UCFCC Response to False Information and Stolen Web Sites and Data / Court Order Against the Thieves

12/21/23 Update.
The thieves and criminals France Roy, Alma Cabral Reynoso, and Madelyn Rosario said many times to many people that they had nothing to do with the stolen UCFCC Facebook web site and repeated that lie under oath. See their sworn certifications to the Court attached bellow. Such lie is perjury and is criminal because to lie under oath is criminal. See the attached undeletable history of the UCFCC Facebook site which demonstrates that the thief and criminal France Roy always had control of the stolen UCFCC Facebook site. He only transferred the control of the stolen UCFCC Facebook site because a Judge compelled him to.

11/21/23 Update.
On 11/16/23  the Honorable Judge D'Elia from Hudson County Superior Court  heard oral arguments  on the  Portes and the UCFCC motion to compel  the thieves and criminals  Alma Cabral Reynoso,  France Roy, and Madelyn Rosario to return the stolen UCFCC web sites to the UCFCC. The  thieves and  criminals lied to  Court under  oath, another crime  for which they will be held accountable,  by falsely  telling the Judge D'Elia under oath that they had not  access  or control  of the stolen web sites, which  the Honorable Judge D'Elia refuted by telling them that he did not believe them, and that  he was ordering  them to return the stolen sites,  and that if they  did not and this matter comes against  before him he was going to very harshly punish them as it would be a waste of his time.  Under the threat  of very harsh punishment and with  the Judge telling them that he did not believe them,  and with a Court order mandating them to (find it attached),  the thieves and criminals Alma Cabral Reynoso,  France Roy, and Madelyn Rosario returned the stolen  facebook site to the UCFCC last Saturday. The Order from the Honorable Judge D'Elia is attached to this page. The lawsuit against the thieves and criminals continues to obtain $21 millions in damages. Even thieves and criminals have "due process" and time to defend themselves. It will take time, but the three will be compelled to stand trial before a Jury and will pay a very high price for their theft and defamation.

Original Posting.
Last week we sued three expelled former members (Alma Cabral Reynoso, France Roy, Madelyn Rosario) for stealing our facebook site, our web site, our instagram site, our email, and our adoption form and data. They also face defamation, conspiracy, and illegal access to private systems claims. Attached pls find the Hudson County Superior Court filed complaint against them which is self explanatory. They face hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and millions in compensatory and punitive damages if found guilty.

As a reminder, the UCFCC places more cats in homes than any other Hudson County cat rescue organization, 428 cats in homes in the last four years, in 2023 we will place more than 150 cats in homes, including 90 kittens, we feed more than than 70 colonies (not cats, colonies) each night, we spend more than $321,000 of our own money helping the cats, and we find homes for free to all friendly cats anyone finds in any city. We will continue our focus in helping the cats.

Here is our response to false information posted about us in our Facebook web site which they stole from us by Alma Cabral Reynoso, France Roy, and Madelyn Rosario:

Hudson County Community and All,
Pls do not adopt cats from Purrfect Catpanion or join this group because of these very important reasons:

1. Theft. Alma Cabral Reynoso, France Roy, and Madelyn Rosario stole and currently illegally have the stolen facebook site and other assets of the UCFCC, the group that places the most cats in homes in Hudson County. The Hudson County Superior Court lawsuit against the three accused thieves can be seen bellow in the page. Most of you would not associate with accused thieves or with stolen property, or get into a stolen car. Hence, pls do not encourage illegal behavior by adopting cats from accused thieves or associating with them. To those of you that are young, ask your parents what they think about you belonging to a group led by accused thieves who illegally have stolen property, the facebook site of another group. Moreover, if people steal things, most likely they stole before or will steal again for the simple fact that past behavior is a predictor of future actions, which is why companies do background checks before hiring. Indeed, Alma Cabral Reynoso wanted to be a UCFCC board member after only 3 months and likely wanted to steal the 11 years old UCFCC organization. France Roy, his husband, publically said that he will steal UCFCC assets (see the above lawsuit at page 6 with his email) and he stole them. Per such principle, it is likely that these two stole things in the past and will steal again.

2. Serious Consequences. If you get into a stolen car or associate yourself with accused thieves, it is likely that serious consequences will happen to you. Really. The three accused thieves are currently facing $80,000 to $100,000 legal bills to defend themselves, a jury trial, and millions in compensatory and punitive damages. Everything they own or will ever own is at risk. Gulliany, the former NYC Mayor, is selling his home to pay his legal bills and he used to be a millionaire. In addition, their employers were notified of their illegal actions, and they are at the risk of losing their jobs. The County, State, and Federal Prosecutor were informed of the theft and they are risk of being arrested, fingerprinted, and prosecuted for a theft. As any primary school child knows, stealing things does not pay and it will not pay for these accused thieves.

3. Reputation and Cat Knowledge. Ask any experienced Hudson County cat rescuer that they think about Alma Cabral Reynoso and form your opinion. She is new to rescuing cats and had only 3 months with the UCFCC when we kicked her out of our group. Serious cat rescuers all have more than 10 years of experience rescuing cats. Pls do not risk the health of the cats by adopting a cat from inexperience people with a very questionable reputation.

2023, 10_19, Sworn Certification of Madelyn Rosario.pdf
2023, 10_19, Sworn Certification of France Roy.pdf
2023, 10_19, Sworn Certification of Alma Cabral Reynoso.pdf
UCFCC v Cabral et al.pdf
2023, 11_16, Court Order Against the Thieves and Criminals.pdf