Practical Information

ENS Lyon

15, Square René Descartes

BP 7000

69342 LYON cedex 07

Phone: 04 37 37 60 00

See the plan via GoogleMap : access to ENS LYON

The ENS Lyon is in the district of Gerland, 7 ème district of Lyon, near the bridge Pasteur, on the left side of the Rhône.

The site René Descartes is situated 15 squares René Descartes, in the angle of the avenue Jean Jaurès and of the avenue Debourg

The site Jacques Monod is situated 46 allée d'Italie, between the Place Pavillon and the Halle Tony Garnier.


From the airport of Lyon-Saint-Exupéry : take the streetcar RhôneExpress at the airport up to the station of Part-Dieu.

From the station of Part-Dieu : take the subway (line B) direction Stade de Gerland, up to the station Debourg.

From the subway station Jean Macé : take the line B direction Stade de Gerland, up to the station Debourg.

By bus from Perrache : Bus 32 or 96, stop Halle Tony Garnier or Debourg-Jaurès (for the site Descartes)

By bike : see the plan of bicycle paths on the site of Grand Lyon

You will find stations Bike :

- Avenue Debourg - Angle cours Jean Jaurès (station n°7005)

- In front of n°219 avenue Jean Jaurès - Angle street Bollier, (station n°7057)

- Place des Pavillons - In front of the municipal library (station n°7012)

- Place de l'école Lyon - Angle St Cloud's street (station n°7046)

- Halle Tony Garnier - Avenue Tony Garnier, 100 m after angle avenue Debourg (station n°7013)