

Dongsu Choi, Yoko Watanabe, Robert D. Guy, Tetsuto Sugai, Hiroto Toda, Takayoshi Koike (2017) Photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen allocation in the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) grown in a FACE system. Acta Physiol Plant 39:71. DOI 10.1007/s11738-017-2366-0


Ryo Kitamura, Hiroto Toda, Masaaki Yamada, Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura, Yosei Oikawa, Sachi Nagai, Motoi Kusadokoro, Gota Tsutsumi (2016) Water level fluctuation and tree species combinations in floodplain forests managed for acai (Euterpe oleracea) production in the Amazon River Estuary. Japanese Journal of Forest Environment 58: 41-50

Rieko Urakawa, Nobuhito Ohte, Hideaki Shibata, Kazuo Isobe, Ryunosuke Tateno, Tomoki Oda, Takuo Hishi, Keitaro Fukushima, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Keizo Hirai, Nobuhiro Oyanagi, Makoto Nakata, Hiroto Toda, Tanaka Kenta, Megumi Kuroiwa, Tsunehiro Watanabe, Karibu Fukuzawa, Naoko Tokuchi, Shin Ugawa, Tsutomu Enoki, Asami Nakanishi, Nobuko Saigusa, Yukio Yamao, Ayumi Kotani (2016) Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 382–396


Masaru Sakai, Takashi Gomi, Risa S. Naito, Junjiro N. Negishi, Michiko Sasaki, Hiroto Toda, Masanori Nunokawa, Kaori Murase (2015) Radiocesium leaching from contaminated litter in forest streams. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 144: 15-20

Yunting Fang, Keisuke Koba, Akiko Makabe, Chieko Takahashi, Weixing Zhu, Takahiro Hayashi, Azusa A. Hokari, Rieko Urakawa, Edith Bai, Benjamin Z. Houlton, Dan Xi, Shasha Zhang, Kayo Matsushita, Ying Tu, Dongwei Liu, Feifei Zhu, Zhenyu Wang, Guoyi Zhou, Dexiang Chen, Tomoko Makita, Hiroto Toda, Xueyan Liu, Quansheng Chena, Deqiang Zhang, Yide Li and Muneoki Yoh (2015) Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(5): 1470–1474


角田裕志・大橋春香・斎藤正恵・堀江玲子・野場啓・小池伸介・星野義延・戸田浩人・梶光一 (2014) 栃木県佐野市新合地区および氷室地区におけるイノシシの採餌, 環境野生生物と社会 1(2):61-70

Rieko Urakawa, Hideaki Shibata, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Ryunosuke Tateno, Takuo Hishi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Keizo Hirai, Hiroto Toda, Nobuhiro Oyanagi, Makoto Nakata, Asami Nakanishi, Keitaro Fukushima, Tsutomu Enoki, Yuichi Suwa

Effects of freezeethaw cycles resulting from winter climate change on soil nitrogen cycling in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout the Japanese archipelago.

Soil Biology & Biochemistry 74:82-94

Xiaoqiang Lu, Hiroto Toda, Fangjun Ding, Shengzuo Fang, Wanxia Yang, Haigen Xu

Effect of vegetation types on chemical and biological properties of soils of karst ecosystems.

European Journal of Soil Biology 61:49-57

Dongsu CHOI, Hiroto Toda, Yongsuk Kim (2014)

Effect of sulfur dioxide (SO2) on growth and physiological activity in Alnus sieboldiana at Miyakejima island in Japan

Ecological Research 29 : 103-110

岩月良介, 堀口智也, 戸田浩人, 崔東寿 (2014)


日本緑化工学会誌 39:353-359

Xiaoqiang Lu, Hiroto Toda, Fangjun Ding, Shengzuo Fang, Wanxia Yang, Haigen Xu (2014)

Effect of vegetation types on chemical and biological properties of soils of karst ecosystems.

European Journal of Soil Biology 61:49-57

Rieko Urakawa, Hideaki Shibata, Megumi Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Ryunosuke Tateno, Takuo Hishi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Keizo Hirai, Hiroto Toda, Nobuhiro Oyanagi, Makoto Nakata, Asami Nakanishi, Keitaro Fukushima, Tsutomu Enoki, Yuichi Suwa (2014)

Effects of freezeethaw cycles resulting from winter climate change on soil nitrogen cycling in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout the Japanese archipelago.

Soil Biology & Biochemistry 74:82-94

角田裕志・大橋春香・斎藤正恵・堀江玲子・野場啓・小池伸介・星野義延・戸田浩人・梶光一 (2014)


野生生物と社会 1(2):61-70


Ye Tian, Kiyomi Takanashi, Hiroto Toda, Kikuo Haibara, Fangjun Ding(2013)

pH and substrate regulation of nitrogen and carbon dynamics in forest soils in a karst region of the upper Yangtze River basin, China.

Journal of Forest Research 18:228-237.


佐々木道子、戸田浩人、崔 東壽(2012)


関東森林研究 63(2):105-108.

平田彩、大塚敏博、戸田浩人、崔 東壽(2012)


関東森林研究 63(2):109-112.

Fujiwara Keisuke, Toda Hiroto, Choi Dongsu(2012)

The effect of UV-B irradation and Far-red light reduction on the growth of Laurus nobilis in indoor.

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Xiaoqiang Lu, Hiroto Toda, Fandjun Ding, Dounsu Choi, and Shengzo Fang(2011)Hydrochemistry and nutrient budgets in a natural forest in a karst area of southwestern China, Japanese Journal Forest Environment 53(2):61-71.

崔 東壽、戸田浩人、李忠和(2011)石灰添加が韓国安山工業団地内に植栽したチョウセンゴヨウに及ぼす影響

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柴田英昭、戸田浩人、稲垣善之、舘野隆之輔、木庭啓介、福澤加里部(2010)森林源流域における窒素の生物地球科学過程と渓流水質の形成, 地球環境 15:133-143.


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浦川梨恵子、戸田浩人、生原喜久雄、崔 東壽(2009)スギ、ヒノキ高齢人工林の斜面下部伐採がNO3-流出に及ぼす影響~火山灰土壌下層土のNO3-吸脱着を考慮した土層中のNO3-シュミレーション~, 日本森林学会誌91:184-191.


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Ye Tian, Kikuo Haibara, Hiroto Toda, Fangjiun Ding, Yanhui Liu, and Dongusu Choi(2008)Microbial biomass and activity along a natural pH gradient in forest soils in a karst region of the upper Yangtzu River, China. Journal of Forest Research 13:205-214.

戸田浩人、花岡巧大、江原三恵、佐々木龍一、生原喜久雄、亀谷行雄、崔 東壽(2008)三宅島2000年噴火後の森林土壌の理化学性と植生回復. 日本緑化工学会誌 34:21-26.

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兼俊壮明、江口則、北岡 哲、崔 東壽、李 明鐘、日浦 勉、小池孝良(2008)異なる光環境下におけるニセアカシアの光合成特性と季節変化. 日本森林学会北海道支部論文集 56:37-39.

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Masazumi Kayama, Satoshi Kitaoka, Wenjie Wang, Dongsu Choi, Takayoshi Koike (2007) Needle longevity, photosynthetic rate and nitrogen concentration of eight spruce taxa planted in northern Japan. Tree Physiology 27:1585-1593.

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