OSMAnd navigation

There are many Navigation programs but if you look for one when on a Bicycle you must look at OSMAnd.

With the free version you can only download 7 maps. Choose countries.

The completeness of the maps (small bridges, stairs, poi, ...) bicycle paths and routes and flexibility with loads of options are very useful.

Seeing the elevation along the route and an option for route calculation. Also loading tracks and recording them realtime for later use is great.

With the Online Maps plugin you can Underlay and Overlay a variety of maps. For example underlay satellite from Microsoft Earth and Overlay OpenFietskaart (NL)

Options and settings

Settings are stored per profile. The profiles are Browse, Car, Bicycle, Pedestrian and Public transport.

Map settings - items visibility on the map (for every profile)

Display settings - GUI items (for every profile)


Navigation settings - items for routes, warnings (not for Browse profile)

General settings - settings like Language, units, theme etc (OSMAnd program)

Downloading the (offline) maps

After installing the program you need to download the maps first. You can download 7 maps for free.

- World overview map (200MB)

- World wide elevation correction (2MB)

- your country map's

Normal maps (NL 1000MB)

Road map (NL 300MB)

Elevation lines, Shadow or Wikipedia maps (Optional)

Don't install city or region map. It will cost you 2 downloads from the 7 you have.

The OSMAnd country maps are very big. But they have a lot of detail. You can even find wastebin locations in poi.

If you want to reset everything (if you made mistake) goto the OSMAnd app in the Android Apps menu and then Clear data.

You can also download the maps from here. Unzip and place OBF them in /sdcard/Android/data/net.osmand/files or roads.

Showing bicycle routes on the map

Goto Map Settings,select the proper profile (Bicycle) and scroll down to the Routes option. Click on it and select Show Bicycle Routes

Adding raster (online) layers

Apart from the offline downloadable vector maps you can over- and underlay online raster maps. Before you can use them you need to enable the Online maps in the Plugin Manager.

Now goto Map settings and choose "install more..." at the Overlay and Underlay map. Note that these Online map settings are Global. Should be in General settings if you ask me.

To switch them On and Off quick goto the Display Settings and click the Quick Button. Now create a new button and choose Over or Underlay. Now add two maps. For example as Underlay I choose Microsoft Earth and No underlay. This will toggle the Earth layer On and Off in the Quick menu.

As underlay map I use Microsoft Earth, my overlay is OpenFietskaart (NL)

Adding Google realtime Traffic as overlay

Now you can add Realtime Google Traffic overlay. Slight problem is that you need to define at least two layers?

So I use transit since it doesn't produce clutter on the tiles maps like names etc.

Map Settings



Name: Type Google Traffic

URL: https://mts0.google.com/vt/lyrs=traffic,transit&x={1}&y={2}&z={0}

Min Zoom: 5

Max Zoom: 17

Expire: 15 minutes

Reselect the Base Map "OsmAnd Offline vector map" as your base map.

The new "Google Traffic" tile layer is now available as overlay. Opacity 100%. It will update every 15 minutes.

x or 1 is the x coordinate of the OSM tile

y or 2 is the y coordinate of the OSM tile

z or 0 is the zoom factor, 5 the lowest possible with Google

For Google Bicycle overlay use URL: https://mts0.google.com/vt/lyrs=bike,transit&x={1}&y={2}&z={0}

A source for these layer can be found here or here (might be outdated)

Adding Weather overlay

Cannot get it to work yet. One possibility is the Rainviewer API.


But it is impossible to get the unix timestamp, in this example 1561120800, which is from this URL: https://tilecache.rainviewer.com/api/maps.json

Else it will work OK.

Edit 28 jun 2019:

Openweathermap looks to be working. Must test it more though.

http://tile.openweathermap.org/map/precipitation_new/{0}/{1}/{2}.png?APPID=your API key

Just register at openweathermap.com and you will get your API key.


Stable download: http://download.osmand.net/releases/ (Preferred)

Nightly download: http://download.osmand.net/latest-night-build/

Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.osmand

Maps: https://download.osmand.net/list.php

Bicycle routes and "knooppunten" on the map: http://biketory.nl/content/31/laad_fietsknooppunten_en_fietsroutes_in_osmand.html

Create your own map: https://extract.bbbike.org/