Blood Ties

US Airdate 9 February 2002

UK Airdate : 6 March 2002

Jesse (Forbes March) and Brennan (Victor Webster) decide to call it a night after an evening at a popular nightclub. Jesse heads for the parking garage, while Brennan walks his date to her car. As Jesse walks through the garage, he realizes he is being followed. To Jesse's surprise, it's his father, Noah (Art Hindle), who explains that he's on an undercover assignment. His story is cut short when a black car suddenly charges towards them, and a woman named Nicole Carter (Chick Reid) calls out to Noah, telling him he can't keep running.

Noah tells Jesse that the people after him are from Nexxogen Security. Noticing that Jesse is distracted, Noah slips a computer disk into his pocket before making a run for it. Jesse starts to chase after his father, but suddenly has to mass out before the pursuing black car slams full speed into him. When Jesse reappears unscathed, Nicole realizes he's a mutant. She gets in the black car and she and her cohorts speed out of the garage in pursuit of Noah, while Jesse, startled and confused, finds a cell phone lying at his feet.

At Sanctuary the next morning, Jesse tells Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) about his mysterious run-in with his father, when Adam (John Shea) enters. Having heard part of their conversation, he informs them that Nexxogen is a bioengineering firm that may be linked to Genomex. He reminds them that Nexxogen had a scandalous fire at their facility near the city of Martez the previous year.

Meanwhile at Genomex, Calvin Porter (Derwin Jordan), a GSA officer with genetically enhanced hearing, speaks to Mason Eckhart (Tom McCamus) about a promotion, when Nicole arrives to see Eckhart. She reveals that a member of her security staff stole sensitive material regarding the Martez incident. This implicates Genomex and confirms that the fire was not an accident. Eckhart agrees to help Nicole retrieve the disk and assigns Calvin to the job.

Back at Sanctuary, Brennan does some research on Nexxogen and informs Adam that Noah was their head of security until he got fired the previous month. Furthermore, Nexxogen would have gone bankrupt had Genomex not funded them. Meanwhile, Jesse's father calls him on the cell phone and asks for Jesse's help, warning he must come alone. Little do the two know that Calvin has been using his audio filter to listen in on their conversation. When Jesse leaves to meet Noah, Adam prepares Emma and Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) to pay a visit to Nexxogen. He uses a laser device to give them both new thumbprints, which will allow them access to the plant, and a micro drive they will use to copy files from the main computer console. As Jesse approaches the designated meeting spot, Noah calls to warn Jesse that there are GSA agents everywhere, and orders him to get back in his car. Jesse listens to his father, and to his surprise, finds Noah battered in the backseat. Jesse takes Noah to a safehouse to tend to his wounds. Noah tells Jesse that he slipped him a computer disk containing all the information pertaining to the Martez accident, and insists that they handle things his way. After Jesse leaves the room to allow Noah to get some rest, Noah makes a quick phone call in which he is strikes a deal - the disk for cash.

Meanwhile at Nexxogen, Emma and Shalimar enter the computer center, and download the files while communicating with Adam via comlink. When Shalimar mentions that there were GSA agents at the facility, Adam panics and orders them to escape immediately. Adam sends Brennan in the Double Helix to fetch the girls who narrowly avoid capture. As Nicole watches the two women escape, she calls Noah on his cell phone and tells him that she'll have his money in a day. Just as Noah ends his conversation with Nicole, Calvin and two GSA agents burst in and drag him off. Meanwhile back at Sanctuary, Jesse becomes enraged and storms off when Adam suggests that his father actually stole the file to blackmail Nexxogen.

The next evening, Jesse gets a call from Noah who is being detained at Genomex. Noah, however, tells Jesse that he escaped the GSA agents and that Jesse must bring the disk back to the safehouse and leave it. Having monitored the conversation, Eckhart orders Calvin to accompany Noah to get the disk, and once he has it to kill him. Jesse immediately takes off for the safehouse in the Double Helix, ignoring Adam's warning that he is in grave danger.

Jesse arrives at the safehouse with the disk. When he sees his father's bags packed, he realizes he was being decieved all along and turns to leave, but Calvin pulls out a gun and holds it to Noah's head. Before Jesse has time to react, Brennan bursts in and a fight ensues. After Jesse and Brennan battle all the agents, Noah sheepishly asks Jesse for the disk, which Jesse crushes in his hand before walking out.