3-11-2011 The 2011 Tohoku, Taiheiyo-oki, Earthquake(M9.0)

Reconnaissance report after the initial site investigation (5/4/2011-8/4/2011)

Slides presented at JGS on 11/4/2011  

Strong motion array record at Shinagawa & Ohi, port & harbour area, in Tokyo.  

Long period (approx. 20 sec) waves are observed in port & harbour area in Tokyo.

Details are found in Port_Harbour_strongmotion_lowres_ver2.pdf (Ver. 2)

3/22/2011: Ver. 2, Fourier amplitude is corrected.

(Results are provisional and subject to change. 3/15/2011)

Comments made by Dr. Atsushi Nozu (PARI): The observed long periodic wave may be the Rayleigh wave. The K-net TKY002 record also shows the same peak. In Kanto area, the dominant period of the surface wave generated by the crustal basin effect is less than 20 sec, i.e., from a few seconds to 12 seconds. Thus, the observed long periodic wave (20 sec) is possibly be related to the crustal structure on which Japan Islands are located.      

Shinagawa (品川)




ESRI Social media map: https://esrij.smartseminar.jp/cc/?c_d=2krxDVF0GtkHK-736%26p_e%3D12961

USTREAM Fuji TV http://www.ustream.tv/channel/japanhelpchannel#utm_campaign=fupcoming&utm_source=3&utm_medium=technology-the-web

RCEP, DPRI, Kyoto Univ.  http://www.rcep.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/events/110311tohoku/110311tohoku.html

Prof. Yagi @ Tsukuba http://www.geol.tsukuba.ac.jp/~yagi-y/EQ/Tohoku/

Dr. GAvin Hayes, USGS http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthenews/2011/usc0001xgp/finite_fault.php

The headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion




災害wiki http://wiki.arch.ues.tmu.ac.jp/saigai/index.php?%BA%D2%B3%B2Wiki

Google Crisis Response http://www.google.co.jp/intl/ja/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html

The headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion http://www.jishin.go.jp/main/index.html

Ministry of defense http://www.mod.go.jp/j/approach/defense/saigai/tohokuoki/index.html

MLIT http://www.mlit.go.jp/saigai/index.html

Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinets http://www.kantei.go.jp/

Miyagi Pref. http://www.pref.miyagi.jp/doboku/110311dbk_taiou/index.htm

Iwate Pref. http://www.pref.iwate.jp/~bousai/

Fukushima Pref. http://wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp/pcp_portal/PortalServlet?DISPLAY_ID=DIRECT&NEXT_DISPLAY_ID=U000004&CONTENTS_ID=23603

Aomori Pref. http://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/

NEXCO 東日本 http://www.e-nexco.co.jp/

JR East http://www.jreast.co.jp/

Miyagi prefectural police http://www.police.pref.miyagi.jp/