I Scream the Body Electric

US Airdate : 13 October 2001

UK Airdate : 24 October 2001

Brennan (Victor Webster) finds himself trapped inside Genomex after risking his own safety to rescue Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) from the agents pursuing her. Emma escapes, but Brennan is left racing through the corridors and ends up trapped in a large lab. Thorne (Douglas O'Keeffe) and Eckhart (Tom McCamus) appear, capture Brennan and inject a subdermal governor into the back of his neck. This device will connect them to Brennan's DNA, allowing them to control his thoughts and movements as they try to exploit his special abilities. Eckhart informs Brennan that he will now work as an operative of the Genetic Security Agency and assist them in capturing Emma. At Sanctuary, Adam (John Shea), Emma, Jesse (Forbes March) and Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) learn that Thorne and Eckhart are holding Brennan captive. Later, Shalimar and a dozen other new mutants try to get all the new files up and running. They put finishing touches on the new safe house that Adam has ordered, making sure that new mutants will have the ability to disappear on a moment's notice.

Meanwhile, following an order from Eckhart, Thorne captures Ruby (Chuck Bryn), whose bookstore doubles as a safe house for new mutants, and brings him to Genomex. Terrified, Ruby reveals that he is an "ESPer" with the ability to read minds, including Eckhart's. Ruby becomes so frightened by Eckhart's thoughts that he ends up disclosing information about the new safe house to protect his own safety. Brennan is disgusted by Ruby's betrayal.

Back at the new safe house, Jesse realizes that everyone but Ruby is accounted for. Suddenly, there is an explosion and Thorne steps in with Brennan by his side. When Brennan is ordered to take Jesse down, he hesitates before creating an arc of electricity that shoots straight through Jesse, who has altered his body density to be permeable, and knocks out the two agents standing behind him. In all the chaos, Jesse is able to drop through the floor and escape. Returning to Sanctuary, Jesse informs the rest of the group about the attack, and Emma vows she will use her abilities to find Ruby, who is under Eckhart's control.

On the VTOL aircraft, Adam takes Emma through an analysis of her DNA. She attempts to connect telepathically with Allison (Ingrid Hart), Vince (Lorne Hunchuck) and other new mutants, but fails, unable to see them being held captive at the GSA holding pen. On her second attempt, however, Emma is able to find Brennan, who is with Thorne at the Genomex lab. Back at the GSA holding pen, Eckhart tells the captives that Ruby was the one who sold them out. The new mutants are devastated by the news.

Meanwhile, Thorne and Brennan search the streets for Emma. When Thorne captures her, he takes her to the holding pen to meet Eckhart, who is very pleased that she and Brennan have both been apprehended. Accompanying Eckhart are three security agents, the third being Jesse, disguised in a GSA uniform. Shalimar suddenly explodes into action, knocking all of the agents unconscious, while Adam deactivates the subdermal governors. Jesse informs the other new mutants that their subdermal governors have also been disengaged. They begin attacking and fighting off Eckhart's men as well.

When Adam finds himself face to face with Eckhart, he informs him that he has uploaded a virus into the Genomex computer system that will disintegrate all files, one by one. Eckhart trembles with rage and takes off running. The new mutants return to Sanctuary, where Brennan and Emma receive their Mutant X Comlink Rings, officially making them part of the Mutant X team.