Nobel Laureate

Ei-Ichi Negishi Yves Chauvin

Ei-Ichi Negishi, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010:

Born on July 14th, 1935 in Changchun, in China.

He is a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry of 2010 with Richard Heck and Akira Suzuki.

Ei-ichi Negishi makes its mastery of science the university of Tokyo, then works within the chemical company Teijin, before leaving to the United States to make its thesis to the University of Pennsylvania where he obtains his diploma in 1963. He joins as comment-doc in 1966 the laboratory of Herbert Charles Brown to the university of Purdue, then in 1968, he obtains a post there of assisting professor.

From 1972 till 1978, he worked to the university of Syracuse in the State of New York as assisting professor before obtaining a professor's post to Purdue in 1979 where he is always teaching.

In 2010, he shares the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the reactions of coupling catalysed by the palladium in organic synthesis.

Yves Chauvin, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005:

French chemist been born on October 10th, 1930 to Menin, in Belgium.

He is honorary study leader to the French Institute of the oil (IFP) of Rueil Malmaison and member of the Academy of Science.

Richard R. Schrock, Robert Grubbs and him are Nobelists of chemistry of 2005 for their researches for the development of the method of the metathesis in organic synthesis.