Stokman-Ziegler Corporate Interlocks

Post date: Nov 29, 2011 6:46:16 PM


Network Dataset

The dataset includes the following two files:

    • SZCID: Contains one 16x16 matrix, symmetric, valued

  • SZCIG: Contains one 15-by-15 matrix, symmetric, valued


These data come from a six-year research project, concluded in 1976, on corporate power in nine European countries and the United States. Each matrix represents corporate interlocks among the major business entities of two countries - the Netherlands (SZCID) and West Germany (SZCIG).

The volume describing this study, referenced below, includes six chapters on network theoretical and analytical issues related to data of this type.


    • Ziegler R., Bender R. and Biehler H. (1985). Industry and banking in the German corporate network. In F. Stokman, R. Ziegler & J. Scott (eds), Networks of corporate power. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985.

  • Stokman F., Wasseur F. and Elsas D. (1985). The Dutch network: Types of interlocks and network structure. In F. Stokman, R. Ziegler & J. Scott (eds), Networks of corporate power. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985.