
US Airdate : 3 November 2001

UK Airdate : 14 November 2001

Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) and Jesse (Forbes March) are startled when a loud shriek of static suddenly reverberates through the VTOL aircraft. The same static begins echoing through Sanctuary, Genomex headquarters and Mason Eckhart's (Tom McCamus) office. Suddenly, the blurred image of a young man appears on monitors everywhere. Speaking in a distorted digital voice, he introduces himself as Kilohertz and proclaims that he is sick of the way new mutants are being treated, stating that they're not going to take it anymore. He then quickly disappears.

Shalimar and Jesse soon realize that the system on the aircraft has crashed, leaving them with no power. Brennan (Victor Webster) enters Sanctuary and hits the main computer with a bolt of electricity, rebooting the system just in time. Composing himself after the close call, Adam (John Shea) insists that they find the mysterious new mutant before GSA does, for everyone's sake.

Later at Sanctuary, Adam and the Mutant X team discuss specifics about the devastating mishaps that have occurred since Kilohertz's threat. Meanwhile at Genomex, Eckhart assigns new recruit Nick Renfield (Adam MacDonald) to hunt down and capture Kilohertz. Confident that Nick is best suited for the mission because of his special mutant powers, Eckhart sends him to WXDV-TV to begin his investigation.

After collecting every image they have from Kilohertz's television appearance, Brennan and the gang upload them and begin looking for clues to his identity. At the same time, Nick meets with Harve Goffman (John Friesen) at the TV station to find out any information he can about Kilohertz's broadcast. When Harve doesn't cooperate, Nick lays his hand on Harve's head, creating a glowing static field, causing Harve to become frozen in suspended animation. Nick takes the opportunity to download files from Harve's computer. Harve awakens and is surprised to find production assistant Barry Sterling (Jim Thorburn) in his office instead of Nick. Barry grows nervous when Harve reveals that Nick is conducting an investigation on Kilohertz. Meanwhile, Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) takes a crack at identifying Kilohertz using computerized image analysis, and discovers that he is new mutant Barry Sterling. After hearing the news, Adam orders Brennan and Emma to find Barry. He warns the group that he might be the most dangerous new mutant they've ever encountered. Brennan and Emma quickly locate him, but he eludes them, vanishing into thin air and leaving only a trace of crackling static.

On the basis of a news report, Jesse deduces that Barry is most likely going to use his powers to sabotage the stock market. Determined to stop him, Shalimar and Brennan head for Barry's apartment, but Nick and two agents have beaten them there. When Barry steps outside and sees Nick and the agents, he dematerializes into particle waves and escapes. At Sanctuary, Adam, Emma and Jesse are watching a stock market report when the broadcast is suddenly interrupted once again by a hostile Kilohertz.

Barry re-materializes in front of his apartment and is immediately surrounded by Nick and the two agents. Witnessing this, Shalimar and Brennan burst on the scene, snatch him away and bring him to Sanctuary. There, Adam tries to understand how Barry's powers work while attempting to make him realize the chaos he has caused. But when Barry, ignorant and naive, turns defensive and tries to leave, Shalimar knocks him unconscious, allowing Adam to shoot him with a tranquilizer gun. An analysis of Barry's DNA reveals that he has no self-control whatsoever. As the team discusses what to do with him, he suddenly regains consciousness and escapes into the computer system, taunting Adam and the team by telling them he's joining the GSA.

At Genomex, Eckhart is scolding Nick when Barry suddenly materializes before their eyes. Seeing the cold, evil look on Nick's face, Barry realizes he's made an enormous mistake. Before he has time to flee, Nick surrounds him with a statis field, freezing him. Back at Sanctuary, Adam is not fooled when he hears a news report that Kilohertz was shot by police. Disappointed, he laments that Barry could have been a powerful Mutant X ally, but now he and his team must pray that Barry doesn't return to haunt them.