Dark Star Rising

US Airdate : 19 January 2002

UK Airdate : 19 December 2001

Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) leaps from the shadows at Tricorp Botanical, a bio-agricultural company, just as Clark (Lee Rumohr) and Angel (Anne Openshaw), also ferals, install explosives into the company's computer system. A bomb detonates, and Shalimar grabs another, tossing it in the air seconds before it explodes. Moments later, Shalimar is confronted by Beau (Ralf Moeller), an intimidating man who, like Angel and Clark, bears a tattoo of a black and red star. He flees with them, leaving Shalimar behind.

At Sanctuary, Adam (John Shea) informs Shalimar that the new mutant database doesn't show anyone matching Beau, Angel or Clark's descriptions. When Shalimar describes the star tattoo, Brennan (Victor Webster) is sure that they must have been members of Dark Star, an international anti-terrorist unit. Adam, remembering that the entire Dark Star unit had reportedly died, is determined to find out how these three soldiers survived, why they have new mutant powers and why they want to destroy Tricorp.

Jesse (Forbes March) searches the Tricorp database and discovers that Angel's father owns an abandoned plant. Suspecting the three may be using the plant as a hideout, Shalimar and Brennan rush there and come face to face with Beau and Angel. Brennan and Shalimar try to explain that they are fellow new mutants and allies. Beau and Angel reveal that during what Dark Star believed to be a normal run of vaccinations, a few of the soldiers began getting stronger. The rest became extremely ill and died, including their friend, Clark. They are positive that Tricorp used them as lab rats, injecting them unknowingly with a new serum. Back at Sanctuary, Adam examines Angel and finds her body is trying to fight off a serum that was derived from the Rafflesia Pricei plant. Adam sends Shalimar, Jesse and Beau back to Tricorp to retrieve the plant so he can hopefully create an antidote.

Shalimar, Jesse and Beau sneak into Tricorp, but just as they reach the chambers that contain the plant, Dr. Harrison and three agents enter and a fight breaks out. In the chaos, Shalimar is able to toss the plant out the window while Jesse phases out and rematerializes below the window. He catches the plant and takes off, but Shalimar and Beau are overpowered and captured. Shalimar calls Jesse on the comlink and orders him to bring the Double Helix immediately to rescue her and Beau, who is in an examination lab at Genomex.

In the Genomex lab, Harrison is about to inject Beau with a hypodermic gun, but Beau jumps to his feet, grabs Eckhart by the throat and injects him with the shot. Shalimar, disguised as a lab tech, reveals herself and stops Beau before he does more damage.

Back at Sanctuary, Beau and Angel are reunited. Shalimar then accompanies them to the jungle so they can give their fallen comrade, Clark, a proper burial.