cladistics, Homoptera, Aphidoidea. 

М. Д. Зерова. Переописание и новые данные о распространении Tetramesa eximia (Giraud) (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) ................................................................ 24

A redescription and a new data on the destribution of Tetramesa eximia (Giraud) (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae).  Zerova M. D. Detaled redescription of Tetramesa eximia (Giraud) based on formerly not examined materials from Astrahan region (Russia), North Caucasus (Dagestan), Middle Asia (Tadjikistan) and Russian Far East (Primorsky region). New data on distribution of T. eximia is given. T. eximia habitually close to some native species (T. phyllostachitis) and T. romana) which are characterized by the large size (up to 6 mm) and longer of abdomen. From these species T. eximia distinguished by short-haired flagellum of male. Besides, T. eximia is differ from T. romana – more longer marginal vein, and from T. phyllostachitis – shorter postmarginal vein. These species are distinguished by biology too. T. eximia is phytophagousee (live in stems of Calamagrostis), but T. phyllostachitis – in stems of Phyllostachis bambusoides, and T. romana – in the stems of Arundo donax

Key words: Tetramesa, Eurytomidae, redescription, distribution. 

M. O. Kaliuzhna. First data on aphidiine wasps (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of the Kaniv nature reserve ......................................................................................................... 29

First data on aphidiine wasps (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of the Kaniv nature reserve.  Kaliuzhna M. O. Aphidiine species composition of Kaniv Nature Reserve, as a model object of natural ecosystem of Wood-and-Steppe zone of Ukraine, was studied. Totally 13 species of 6 genera were identified from the territory of research: Ephedrus cerasicola Starý, 1962; Ephedrus niger Gautier, Bonnamour et Gaumont, 1929; Ephedrus plagiator (Nees, 1811); Рraon necans Mackauer, 1959; Praon volucre (Haliday, 1833); Aphidius ervi Haliday, 1834; Aphidius funebris Mackauer,1961; Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani-Perez, 1902; Aphidius urticae Haliday, 1834; Adialytus ambiguus (Haliday, 1834); Pauesia unilachni (Gahan, 1926); Binodoxys acalephae (Marshall, 1896); Binodoxys angelicae (Haliday, 1833). Trophic specialization and habitat preferences of these species are stated. By trophic specialization: three species are polyphagous, six species are wide oligophagous, and four species are narrow oligophagous. As for habitat preferences: five species located mostly in meadows and steppes, four species — in agrocenoses and habitats with ruderal vegetation, four species — in habitats of deciduous forests, one species connected with aphids on conifers, one species — with aphids on wetland vegetation. Aphidiine species composition of Kaniv Nature Reserve is almost identical to species list of nearby anthropogenically changed areas; it differs in one species, P. unilachni, which was recorded only in natural area. 

Key words: Aphidiinae, aphid parasitoids, Kaniv Nature Reserve, species composition. 

А. Д. Нужна. Новые и редкие для фауны Украины виды подсемейства Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) ....................................................................... 33

New and rare for the Ukrainian fauna Anomaloninae species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae).  Nuzhna A. D. Anomaloninae are the primary larval-pupal endoparasitoids of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. This parasitoid wasps play large role in maintaining the diversity of other insects, but they have been rarely considered in conservation nature efforts. Unlike other Ichneumonidae, Anomaloninae may inhabit areas with a fairly dry climate, therefore a lot of species of this subfamily are common in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, as well as in small steppe areas in other natural areas. While studying the Anomaloninae specimens deposited in the collection of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Kyiv), eight rare species were found. Three species (Aphanistes thoracicus (Brischke, 1880), Heteropelma fulvitarse Cameron, 1899, Perisphincter brevicollis (Wesmael, 1849)) were previously unknown from Ukraine. The protection of areas where are the identified habitats of these insects is recommended. 

Key words: Ichneumonidae, Anomaloninae, Hymenoptera, fauna of Ukraine. 

К. Б. Сухомлін, О. П. Зінченко. Таксономічна різноманітність мошок (Diptera, Simuliidae) України ...................................................................................................... 38

The taxonomic diversity of blackflies (Simuliidae) of Ukraine. K. B. Sukhomlin, O. P. Zinchenko. In the article has been considered the current state of simuliidae fauna of Ukraine. The distribution of species in the subfamilies, tribes and genera has been analysed. In the Ukraine fauna of blackflies recorded 90 species belonging to the two subfamilies Prosimuliinae and Simuliinae, seven tribes Gymnopaidini, Prosimuliini, Stegopterniini, Estemniini, Nevermanniini, Wilhelmiini and Simuliini. Subfamily Simuliinae most fully taxonomically represented (19 genera and 84 species). Among Simuliinae, the largest number of taxa are tribe Simuliini (10 genera and 44 species) and Nevermanniini (6 genera and 30 species). These tribes dominate in Simuliidae fauna part of the region, since they include 82.2% of the total number of species. The tribes Gymnopaidini, Stegopterniini and Estemniini, which account for 4.4% of the total number of recorded species consist of one genus and one or two species, as in the case of genus Cnephia Enderlein, 1921. Large number of species are in genera Cnetha Enderlein, 1921 – 16 species, Simulium Latreille, 1802 – 16 and Odagmia Enderlein, 1921 – 13 species. Unconfirmed within Ukraine spread of six species: Cnetha. gejgelense (Djafarov, 1954), Sim. venustum Say, 1823, Simulium verecundum Stone et Jamnback, 1955, Wilhelmia turgaicum Rubtsov, 1940, Gnus pavlovskii Rubtsov, 1940, Odagmia monticoloides (Rubtsov, 1956). 

Key words: Diptera, blackflies, taxonomic, composition, Ukraine.

Г. В. Сердюк. Сітчастокрилі (Insecta, Neuroptera) Українських Карпат ........................................................................................................................................................ 46

Neuropterida (Insecta, Neuroptera) of the Ukrainian Carpathians. G. V. Serediuk. The research in neuropterans was carried out in the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Transcarpathian Lowland during the last five years. The results of study are stated as a catalogue of species with indication of record localities and brief annotations on species distribution and biology. The general list of neuropteran species from the region has been compiled on the basis of our own records, literature data and collection materials and includes 72 species, belonging to 8 families and 26 genera. Among those, cited in literature, the present occurrence of 50 species has been confirmed by recent records. The citation of Chrysopa dubitans McLachlan, 1887 from the Transcarpathian Lowland we consider as doubtful, because it hasn‘t been confirmed by collected material, and hitherto the species is known from Spain, France and Greece only. For this reason it is excluded from the list. Three species, Mantispa styriaca Poda, Hemerobius atrifrons McLachlan, Euroleon nostras Geoffroy in Fourcroy, have been recorded from the region for the first time. Six species, Chrysoperla lucasina Lacroix, Chrysoperla pallida Henry, Brooks, Duelli & Johnson, Micromus lanosus Zeleny, Sympherobius klapaleki Zeleny, Wesmaelius ravus Withcombe, Wesmaelius tjederi Kimmins, have been recorded as new to Ukraine. A zoogeographical analysis has revealed that the main part of neuropteran fauna in the region consists of European forest species. 

Key words: Neuroptera, Ukrainian Carpathians, Check-list.

А. В. Пучков, Т. Ю. Маркина, М. Ю. Скавыш. Предварительный обзор герпетобионтных  жуков (Coleoptera) парковых насаждений г. Харькова (Украина) ............. 69

Previously survay of herpetobiont beetles (Coleoptera) of parklands in Kharkov (Ukraine). A. V Puchkov, T. Yu Markina, M. Yu Skavуsh. General overview of herpetobiont beetles in five parks of Kharkov are given. Species composition includes 48 species from seven families. Carabidae (37 species from 9 genera) and Silphidae (5 species from three genera) are dominant groups. The main species are Calosoma inquisitor, Carabus cancellatus, C. nemoralis, Calathus fuscipes, C. ambiguous, Amara aenea, A. similata, Pterostichus melanarius, Pt. niger, Harpalus distinguendus, H. rufipes, H. anxius (Carabidae), Silpha obscura, S. carinata, Phosphuga аtrata (Silphidae). Sometimes other species of Carabidae (Cylindera germanica, Carabus granulatus, Amara familiaris, A. ovata, A. communis, Harpalus affinis, H. rubripes, H. smaragdinus), Silphidae (Thanatophilus rugosus), Dermestidae (D. laniarius) and Tenebrionidae (Opatrum sabulosum) were common too. Species composition and abundance were higher in large, weakly broken parks, where noted 30-35 species of beetles. Index of faunal similarity were higher (0,46-0,54) for this areas too, while this index was less for a typical parks (0,25-0,39). In accordance by the ecology, mezophilous polytopical (Carabus cancellatus Calathus fuscipes, C. ambiguous, Amara aenea, A. similata, Pterostichus melanarius, Harpalus distinguendus, H. rufipes, H. anxius, Silpha obscura) and forest species (Calosoma inquisitor, Pterostichus niger, Silpha carinata, Phosphuga аtrata) were more common in all parks. The species from meadow‘s group (Cylindera germanica, Carabus granulatus, Amara communis, Harpalus affinis, H. rubripes, H. smaragdinus) were presented relatively rarely. According to the trophic specialization – zoophages (mainly ground beetles) and species with mixed feeding (zoophytofagous, zoosaprophagous of some Carabidae and Silphidae) are dominated. Some Dermestidae (D. laniarius) and Silphidae (Thanatophilus rugosus) are typical saprophagous species.

Key words: herpetobiont beetles, parks, species composition, faunal similarities, ecological groups, Kharkov, Ukraine.

А. Н. Дрогваленко. Мицетофильные чернотелки (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) фауны Украины .................................................................................................................... 77

Mycetophilous darkling beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) faunae of Ukraine. O. M. Drogvalenko. The work is done on the basis of many years of the author's materials from different regions of Ukraine, including the Crimea and the Carpathians, and collection of the Museum of Nature V. N. Karazin‘s Kharkiv National University (KUMN). Present data about species structure, distribution and food preference darkling beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) faunae of Ukraine associated in development with fruit bodies basidiomycetes. The above annotated list mycetopholius darkling beetles. 18 species mycetophilous darkling beetles from 11 genera are registered in Ukraine. Eledonoprius serrifrons is noted as new to fauna of Ukraine. It is discussed taxonomical status Scaphidema metallicum bicolor. Established trophic relations for darkling beetles with 36 species xylotrophic Basidiomycetes funges. Food preferences are not always determined only by biochemical adaptation to related substrates, in some cases, age is essential, humidity and microstructure of hyphae that form fruiting bodies. Most species inhabit the fruiting bodies up to their complete destruction, while achieving high density. Noted for Ukraine 7 species mycetophilous darkling beetles are obligate mycetophagous. The remaining 10 species – facultative mycetophagous and xylomycetophagous, that can development under the bark of dead trees and decaying wood. Most species of mycetophilous darkling beetles are polyphagous, 5 species – oligophagous, and only for one species in Ukraine marked monophagy. Most species of darkling beetles are found in mature and old fruit bodies, and least – on young fruiting bodies.

Key words: Tenebrionidae, Ukraine, mycetophagous, carpophore, fruit bodies.

О. Г. Шатровський. Зональність в номенклатурі ареалів жуків родини водолюбів (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)  ........................................................................................ 85

Zonality in the areals’ nomenclature of water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). A. Shatrovskiy. The traditional nomenclature of areals offers the construction of their names in accordance whether with biogeographical subdivisions (for widespread species), or with zonal landscapes (for narrowly distributed species) and with the limited territories (for endemics and sub-endemics). Most representatives of family of water scavenger beetles have wide distribution, and their natural habitats fall under the interpretations accepted broadly speaking. But the disjunctive natural habitats of separate kinds are not laid in the traditional charts of description and require the special research. As water scavenger beetles populate mainly azonal and intrazonal biotopes, their areals cross the borders of zonal landscapes often. On the basis of the material studied by author proposed the detailed information about distribution of two species with disjunctive areals of the family of water scavenger beetles: Laccobius decorus (Gyllenhal, 1827) and Cercyon impressus (Sturm, 1807). Proved in-process, that the names of areals are envisaged after zonal landscapes, and actually areal is formed by population, which in a hierarchy of geoecosystems is not inferior to the landscape, but biotope. Modern innovations in the nomenclature of areals or result in the bulky names, or quite not comport with the traditional names and require the use of two nomenclatures simultaneously by researchers. As a solution of problem on this stage, it is suggested to add biotope‘s name to the traditional nameі of areals.

Key words: Hydrophilidae, Laccobius decorus, Cercyon impressus, disjunctive areals, nomenclature of areals.

Д. В. Вовк, П. Н. Шешурак, Н. В. Назаров. Пластинчатоусые жуки (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Черниговской области (Украина) .......................................................... 91

The scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) of Chernihiv Region (Ukraine). D. V. Vovk, P. N. Sheshurak, N. V. Nazarov. A checklist of 124 species of Scarabaeoidea inhabiting Chernihiv Region (Ukraine) is given: Lucanidae — 4 species, Trogidae — 5, Geotrupidae — 8, Ochodaeidae — 2, Scarabaeidae — 105. There are 99 species inhabiting Chernihiv Polissya, 97 species inhabiting Novhorod-Siverskyi Polissya, 104 species inhabiting forest-steppe. The checklist contains 15 numerous species, 38 common species, 42 rare species, and 28 very rare species. Scarabaeus typhon is probable extinct in Chernihiv Region. In the Ichnia National Nature Park registered 55 species, in the Mezyn National Nature Park — 84 species, in the Regional Landscape Park „Mizhrichynskyi“ — 54 species, in the Regional Landscape Park „Nizhynskyi“ — 58 species. Three species (Lucanus cervus, Bolbelasmus unicornis, Osmoderma barnabita) from the checklist included in the Red Book of Ukraine, one species (Osmoderma barnabita) — in the IUCN Red List and in Appendix II of the Bern Convention, two species (Onthophagus furcatus, Osmoderma barnabita) — in the European Red List. Eleven species (Geotrupes mutator, Acrossus bimaculatus, Scarabaeus typhon, Onthophagus similis, Protaetia affinis, Protaetia fieberi, Protaetia marmorata, Protaetia speciosissima, Gnorimus nobilis, Gnorimus variabilis, Trichius fasciatus) are regionally rare and need conservation in the study area.

Key words: scarab beetles, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine, species composition, conservation.

В. О. Махина, З. Ф. Ключко, К. К. Голобородько.  Современные находки совок (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) описанных из степной зоны Украины ................................... 99

Current findings of Noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) described in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. V. O. Makhina, Z. F. Kljutschko, K. K. Holoborodko. The conducted historical analysis showed that 8 noctuids were described dependable in Ukraine, 3 of which (Hadena scythia Kljutschko & Hacker, 1996., Luperina taurica (Kljutschko, 1967), and Drasteria rada (Boisduval, 1848)) were described based on the scientific matters for Steppe zone. In Ukraine, it have been described 3 subspecies, among them Euxoa cos crimaea Bang-Haas, 1906 endemic in the Crimean peninsula, and subspecies known only in the steppe zone of Ukraine, Hadena drenowskii lapidea Kljutschko & Hacker 1996. As a result of more than 15 years of scientific research (2000-2016), new data on these taxa distribution within Ukraine become available. Analysis of the finds suggests that all the species and subspecies described are rare in the territory of Ukraine steppe zone. The current status of D. rada is debatable because the species is not registered in Ukraine already more than 150 years. On the territory of Ukraine, it was described 5 subspecies, but independence only three of them is practically assured. All the species dispersed in Ukraine steppe zone. Newer subspecies, endemic in Ukraine H. drenowskii lapidea is the westernmost finding, first for the Mykolayiv oblast. Issue about the current position of the subspecies E. cos crimaea endemic to the Crimea peninsula is of special scientific interest; the last of its discoveries were made over 25 years ago.

Key words: Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Ukraine, steppe area fauna, distribution of noctuids.

І. А. Akimov, О. V. Zhovnerchuk. Current status andtendencies in diversity and trophic specialization of Tetranychidae mites (Acari, Tetranychidae) of the steppe zone of Ukraine ............. 105

Current status and tendencies in diversity and trophic specialization of Tetranychidae mites (Acari, Tetranychidae) of the steppe zone of Ukraine. І. А. Akimov, О. V. Zhovnerchuk. A long term research data overview devoted to Tetranychidae mites of the steppe zone of Ukraine with emphasis on species composition, abundance, trophic specialization of 40 mite species from 13 genera.

Key words: Acari, Tetranychidae, species, trophic, steppe, Ukraine.

Л. А. Колодочка, В. Ю. Бондарев. Видовой состав клещей-фитосейид (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) Луганского природного заповедника ............................................ 110

Composition of phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) of Lugansk natural reserve. L. A. Kolodochka, V. Yu. Bondarev. New data about phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) and their distribution in vegetative associations of Lugansk natural reserve of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are obtained. Different plants in four reserve branches, namely Streltsovskaya steppe, Pridontsovckaya overflow land, Provalskaya steppe, and Triochizbenskaya steppe, were explored. More than 1200 examples of phytoseiid mites were extracted out of 238 samples taken on 58 species of various plants. The annotated list include 29 species of 13 genera of phytoseiids is made. A fidelity to certain type of plants as well as a frequency of occurrence for each phytoseiid species are determined. In concordance with a choice for colonization and habitation of plant belonging to definite life-form phytoseiid mites form 3 groups: inhabitants of herbs (7 kinds), inhabitants of trees and shrab (11 kinds) and group of species which are not giving the preference the certain type of vegetation (11 kinds). Mite Amblydromella (s. str.) recki is the most widespread phytoseiid species in Lugansk natural Reserve. This species is found in all branches of the reserve on 28 herbal species in sum. Mites Amblyseius obtusus, Amblyseiulus okanagensis, Neoseiulus bicaudus, N. marginatus, Paraseiulus incognitus, P. intermixtus, Amblyseiella antonii, Typhlodromus tiliae, T. tiliarum are the rare species. The largest number of phytoseiid species (27) in Provalskaya steppe is determined by existence of biotopical variety there and, naturally, by presence of larger plant diversity as compared with other branches of the reserve.

Key words: Phytoseiidae, phytoseiid mites, Lugansk nature reserve.

Я. Р. Оксентюк. Акаридієві кліщі (Acariformes, Astigmata) у вуликах медоносної бджоли (Apis mellifera) в Житомирському Поліссі...................................................... 115

Acaridia mites ( Acariformes, Astigmata ) in the beehives of melliferous bee (Apis mellifera) in Zhytomyr Polesye. Ya. R. Oksentyuk. Species complexes of acaridia mites have been investigated in beehives of a melliferous bee (Apis mellifera) in Zhytomyr region. The species composition of acaridia mites in the beehives is presented by 9 types. Glycyphagus destructor and Glycyphagus domesticus are dominants of the investigated mite species complex. Aeroglyphus peregrinans is a subdominant. Tyrophagus perniciosus and Tyrophagus putrescentiae are subdominants of the first order. Other species appeared in the beehives accidentally or stayed there temporary. We registered 9 types of acaridia mites in tests of garbage and subpestilence from the beehives in spring. The species Tyrophagus longior, Tyrophagus molitor were absent there in autumn. The Sorensen coefficient of faunistic similarity between the spring and autumn species complexes is 87.5 %. The species Glycyphagus destructor, Glycyphagus fustifer, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Tyrophagus perniciosus, Tyrophagus molitor, Aeroglyphus peregrinans were not found before in the beehives of melliferous bee on the territory of Ukraine. It can be explained by the difference in climatic conditions and biology peculiarities of the bee colonies in different regions.

Key words: Acariformes, Astigmata, Apis mellifera, beehives, ambrosia, subpestilence.


Л. І. Фали. Особливості внутрішньопопуляційної мінливості імаго Paederus littoralis Gravenhorst, 1802 (Coleoptera, Staphilinidae) ...................................................... 121

Characteristics of intrapopulation variability of imago Paederus littoralis (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). L. I. Faly. Characteristics of imago Paederus littoralis intrapopulation variability were studied under conditions of native forest ecosystems in the National Nature Park „Velykyi Lug“. Indexes of maximal variability and morphological parameters characterizing sexual dimorphism were established. In the sample of P. littoralis imago, widest range of value fluctuation observed in body and elytrum length, pronotum and elytrum width, all legs length, tibia of 2nd, 3rd pairs of legs, and femoral segment of 1st pair of legs (in both sexes). The significant one-way ANOVA results were obtained for length of body and femoral segment of 1st pair of legs between male and female individuals. Length and width of elytrum, as well as morphological parameters of legs have high positive kurtosis values. These characters have wide variation series. In the sample, most of the individuals have an average head length (the highest negative kurtosis). Distribution of linear parameters was significantly different from Gaussian distribution model. This is indicated by the negative values of asymmetry on most morphometric characteristics (in both sexes). Individuals with the largest observation of characters dominated in the sample. There is a tendency to increase the body size of the insects. Cluster analysis revealed a correlation between some morphometric indexes of the species. The parameters of head width and pronotum, as well as the length of some limb segments were the most interrelated. The body length varies independently from the other linear indexes.

Key words: Paederus littoralis, Staphylinidae, morphometric method, morphological variability, sex demorphisms.

С. Н. Шумов. Американская белая бабочка (Hyphantria cunea Drury, 1773) (Arctidae, Lepidoptera) на Украине и вероятность ее вымерзания ...................................... 126

The American white butterfly (Hyphantria cunea Drury, 1773) (Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) on Ukraine and the probability of destruction it’s from a frost. S. N. Shumov. On the basis of the meteorological information concerning absolute minimal annual temperature of air on the meteorological stations of Ukraine (period 1951 – 2014) and biological opportunities of Hyphantria cunea the maps of death probabilities of its pupae were built. It is shown that the absolute annual minimum temperature on the surface of ground is lower than that in the air. When the minimum temperature of the air is -26ºC, surface temperature of the soil is -30°C. l. Minimum lethal temperature for the pupa of Hyphantria cunea in period of diapause also is -30°C. We did a conclusion, that the absolute minimal temperature of air below - 26ºС is fatal for this butterfly. Therefore, regions with various probability of a frost in air in size -26ºС had been allocated in Ukraine. We assume that these maps of probabilities of the frost are maps of probabilities of winterkill Hyphantria cunea from it. It turns out, that in the north of Ukraine Hyphantria cunea perishes from a frost of times for two years, and in the south butterfly perishes once in hundred years. New generation of this pest after destruction previous is delivered in northern regions by transport from southern. Thus, this butterfly as the biological kind is existing on border of a survival has adapted to a human civilization and it is on a regular basis provided supply of the pest from southern provinces.

Key words: Hyphantria cunea, diapause, temperature of air, winterkill, settlement, harmful.

Т. М. Єфіменко, О. М. Ярошко, М. С. Галата, В. В. Шепелевич, Л. Г. Степура, Л. М. Гриценко, Н. В. Яворська, В. М. Святецька, С. І. Войчук, Г. В. Односум. Мікробіота стільників з бджолиних сімей, уражених гнильцем ....................... 133

The microbiota of honeycombs with affected bee brood. T. M Yefimenko, O. M. Yaroshko, M. S. Halata, V.V. Shepelevych, L. G. Stepura, V. V. Grytsenko, N. V. Yavorska, V. M. Svyatetska, S. I. Voychuk, H. V. Odnosum. Honey bees’ diseases is the result of infraction of the normal bees’ life, caused by the changes in morphofunctional processes of individuals or groups under the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors. Knowledge of these factors and the ability to manage them is the basis for maintenance of the strong and highly productive bee colonies. Bacterial bees` diseases is a common phenomenon on the apiaries, where bee colonies had a high degree of infestation of bees’ mite Varroa destructor. Samples of the brood were taken exactly from those apiaries, affected by foulbrood. The microbiota of honeycombs with affected bee brood was investigated. On the basis of visual, immunochromatographic, cultural-morphological, biochemicals, electron-microscopic methods there were isolated and previously identified the number of microorganisms - pathogens of bee diseases: Paenibacillus larvae - American foulbrood; Вasillus paraalvei – parafoulbrood; Melissococcus pluton - European foulbrood. In addition, in two samples of honeycombs there were found cocci, spore forming coli and yeasts, which commonly represent normal bees microflora, but its number significantly increases in case of viral and bacterial infections.

Key words: bacterial diseases of bees, microbiota of honeycombs with affected bee brood, Paenibacillus larvae, Bacillus paraalvei, Melissococcus pluton.


В. Л. Мєшкова. Оцінювання шкідливості комах у незімкнених соснових культурах .................................................................................................................................. 140

Evaluation of insect injuriousness in unclosed pine plantations. V. L. Meshkova. The aim of research was the development of rating scales for insect injuriousness in unclosed pine plantations and for impact of damage of certain pine organs by insects on plants mortality, increment and stem quality. Impact of pine plants damage in unclosed plantations by insects is suggested to evaluate on the base of determination of damaging insect species, damage prevalence and intensity. Prevalence of particular type of damage was calculated as the proportion of plants with such type of damage (in percents), and while summarizing the results it was converted into scores on a four-point scale, where points 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to low, medium, large and high intensity of damage of different pine organs (foliage, buds and shoots, stem and branches, root collar and roots). Rating scale of damage intensity takes into account damage assessment by direct and indirect symptoms (defoliation, discoloration, needle length, sanitary condition of the plants). By peer review weighting factors of impact of insect damage of certain organs on pine vitality, increment and stem quality were evaluated. Assessment of pine damage impact confirmed the highest injuriousness of Hylobius abietis Linnaeus, 1758, Hylastes ater Paykull, 1800, Hylastes opacus Erichson, 1836, Hylastes angustatus Herbst, 1793, Hylurgus ligniperda Fabricius, 1792. The species Pissodes castaneus De Geer, 1775, Acantholyda (=Lyda) hieroglyphica Christ. 1791, Evetria duplana Hb. 1826, Archips piceana Linnaeus, 1758 and Cinara pini Linnaeus, 1758 were less dangerous. Quantification algorithm for insect injuriousness in unclosed pine plantations has been developed and tested.

Key words: insect pests of unclosed pine plantations, prevalence, intensity of damage, injuriousness.

В. П. Федоренко, П. Я. Чумак, О. О. Сыкало, Я. В. Шейко, С. М. Вигера, В. П. Ковальчук. Идентификация табачной белокрылки Bemisiatabaci Genn. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) в теплицах г. Киева .............................................. 147

Identification of Tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in greenhouses of Kiev city. V. P. Fedorenko, P. Y. Chumak, O. O. Sykalo, Y. V. Sheyko, C. M. Vygera, V. P. Kovalchuk. The inspection of conservatories of Kyiv in 20154-15 indicates the population of many ornamental plants with Bemisia tabaci Genn. The article describes the original method of identification of tobacco and Bemesia tabaci and green-house by imago. This method is appropriate for practitioners of plant protection. On the lit microscope slides, on the abdomen of greenhouse whitefly can be traced sclerotized, rather broad bands due to the strong curve around the lateral membranes: 3rd and 4th sternites in females and 3rd-6th sternites in males. Females have clearly seen two, males have four sclerotized plate of the abdomen. In the Bemisia tabaci on the microscope slide sclerotized sternites do not trace. The absence of sclerotized curves of sternites on the abdomen of imago is one of the defining feature for identification of tobacco whiteflies.

Key words: Bemesia tabaci, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, imago, antennae, sternites, nymph, microscope slides, identification, yellow adhesive traps.


М. В. Круть. До 70-річчя Інституту захисту рослин НААН України. Розвиток ентомологічних досліджень .......................................................................................... 152



О. В. Пучков, В. О. Мірутенко. Перша міжнародна конференція українських ентомологів  ..................................................................................................................... 159

ПРАВИЛА ДЛЯ АВТОРІВ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 162




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