Submit Hours

Here is some tips for filling the form.

In "Type of Hours",

Professional include BAP meetings and conferences from other eligible organizations.

Community Service include tutor, college organized community services and off-campus services.

In "Sponsor",

BAP sponsored means the activity is organized by BAP.

Here are some examples:

Conference by OKEthics- Professional, NON-BAP sponsored.

Lunchon and the students session by Friends of Finance- Professional, NON-BAP sponsored.

Tutor-Community Service, BAP sponsored

FoodBank Volunteer- Community Service, NON-BAP sponsored

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask any of the officers!

* If you signed the sign-in sheet set by BAP. Then you do not need to submit hours here.

They are summed by the sign-in sheet.

For example, please DO NOT submit for BAP professional meetings, Bowling,

BAP organized elementary school volunteer services.