July 2023 Norway's Lofoten Islands and Sweden's Kungsleden
Three Vigorous Hikers, Dave, Liz and Steve, TVH Alum Bob, Bob's daughter Michelle, and TVH friend Jeff (Washington state) spent from 9 days to over 2 weeks above the Arctic Circle exploring some of far-northern Norway and Sweden's best hiking, mountains and wilderness. Bob, Jeff and Michelle day-hiked for 6 days in the spectacular mountain landscape of Norway's Lofoten Islands, before being joined for a seventh hike by Dave, Liz and Steve. Afterwards, Jeff and Michelle returned home while the others traveled by bus and train into Sweden, where they spent 8 days trekking the famous Dag Hammarskjold Way (DHL). The DHL is a 64-mile arc from Abisko to Nikkaluokta through Sweden's subarctic, mountainous backcountry that begins with the northernmost 44 miles of the equally famous Kungsleden, the King's Way. On the 6th day they attempted to summit Kebnekaise, Sweden's high point, with Dave succeeding in reaching it.
Pictures by Bob, Dave, Jeff, Liz, Michelle and Steve - Bob produced the report.
Pictures at https://photos.app.goo.gl/8TaMXu9694VJxptR8