PhD students in computer science

Post date: Dec 02, 2011 4:56:7 PM


Network Dataset

The dataset name is CS_PhD, and includes the following:

    • 1,025 vertices (computer scientists), 1,043 arcs (pointing from the advisor to the PhD candidate), no edges, no loops. The network is acyclic.

    • PhD_year.clu: a partition of the scientists according to the (known or estimated) year in which they obtained their PhD (1,025 vertices).

    • PhD.paj: Pajek project file containing the network and the partition.


The network contains the ties between Ph.D. students and their advisors in theoretical computer science; each arc points from an advisor to a student. The partition contains the (estimated) year in which the Ph.D. was obtained.


    • D. S. Johnson, "The Genealogy of Theoretical Computer Science", SIGACT News, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 36-44, 1984. Reprinted in Bulletin of the EATCS, No. 25, pp. 198-211, 1985.

    • W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, & V. Batagelj, Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), Chapter 11.


    • Original author: David Johnson; maintained by Ian Parberry. The SIGACT Theoretical Computer Science Genealogy, Last Updated July 22, 1996.

    • Data compiled into Pajek data files by A. Mrvar, 1997.