
Welcome, this is my public notebook. This is where I keep my snippets, links and experience. I hope to inspire at least one person. Enjoy :)

I am an IT system engineer and live in the Netherlands. Ever since the first Intel 8086 came out in the XT casing with DOS I wanted to know more about these intriguing systems called PC's. Not only staying focused on the Microsoft OS'es but widening my vision to Unix and Linux and lately Android.

My key interest is getting more performance from the same hardware and software, hence tweaking and tuning.

Beside that I keep an eye on politics, biology, economy, history, science, culture and psychology. Not specifically in that order :)

Note: Since Google Sites moved to a new platform there are conversion/layout mishaps. I work on that.

Youtube: my channel

Youtube: PlayList 

Contact: try me on gmail

For more info ego search

Worth watching: Videodrome (1983)

I listen to Pinguin Radio and get your t-shirt here to support them

Our little kitten pulling faces at me?

Some interesting quotes of former high ranking officials

"Galatic Federation: We have one of the most beautiful planets in the universe and we make a mess of it" (Paul Hellyer, Former defense minister of Canada, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFl29Uos9K8)

"Galactic Federation: There are aliens among us and US hase base on mars with them" (Haim Eshed, retired Israeli general, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MDJdSI9xoI)


Artemis 1 mission 2022

Must see

Couldn't agree more. Must watch for every single person on this globe!

The Pale Blue Dot - We, 8 billion people, live on it

A little song about a very tiny blue planet somewhere in the fast universe, and the big differences between it's "humans", greed, suppression, money, power, war, violence. "We" are just not ready for it. You can make a difference. At least think about it. Do you get the "big picture"? 

ELAC DEBUT B5 MOD after makeover "disappeared"

First my definition of good stereo speakers in this order:

How do they sound now? Imagine you're watching Rembrand's Night Watch painting from very close. Now replace the painting with a similar size "picture of sound".

7 part crossover, notch filter for woofer (5kHz).

I replaced the 27 Ohm (+2dB from 2.5kHz)
Replaced the 22 Ohm back to a 27 Ohm thin film since it was too bright. Added a 0.01 uF bypass cap to the 1.1 uF capacitor to improve detail. Big difference!

6" Felt around the tweeter to absorb baffle diffraction, I use them with grille. (edit: outer felt ring removed now, only tweeter beauty ring is still covered)

Note: I use them with front covers for protection against our cat

Some thoughts and quotes

"Flat earthers around the globe unite" :)

Crime will rise equal with the gap between the rich and poor.

“Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reasons.”  Mark Twain

"If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?" (Arrival, 2016)

He said he is a liar. I did not believe him

Absence of evidence is no evidence of absence

We have to close mankinds "childhood" and enter the state of "Universe-al Consciousness"

"Beliefs are not a reliable criteria for reality"  Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, nurse 509th Bomber Group Roswell 1947

Alien life may be visiting earth as long as mankind existence. In fact, they may be the missing link we look for. That means you and I are alien too.

Some say God created earth in a week. Ever wondered what God was doing the weeks prior to that?

Laser, Optical fiber and silicon IC chips were "invented" within 10 years after the Roswell UFO crash. Coincidence? You are using ET technology today!

"We have the technology to take ET home!" (Ben Rich '93)    Note: Nice sir but do we know how to use it ;)

"Denying Extra Terrestrial Life is like scooping a cup of water from the ocean and state there is no fish in the ocean!"

When a brain in an embryo starts to grow the hard programmed BIOS provides basic functions for the body. But who loads the OS?

The current laws of physics are like half the alphabet. Nice words can be made but we are missing the story.

Democracy is when you think your voice makes a difference, but the real difference is made by the capitalists money.

China has soo many US dollars that the flick of a switch (made in China) can knock down the "stars and stripes". 

Computers are as accurate as the data you feed them with.

Are you a hyper-consumer? Buying the latest and throw away what is so last year? Ever thought about the waste and pollution you cause?

For how much can you sell a bar of gold to an alien?

Many people travel comfortably along worn paths.

In modern life we need each other less, so we become more intolerant / asocial beings.

STARR model is not correct. Must be SCARR - Situation Choice Action Result Reflect :)  Creative ways to deal with challenges in the moment

Self reflection could be like shaving under the shower. Walking to the mirror and notice you missed a few spots.

Luck starts with recognizing opportunities and then work for it. There is no easy way.

When you grow older only Memory Lane gets longer. Other places will look smaller then you remembered.

If mankind is the only intelligent life form in the whole universe wouldn't that bring immense responsibility?

We extend our senses with electronic devices more and more. When do we humans become conscious virtual machines?


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