Installing UCINET on a Mac or Linux machine using Wine
Post date: May 18, 2013 4:41:46 PM
NOTE. This is a post from 2013. We believe that current Macs can no longer use Wine to run UCINET.
UCINET is a Windows program. To run it on another platform you will need a Windows partition (such as Boot Camp), a Windows emulator (such as VMware Fusion or Parallels), or a "compatibility layer" such as Wine. Boot Camp and the emulators work best: Wine does not allow full functionality (such as calling Excel from within UCINET, or using shortcut keys) but it is free. Here are instructions for running UCINET with Wine.
You need download two pieces of software in addition UCINET: XQuartz and WineBottler
XQuartz (Here is a link to a version that has been used successfully since January)
WineBottler. Here is a link to version 1.7.37. (NOTE: This is the development version. PICK THIS VERSION and READ the instructions about skipping the ADs, they are deliberately deceptive. Please, FOLLOW the Step-by-step instructions.)
And, finally, here is the step-by-step instruction guide for using these with UCINET Step By Step Instructions
Ubuntu/Debian Linux