
US Airdate : 2 March 2002

UK Airdate : 27 March 2002

Jesse (Forbes March) and Brennan (Victor Webster) investigate a mutant safehouse that's been broken into and ransacked beyond repair - obviously the work of the GSA. Adam (John Shea) and the team are baffled as to how the GSA have recently become so successful in finding and sabotaging safehouses, which are inconspicuously located throughout the city. Luckily, the tape from the safehouses' security camera is still intact. Adam, Jesse and Brennan sit down to watch the replay of the break-in.

Meanwhile at Genomex, Mason Eckhart (Tom McCamus) and his cohort, Delay (Chris Owens), are discussing the success of their "little secret weapon," when Michelle Bigelow (Danielle Hampton), a GSA trainee with telecyber mutant powers, appears in the doorway. Unfailingly loyal to the GSA, Michelle blames Delay for the lack of team effort during the last safehouse raid, and confidently reveals that she wants to take over his position.

Later that night, Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) watches the security tape from the vandalized safehouse, and realizes one of the assailants is her estranged best friend from high school, Michelle. Emma rushes off to a cybercafe and sends Michelle, who is hooked into one of Genomex's computers, an instant message. Michelle, terrified she'll be caught conversing with "the enemy," asks Emma to meet her at a specific webcam link in fifteen minutes. Elsewhere, Adam and Jesse conclude that the GSA is using a telecyber psionic, a person who can mentally interact with computers, to breach the security at the safehouses that have been hit.

Back at Sanctuary, Adam puts Brennan and Jesse through a simulated GSA agent attack. He insists that the simulations will prepare them for any combat situation they might encounter. Meanwhile, Emma waits patiently at the cybercafe until Michelle's face appears on her screen. Emma is able to convince her friend to meet her at their old high school stomping ground, Jasper's, for a drink.

When Emma and Michelle meet, they reminisce for a while and even use their mutant powers to pull the same prank on the cashier that they did years before. But when Emma begins questioning Michelle about her involvement with the GSA, she realizes her friend has been totally brainwashed by Eckhart. Michelle is not shy about voicing her opinion of Mutant X either, calling the team "a pack of outlaws, who flaunt their illegal behavior." Suddenly, the door of Jasper's bursts open, and two GSA agents enter, apprehending Emma.

Back at Sanctuary, Adam realizes that Emma is missing, and her comlink has been deactivated. Assuming she must be with Michelle, Adam orders Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) and Brennan to fly by Genomex, using the onboard sensors to detect if Emma's presence.

Meanwhile at Genomex, Emma struggles while Michelle implants her with a subdermal governor. Determined to make Michelle learn the truth about Eckhart and his evil ways, Emma encourages her friend to use her powers to tap into Genomex's computer files. With a little more convincing, Michelle mentally connects with the main computer and is appalled at the horrible things she finds. Embarrassed for having been so naive, Michelle uses her powers to deactivate Emma's subdermal governor. Emma contacts Adam to ask him to send the Double Helix to rescue them, but Eckhart and his entourage of agents finds them. As the agents escort the two ladies to a holding cell, Michelle uses her telecyber powers to knock out the electricity, and she and Emma escape to the Double Helix.

Adam warmly welcomes Michelle to Sanctuary and insists they get her into the lab immediately for observation. Michelle informs him that Eckhart had his technicians work on her genetic makeup. As a result, she no longer feels any emotion and has begun shedding her organic form. Suddenly losing complete control of her powers, she turns to chrome and sparks explode from her head. Knowing that the only way to save her friend is to make her feel emotion, Emma bombards the robotic Michelle with telempathic visions. Michelle collapses, and her body returns to human form. Adam rushes her to the lab and saves her life by successfully reversing all the work the GSA had done on her DNA strands.