Cocaine Dealing Natarajan

Post date: Aug 19, 2016 10:43:42 AM

DESCRIPTION: This dataset comes from an investigation into to a large cocaine trafficking organization in New York City.


DATA: 1-mode matrix 28 x 28 persons by persons.

Directed valued relations are communications exchanges / flows of information. Data come from police wiretappings (transcripts of 151 telephone conversations).

SOURCE/AVAILABILITY: Available from Manchester. Reconstructed from Natarajan, M. "Understanding the structure of a drug trafficking organization: a conversational analysis." Crime Prevention Studies 11 (2000): 273-298.

CITATION: Natarajan, M. "Understanding the structure of a drug trafficking organization: a conversational analysis." Crime Prevention Studies 11 (2000): 273-298.

KEYWORDS: drug dealing, criminal, United States