Wolfe Primates

Post date: Nov 29, 2011 7:0:19 PM


Network Dataset

The dataset includes two files - WOLF and WOLFI.

WOLF includes the following two 20x20 matrices:

    • WOLFK non-symmetric, binary

  • WOLFN symmetric, valued

WOLFI includes one 20x4 matrix, valued.


These data represent 3 months of interactions among a troop of monkeys, observed in the wild by Linda Wolfe as they sported by a river in Ocala, Florida. Joint presence at the river was coded as an interaction and these were summed within all pairs (WOLFN).

WOLFK indicates the putative kin relationships among the animals: 18 may be the granddaughter of 19. WOLFI contains four columns of information about the individual animals: (1) ID number of the animal; (2) age in years; (3) sex; (4) rank in the troop.