
"Demain ... vers une chimie choisie"

"La chimie pour le vivant ... le vivant pour la chimie"

Thursday, June 3rd

9:00 am Face to face High schools studnts / Scientists

With the participation of:

Barry Sharpless Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2001

Yves Chauvin Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2005

Bernard Meunier French Academy of Sciences

Marc Fontecave French Academy of Sciences

Professor, Collège de France

Olivier Homolle President, BASF France

President, SCF

Gillian Barratt Research Director, CNRS

Animation conducted by: Sabine Quindou, journalist France 3

11:30 am End of the morning session

2:00 pm Welcoming remarks:Gérard Pignault Director, CPE Lyon.

Jean-Marie Basset President, Scientific Committee

Lionel Collet President, Lyon 1 University

Alain Fuchs* President, CNRS

Valérie Pécresse* Minister of High Education, Research and Technolo

2:15 pm Chair Persons Jean-Marie Basset & Yves Chauvin

Barry Sharpless, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2001, the Scripps Institute, San Diego US

« Recent Advances in Click Chemistry »

4:15 pm Break and poster session

4:45 pm

Marc Fontecave, Professor, Collège de France, FR

« From Enzymes to Nanocatalysts: The Case of Hydrogenases »

6:00 pm End of the afternoon session

7:00 pm Reception Mairie of Villeurbanne


Friday, June 4th

9:00 am Chair Persons Philippe Sautet & Jean-Marie Herrmann

Bernard Meunier, French Academy of Sciences

« Hybrid molecules with a dual activity as new antimalarial drugs»

10:00 am

Lyndon Emsley, Institut Universitaire de France

« NMR Spectroscopy & Tomorrow's Medicine? »

11:00 am Break and poster session

11:30 am

Daniel Mansuy, Member of the French Academy of Sciences

« La chimie du et pour le vivant »

12:30 pm Lunch and poster session

2:00 pm Chair persons Héléne Parrot & Loïc Blum

Herman Höfte, Research director, INRA

« Green Biotechnology for biofuels and green chemistry »

3:00 pm

Quinn Zhu, Molecular Biology Leader Omega-3 program , CR&D Du Pont company, US

« Metabolic Engineering of Yarrowia lipolytica: Production of Eicosapentaenoic Acid-Rich (NewHarvet) Oil for Commercialization »

4:00 pm Break and poster session

4:30 pm

Gillian Barratt ,Research Director, CNRS. UMR 8612, Physicochimie-pharmacotechnie et biopharmacie.

« Targeting of drugs: the magic bullet? »

5:30 pm Closing remarks