(as of November, 2021)



関西大学 環境都市工学部 都市システム工学科 教授

Civil, Environmental and Applied System Engineering, Kansai University

誕生日D.O.B. 1970/5/19



2020年4月 関西大学環境都市工学部教授

2016年4月 関西大学環境都市工学部准教授

2013年3月 京都大学防災研究所准教授

2011年8月-12月 フランス中央土木研究所(IFSTTAR, 旧LCPC) 海外派遣

2004年4月 京都大学防災研究所助教

2003年8月 京都大学教育研究振興財団 短期海外派遣,南カリフォルニア大学 

2002年9月 京都大学防災研究所助手 

2002年8月 Ph. D (土木工学), University of Southern California(南カリフォルニア大学), Los Angeles, USA 

1997年3月 京都大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻修了,工学修士 

1995年3月 京都大学工学部土木工学科卒業 



地盤工学会 論文賞 ,2021

都市システム工学科 Best Teacher賞(演習・実習科目) ,2019

日本自然災害学会 学術賞,2018 


優秀発表賞,第41回地盤工学研究発表会, 2007

ベストティーチングアシスタント, 南カリフォルニア大学, 2000

ベストティーチングアシスタント, 南カリフォルニア大学, 1998

リサーチアシスタントシップ, 南カリフォルニア大学, 1997-2002

ティーチングアシスタントシップ, 南カリフォルニア大学, 1997-2000

優秀発表賞, 土木学会関西支部年次発表会,1995


Professional experience

2019年 2018年インドネシア・スラウェシ島・パル地震被害調査

2018年 北海道胆振東部地震被害調査

2018年 大阪府北部の地震被害調査(土木学会調査団)

2016年 熊本地震調査

2011年4月 東北地方太平洋沖地震被害調査(地盤工学会調査団)

2010年3月‐4月 チリ・マウレ地震調査(地盤工学会調査団)

2007年 7月 新潟県中越沖地震

2007年 3月 能登半島地震

2006年 8月 インドネシア・(ジョグジャカルタ,パガンダラン)地震・津波調査

2005年 9月 イラン・バム地震第2次調査

2005年 3月 スマトラ沖地震・津波調査(スマトラ島沖大地震及びインド洋津波に関する緊急調査研究)

2004年 10月 新潟県中越地震

2004年 2月 イラン・バム地震(Mw6.6)被害調査(土木学会調査団)

2003年10月 十勝沖地震(Mw8.0)被害調査 

2003年 7月 九州南部豪雨災害(水俣・菱刈)土石流調査

2003年 6月 三陸南地震(Mw7.0)被害調査

投稿論文 (2021年11月現在) Publication








1)  Kutter1, B.L., Carey, T.J., Stone, N., Bonab, M.H., Manzari, M., Zeghal, M., Escoffier, S., Haigh, S., Madabhushi, G., Hung, W.-Y., Kim, D.S., Kim, N.R., Okamura, M., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., Zhou, Y.G. (2019.8). “LEAP-UCD-2017 V. 1.01 model specifications.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID1.

2)  Kutter, B.L., Carey, T.J., Stone, N., Zheng, B.L, Gavras, A., Manzari, M., Zeghal, M., Abdoun, T., Korre, E., Escoffier, S., Haigh, S., Madabhushi, G., Madabhushi, S., Hung, W.Y, Liao, T.W., Kim, D.S., Kim, S.N, Ha, J.G, Kim, N.R., Okamura, M., Sjafuddin, A.N., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., Vargas, R., Zhou, Y.G., Liu, K.. (2019.8). “LEAP-UCD-2017 comparison of centrifuge test results.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID4.

3)  Goswami, N., Zeghal, M., Kutter, B., Manzari, M., Abdoun, T., Carey, T., Escoffier, S., Ha, J.G., Haigh, S., Hung, W.Y., Kim, D.S., Kim, S.N., Kim, N.R., Korre. E., Liao, T.W., Liu, K., Madabhushi, G., Srikanth SC Madabhushi, S., Mitsu Okamura, M., Sjafuddin, A.N., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., Vargas, R., Zhou, Y.G. (2019.8). “Difference and Sensitivity Analyses of the LEAP-2017 Experiments.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID7.

4)  Manzari, M.T., El Ghoraiby, M., Zeghal, M., Kutter, B.L., Arduino, P., Barrero, A.R., Bilotta, E., Chen, L., Chen, R., Chiaradonna, A., Elgamal, A., Fasano, G., Fukutake, K., Fuentes, W., Ghofrani, A., Haigh, S., Hung, W.Y., Ichii, K., Kim, D.S., Kiriyama, T., Lascarro, C., Madabhushi, M.S.P.G., Mercado, V., Montgomery, J., Okamura, M., Ozutsumi, O., Qiu, Z., Taiebat, M., Tobita, T., Travasarou, T., Tsiaousi, D., Ueda, K., Ugalde, J., Wada, T., Wang, R., Yang, M., Zhang, J.M., Zhou, Y.G., Ziotopoulou, K. (2019.8). “LEAP-2017: Comparison of the Type-B Numerical Simulations with Centrifuge Test Results.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID10.

5)  Kutter, B.L., Manzari, M.T., Zeghal, M., Arduino, P., Barrero, A.R., Carey, T.J., Chen, L., Elgamal, A., Ghofrani, A., Montgomery, J., Ozutsumi,O., Qiu, Z., Taiebat, M., Tobita, T., Travasarou, T., Tsiaousi, D., Ueda, K., Ugalde, J., Yang, M., Zheng, B.L., and Ziotopoulou, K.. (2019.8). “Numerical sensitivity study compared to trend of experiments for LEAP-UCD-2017.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID11.

6)  Vargas, R.R.T, Tobita, T., Ueda1, K., Yatsugi, H. (2019.8). “LEAP-UCD-2017 Centrifuge Test at Kyoto University.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID17.

7)  Tobita, T. (2019.8). “Variation of permeability of viscous fluid during liquefaction model testing.” Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017 – Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Kutter, Manzari and Mourad (Eds), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-22817-0, ID37.

8)  飛田哲男. (2016.11). “地盤工学における模型実験の相似則と遠心模型実験.” 理工学と技術, 関西大学理工学会誌, 23, 11-17.

9)  Tobita, T., Manzari, M., Ozutsumi, O., Ueda, K., Uzuoka, R., and Iai, S. (2015.9). “Benchmark centrifuge tests and analyses of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading during earthquake.” Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events – Iai (Ed), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02709-1, 127-182.

10)  Manzari, M.T. and Kutter, B.L. and Zeghal, M. and Iai, S. and Tobita, T. and Madabhushi, S.P.G. and Haigh, S.K. and Mejia, L. and Gutierrez, D.A. and Armstrong, R.J. and Sharp, M.K. and Chen, Y.M. and Zhou, Y.G. (2015.9). “LEAP projects.” Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events - Iai (Ed.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02709-1, pp. 109-116.

11)  Tobita, T. (2014.9). “Combined effect of earthquake and tsunami on failure of a pile supported building.” Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events - Iai (Ed), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02709-1, 451-458.

12)  Tobita, T., Escoffier, S., Chazelas, J. L. and Iai, S. (2012.6). “Application of the generalized scaling law to ground settlements of dry sands.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 55B, 195-199.

13)  井合進, 飛田哲男. (2011.6). "ひずみ空間多重せん断モデルによる誘導異方性の表現." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 54B, 215-224.

14)  Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011.6). "Application of the Generalized Scaling Law to Liquefiable Model Ground." Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 54B, 225-236.

15)  Hussien, M., N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2011.6). “Centrifuge Analysis of Coupled Soil-pile-structure Interaction.” Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, No. 54B, 237-246.

16)  飛田哲男, 井合進, 甲斐誠士. (2011.6). "宮城県北部および茨城県の港湾と河川施設の被害状況." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 54A, 43-49.

17)  Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2010.6). “Experimental and FE Analysis of Seismic Soil-Pile-Superstructure Interaction in Sand.” Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, No. 53(B), 299-306.

18)  Kang, G.-C., Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Konishi, Y. (2009.12). "Relationship between SPT borehole logs and observed buried structures uplift during the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake." GIZ2009, 307-312.

19)  井合進, 上田恭平, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2009.6). “砂の力学モデルとしての多重せん断モデルの有限ひずみ(大変形)解析の定式化.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 323-343.

20)  飛田哲男, 井合進, 姜基天, 小西康彦, 原園照二. (2009.6). “液状化によるマンホールの最大浮上量の推定法.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 355-364.

21)  上田恭平, 井合進, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2009.6). “幾何学的非線形性を考慮した多重せん断モデル型弾性体の定式化.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 383-394.

22)  Kang, G.-C., Tobita, T., Tomisaka, K. and Iai, S. (2009.6). “Centrifuge Modeling for Uplift of Buried Structures by Liquefaction: A New Measure for Uplift.” Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, No. 52B, 395-402.

23)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Noda, S. (2008.6). "Generalized scaling relations for dynamic level ground response." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University No. 51B, 315-321.

24)  Kang, G.-C., Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2008.6). "Numerical analysis of interaction between soils and pile group based on the full-scale statnamic test." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 51B, 347-353.

25)  井合進, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2008.6). “砂の繰返し載荷時の挙動モデルとしてのひずみ空間多重モデルにおけるストレスダイレイタンシー関係.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 51B, 291-303.

26)  上田恭平, 飛田哲男, 井合進. (2008.6). “自立式矢板護岸の動的有効応力解析.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 51B, 339-346.

27)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Nishida, K. (2007.6). "Verification of generalized scaling relations for dynamic centrifuge experiments." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 50B, 379-385.

28)  Chigira, M., Iai, S., Mimura, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2007.6). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas -Progress report in FY2005." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 50C, 23-32.

29)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006.6). "Dynamic behavior of a levee on saturated sand deposit." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 49B, 369-375.

30)  井合進, 飛田哲男, Donahue, M., 中道正人, 金子英久. (2006.6). “地盤-杭の相互作用に関する水平断面内挙動.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 49B, 363-368.

31)  Iai, S., Mimura, M., Chigira, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2006.6). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas -Progress report in FY2005." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 49C, 23-38.

32)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Nakayama, K., Nakamichi, M. and Hirata, K. (2005.6). “Dynamic behavior of group pile under lateral spreading.” Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48B, 363-370.

33)  Wang, M. W., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2005.6). "Effective stress analysis of underground RC structures during earthquakes." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48B, 371-381.

34)  Chigira, M., Iai, S., Sidle, R. C., Kamai, T., Mimura, M., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2005.6). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas- Progress report in FY 2004." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48C, 67-77.

35)  井合進, 飛田哲男, 宮本順司, 稲積真哉, 清水博樹, 関口秀雄. (2004.6). "遠心力載荷装置における無線LANを用いた高速データ計測システムの開発." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 47B, 89-92.

36)  飛田哲男, 井合進, 仲山賢司, 原哲郎. (2004.6). "杭・地盤系の動的挙動に関する研究." 防災研究所年報, No. 47B, 111-119.

37)  Iai, S., Inazumi, S., Chigira, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Mimura, M., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2004.6). "Geo-Disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in Urban and Surrounding Areas." Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 47C, 25-38.

38)  Bardet, J. P. and Tobita, T. (2001.4). “NERA: A computer program for Nonlinear Earthquake Site Response Analysis of Layered Soil Deposits.” Report submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California.

39)  Bardet, J. P., Mace, N., Tobita, T., and Hu, J. (1999.8). "Large-scale modeling of liquefaction-induced ground deformation. Part I: A four-parameter MLR model." Proceedings of the Seventh Japan-US Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction, Technical Report No. NCEER-99, Seattle, 155-173.

40)  Bardet, J. P., Tobita, T., Mace, N., and Hu, J. (1999.8). "Large-scale modeling of liquefaction-induced ground deformation. Part II: MLR model application and probabilistic model." Proceedings of the Seventh Japan-US Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction, Technical Report No. NCEER-99, Seattle, 175-190.



1)      Tobita, T. (2018.11). “Experimental study on liquefaction-induced settlements with sand boiling.” Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Natural Disasters.

2)      Tobita, T. (2018.11). “Large scale strong ground motion prediction with Geoinformation.” International Conference on GIS and Geoinformation Zoning for Disaster Mitigation (GIZ2018), Auckland, New Zealand.

3)      Tobita, T., Likiltersuang, S., Mase, L.Z. and Ueda, K. (2018.10). “Experimental study on liquefaction-induced settlements with sand boiling.” The 5th JASTIP Symposium – Disaster Risk Reduction & Environmental Sustainability for Social Resilience, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Paper TS603.

4) Tobita, T. and Kashiwagi, K. (2018.3). “Static and dynamic analysis on gentle slopes stability.” The 7th China-Japan Geotechnical Symposium, 16-18 March, Sanya, China, pp. 326-332.

5)      Tobita, T. and Kashiwagi, K. (2017.11). “Numerical analysis for stability of infinite gentle slopes.” Philippine-Japan Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Manila, Philippine.

6)  Tobita, T., Ashino, T., Jianfei, R., and Iai S. (2016.8). “Effect of the radial gravity in the centrifuge modeling.” EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.

7)  Tobita, T., Ueada, K., Jianfei, R., and Iai, S. (2016.). “Pull-up resistance of buried pipes with varied cross sections.” Thailand-Japan Symposium on Earthquake Engineering 2016.

8)  Masuda, S., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2014.8). “Validation of the generalized scaling law for liquefaction-induced lateral spreading.” EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2014, August 25-27, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

9)  Isotani, T., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2012.9). “Deformation behavior of sea embankment caused by liquefaction and tsunami.” EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2012, Sep 13-14, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.

10)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Iwata, T. (2010.5). "Numerical analysis of trampoline effect in extreme ground motion." Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Paper No. 3.22a.

11)  Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2012.3). “Seismic performance of coupled soil-pile-structure system: Parametric study.” 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2012, 541-545.

12)  Tobita, T., Iai, S. and Araki, Y. (2012.3). “Introduction of structural anisotropy for seismic resistant geotechnical structure.” 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2012, 485-490.

13)  Tobita, T., Escoffier, S., Chazelas, J. L. and Iai, S., (2012.11). “Generalized scaling law for flat layered sand deposit.” Proceedings of Asiafuge 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai- 400076, India, Nov. 14-16, 2012 (Invited lecture).

14)  Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011.3). "Seismic analysis of coupled soil-pile-structure interaction using finite elements." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 495-499.

15)  Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011.3). "The generalized scaling law for liquefiable sand deposit - Causes of discrepancy at low centrifugal accelerations-." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 379-387.

16)  Ueda, K., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2011.3). "Finite deformation analysis of earthquake induced damage to breakwater during 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 261-270.

17)  Ueda, K., Iai, S., Tobita, T. (2010.3). “Large deformation analysis of dynamic behavior of embankment on liquefaction sand deposit using strain space multiple mechanism model.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2010, 537-545.

18)  Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Rollins, K. M. (2010.3). “Vertical loads effect on lateral pile group response on the basis of soil-pile-cap interactions.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2010, 601-607.

19)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Iwata, T. (2009.9). “Numerical analysis of near-field asymmetric vertical motion.” 3rd Greece-Japan Workshop: Seismic Design, Observation, and Retrofit of Foundations, Santorini, Greece, 206-218.

20)  Tobita, T., Kang, G. -C., Iai, S., and Konishi, Y. (2009.9). "Observed and estimated sewer manhole uplifts during earthquakes." Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Kokusho, Tsukamoto and Yoshimine (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-55614-9, 1061-1069.

21)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Noda, S., and von der Tann, L. (2009.11). "Study on generalized scaling law in centrifuge modeling with flat layered media." International Workshop on Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling in the light of better centrifuge modeling technology, Tongji University, China, 21-22 November.

22)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Kang, G.-C., Harazono, S., and Konishi, Y. (2008.7). "Estimation of the uplift displacement of a sewage manhole in liquefied ground." Seismic Engineering International Conference commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake (MERCEA2008), Eds. Adolfo Santini & Nicola Moraci, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1020, Reggio Calabria and Messina, Italy, 456-463.

23)  Iai, S., Tobita, T. and Tamari, Y. (2008.5). “Seismic performance and design of port structures.” Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV Congress 2008 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics; Sacramento, CA, Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE (181), 1-16.

24)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2008.5). "Seismic performance evaluation of geotechnical structures." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation & Rehabilitation (GEDMAR08), Liu, Deng & Chu (eds), 134-141.

25)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2007.12). "Seismic assessment of coastal structures against combined hazard with tsunamis." 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Singapore, Keynote 1-10.

26)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2007.5). "Seismic performance and assessment of coastal geotechnical structures." 16th South-East Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 203-210.

27)  Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2007.3). "Verification of generalized scaling relations for dynamic centrifuge experiments." 4th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 755-762.

28)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2006.9). "Soil non-linearity and effects on seismic site response, State-of-the-Art." Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, France, 21-46.

29)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Rollins, K. M. (2006.9). "Numerical analysis of full-scale lateral-load tests of a 3X5 pile group." First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 700.

30)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006.10). "Deformation mechanism of an embankment resting on saturated sand deposits." The 6th Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation.

31)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006.9). "Dynamic behavior of sand levee on saturated sand deposits -centrifuge and numerical studies-." 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, San Francisco, U.S.A, paper No. 1114.

32)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006.3). "Dynamic behavior of embankments resting on liquefiable sandy deposits." Third International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 113-120.

33)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2006.11). "Principles in performance-based design and their application to sustainable civil constructions." ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in the Asian Region, Taipei, Taiwan.

34)  Iai, S., Tobita, T., Nakayama, K., Nakamichi, M., and Kaneko, H. (2005.11). "Model tests and analysis of group piles during earthquakes." Proc. International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, ISEE Kobe 2005, B-87 - B-94.

35)  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Chairullah, B., and Asper, W. (2005.1). "Reconnaissance report of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman, Indonesia, Earthquake - Geotechnical related damage." The 3rd International Symposium on Mitigation of Geohazards in Areas around Japan, Kanazawa, Japan.

36)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2005.10). "Performance-based approach for designing remediation of liquefiable soils." Proc. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Satellite Conference, ISSMGE/TC4, Osaka, 14-21.

37)  Iai, S., Tobita, T., and Nakayama, K. (2004.9). "Model tests and analysis of group piles during earthquakes." The First Germany - Japan Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics - Advanced Pile Foundation System-, Berlin, Germany.

38)  Tobita, T., Miyajima, M., Fallahi, A., and Alaghebandian, R. (2004.12). "Questionnaire survey and microtremor measurements in stricken areas of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake." International Conference on Earthquake - Memorial of Bam Disaster, Kerman, Iran.

39)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2004.4). "Recent earthquakes in Japan." Proc. 5th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, New York, OSP15.

40)  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2003.6). "Analysis of soil-pile interaction." Proceedings of the Eighth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Liquefaction, Technical Report MCEER-03-0003, 581-588.

41)  Tobita, T., and Bardet, J. P. (2003.6). "Energy-based liquefaction analysis of earthquake site response." Proceedings of the Eighth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Liquefaction, Technical Report MCEER-03-0003, 625-636.




1) Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2018.10). “Generalized scaling law for dynamic pile behavior in centrifuge modeling.” The Eighth Japan – Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, Uji, Kyoto.

2) 飛田哲男, 吉村裕哉.(2018.10).“液状化による噴砂に伴う地盤沈下の発生メカニズム”. 第37回日本自然災害学会学術講演会,I-5-4.

3) 柏木敬,村石修平,飛田哲男,大谷順.(2018.8)“液状化地盤におけるPFS工法の適用性に関する2次元有効応力解析.”土木学会第73回年次学術講演会,III-460.

4) 飛田哲男, 大橋達也,橋立健司,藤江雄大. (2018.7). “拡径比の異なる杭の引抜き特性 その1:遠心模型実験の概要” 第53回地盤工学研究発表会(高松), 667..

5) Vargas, R., Tobita, T., Ueda, K., and Yatsugi, H. (2018.7). “Centrifuge tests at Kyoto University for LEAP project and a probabilistic approach to the sensitivity of lateral spreading to Dr and PGA.” 第53回地盤工学研究発表会(高松), 962.




58.     飛田哲男, 甲斐誠士. (2012). "宮城県北部の港湾と河川施設の被災と復旧状況." 基礎工, 40(8), 74-77.

59.     岡二三生, 吉田信之, 甲斐誠士, 飛田哲男, 肥後陽介, 鳥居宣之, 鏡原聖史, 中西典明, 木元小百合, 山川優樹, 東瀬康孝, 渦岡良介, 京谷孝史 (2012). “東北地方太平洋沖地震被害調査報告  —宮城県北部—.” 地盤工学ジャーナル, 7(1), 37-55.

60.     Isotani, T., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2012). “Deformation behavior of sea embankment caused by liquefaction and tsunami.” EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2012, Sep 13-14, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.

61.     Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2012). “Seismic performance of coupled soil-pile-structure system: Parametric study.” 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2012, 541-545.

62.     Tobita, T., Iai, S. and Araki, Y. (2012). “Introduction of structural anisotropy for seismic resistant geotechnical structure.” 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2012, 485-490.

63.     Tobita, T., Escoffier, T. S., Chazelas, J. L. and Iai, S., (2012). “Generalized scaling law for flat layered sand deposit.” Proceedings of Asiafuge 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai- 400076, India, Nov. 14-16, 2012, Invited lecture.

64.     Tobita, T., Escoffier, S., Chazelas, J. L. and Iai, S. (2012). “Application of the generalized scaling law to ground settlements of dry sands.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 55B, 195-199.



65.     飛田哲男. (2011). "宮城県北部の港湾と河川施設の被災状況速報." 地盤工学会誌, 59(6), 36-39.

66.     Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011). "Seismic analysis of coupled soil-pile-structure interaction using finite elements." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 495-499.

67.     Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011). "The generalized scaling law for liquefiable sand deposit - Causes of discrepancy at low centrifugal accelerations-." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 379-387.

68.     Ueda, K., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2011). "Finite deformation analysis of earthquake induced damage to breakwater during 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake." 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7-8, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 261-270.

69.     井合進, 飛田哲男. (2011). "ひずみ空間多重せん断モデルによる誘導異方性の表現." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 54B, 215-224.

70.     Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2011). "Application of the Generalized Scaling Law to Liquefiable Model Ground." Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 54B, 225-236.

71.     Hussien, M., N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2011). “Centrifuge Analysis of Coupled Soil-pile-structure Interaction.” Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, No. 54B, 237-246.

72.     飛田哲男, 井合進, 甲斐誠士. (2011). "宮城県北部および茨城県の港湾と河川施設の被害状況." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 54A, 43-49.



73.     飛田哲男, 安田進, 小長井一男, 岡村未対, 菅野高弘. (2010). "平成22年(2010年)チリ・マウレ地震被害調査速報." 自然災害科学, 29(1), 105-122.

74.     Ueda, K., Iai, S., Tobita, T. (2010). “Large deformation analysis of dynamic behavior of embankment on liquefaction sand deposit using strain space multiple mechanism model.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2010, 537-545.

75.     Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Rollins, K. M. (2010). “Vertical loads effect on lateral pile group response on the basis of soil-pile-cap interactions.” 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2010, 601-607.

76.     Yasuda, S., Verdugo, R., Konagai, K., Sugano, T., Villalobos, F., Okamura, M., Tobita, T., Torres, A., and Towhata, I. (2010). "Geotechnical damage caused by the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake." ISSMGE Bulletin, 4(2), 16-27.

77.     安田進, 小長井一男, 菅野高弘, 岡村未対, 飛田哲男 (2010). “2010年チリMaule地震による地盤関連の被害.” 第13回日本地震工学シンポジウム, 1095-1102.

78.     Hussien, M. N., Tobita, T. and Iai, S. (2010). “Experimental and FE Analysis of Seismic Soil-Pile-Superstructure Interaction in Sand.” Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, No. 53(B), 299-306.



79.     Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Iwata, T. (2009). “Numerical analysis of near-field asymmetric vertical motion.” 3rd Greece-Japan Workshop: Seismic Design, Observation, and Retrofit of Foundations, Santorini, Greece, 206-218.

80.     Tobita, T., Kang, G. C., Iai, S., and Konishi, Y. (2009). "Observed and estimated sewer manhole uplifts during earthquakes." Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Kokusho, Tsukamoto and Yoshimine (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-55614-9, 1061-1069.

81.     Tobita, T., Iai, S., Noda, S., and Tann, L. v. d. (2009). "Study on generalized scaling law in centrifuge modeling with flat layered media." International Workshop on Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling in the light of better centrifuge modeling technology, Tongji University, China, 21-22 November.

82.     井合進, 上田恭平, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2009). “砂の力学モデルとしての多重せん断モデルの有限ひずみ(大変形)解析の定式化.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 323-343.

83.     飛田哲男, 井合進, 姜基天, 小西康彦, 原園照二. (2009). “液状化によるマンホールの最大浮上量の推定法.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 355-364.

84.     上田恭平, 井合進, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2009). “幾何学的非線形性を考慮した多重せん断モデル型弾性体の定式化.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 52B, 383-394.

85.     Kang, G.-C., Tobita, T., Tomisaka, K. and Iai, S. (2009). “Centrifuge Modeling for Uplift of Buried Structures by Liquefaction: A New Measure for Uplift.” Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, No. 52B, 395-402.



86.     Tobita, T., Iai, S., Kang, G.-C., Harazono, S., and Konishi, Y. (2008). "Estimation of the uplift displacement of a sewage manhole in liquefied ground." Seismic Engineering International Conference commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake (MERCEA2008), Eds. Adolfo Santini & Nicola Moraci, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1020, Reggio Calabria and Messina, Italy, 456-463.

87.     Iai, S., Tobita, T., and Tamari, Y. (2008). "Seismic performance and design of port structures." 4th Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 193.

88.     Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2008). "Seismic performance evaluation of geotechnical structures." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation & Rehabilitation (GEOMAR08), Liu, Deng & Chu (eds), 134-141.

89.     Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Noda, S. (2008). "Generalized scaling relations for dynamic level ground response." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University No. 51B, 315-321.

90.     Kang, G.-C., Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2008). "Numerical analysis of interaction between soils and pile group based on the full-scale statnamic test." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 51B, 347-353.

91.     井合進, 飛田哲男, 小堤治. (2008). “砂の繰返し載荷時の挙動モデルとしてのひずみ空間多重モデルにおけるストレスダイレイタンシー関係.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 51B, 291-303.

92.     上田恭平, 飛田哲男,井合進. (2008). “自立式矢板護岸の動的有効応力解析.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 51B, 339-346.



93.     飛田哲男, 後藤浩之, 豊岡亮洋, 高橋良和, 姜基天, 井合進. (2007). "平成19年(2007年)能登半島地震被害調査速報." 自然災害科学, 26(1), 69-78.

94.     飛田哲男, ガヤムガミアン,M. R., 井合進, 姜基天. (2007). "平成19年(2007年)新潟県中越沖地震被害調査速報." 自然災害科学, 26(2), 215-223.

95.     Ghayamghamian, M. R., Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Kang, G.-C. (2007). "Reconnaissance Report of July 16, 2007 Niigata-Ken Chuetsu-Oki, Japan, Earthquake." Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 9 (1 and 2), 73-84.

96.     Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2007). "Seismic assessment of coastal structures against combined hazard with tsunamis." 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Singapore, Keynote 1-10.

97.     Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2007). "Seismic performance and assessment of coastal geotechnical structures." 16th South-East Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 203-210.

98.     Tobita, T., and Iai, S. (2007). "Verification of generalized scaling relations for dynamic centrifuge experiments." 4th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 755-762.

99.     Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Nishida, K. (2007). "Verification of generalized scaling relations for dynamic centrifuge experiments." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 50B, 379-385.

100.  Chigira, M., Iai, S., Mimura, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2007). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas -Progress report in FY2005." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 50C, 23-32.



101.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Chairullah, B., and Asper, W. (2006). "Reconnaissance report of the 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman, Indonesia, Earthquake - Damage to geotechnical works in Banda Aceh and Meulaboh." Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 28(1), 35-41.

102.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2006). "Soil non-linearity and effects on seismic site response, State-of-the-Art,." Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, France, 21-46.

103.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Rollins, K. M. (2006). "Numerical analysis of full-scale lateral-load tests of a 3X5 pile group." First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 700.

104.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006). "Deformation mechanism of an embankment resting on saturated sand deposits." The 6th Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation.

105.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006). "Dynamic behavior of sand levee on saturated sand deposits -centrifuge and numerical studies-." 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, San Francisco, U.S.A, paper No. 1114.

106.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006). "Dynamic behavior of embankments resting on liquefiable sandy deposits." Third International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 113-120.

107.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2006). "Principles in performance-based design and their application to sustainable civil constructions." ACECC workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in the Asian Region, Taipei, Taiwan.

108.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., and Ueda, K. (2006). "Dynamic behavior of a levee on saturated sand deposit." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 49B, 369-375.

109.  井合進, 飛田哲男, Donahue, M., 中道正人, 金子英久. (2006). “地盤-杭の相互作用に関する水平断面内挙動.” 京都大学防災研究所年報, No. 49B, 363-368.

110.  Iai, S., Mimura, M., Chigira, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2006). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas -Progress report in FY2005." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 49C, 23-38.



111.  飛田哲男, 井合進, 汪明武, 仲山賢司. (2005). "平成16年(2004年)新潟県中越地震被害調査速報." 自然災害科学, 23(4), 595-602.

112.  飛田哲男, 井合進, Chairullah, B., and Asper, W. (2005). "スマトラ島における土構造物の被害." 土木学会地震工学論文集, 211.

113.  飛田哲男, 井合進, 上田恭平. (2005). "地震時における盛土の挙動に関する遠心模型実験と解析." 土木学会地震工学論文集, 058.

114.  Iai, S., Tobita, T., Nakayama, K., Nakamichi, M., and Kaneko, H. (2005). "Model tests and analysis of group piles during earthquakes." Proc. International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, ISEE Kobe 2005, B-87 - B-94.

115.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Chairullah, B., and Asper, W. (2005). "Reconnaissance report of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman, Indonesia, Earthquake - Geotechnical related damage -." The 3rd International Symposium on Mitigation of Geohazards in Areas around Japan, Kanazawa, Japan.

116.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2005). "Performance-based approach for designing remediation of liquefiable soils." Proc. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Satellite Conference, ISSMGE/TC4, Osaka, 14-21.

117.  Tobita, T., Iai, S., Nakayama, K., Nakamichi, M. and Hirata, K. (2005). “Dynamic behavior of group pile under lateral spreading.” Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48B, 363-370.

118.  Wang, M. W., Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2005). "Effective stress analysis of underground RC structures during earthquakes." Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48B, 371-381.

119.  Chigira, M., Iai, S., Sidle, R. C., Kamai, T., Mimura, M., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2005). "Geo-disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in urban and surrounding areas- Progress report in FY 2004 " Annuals of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 48C, 67-77.



120.  宮島昌克, 目黒公郎, 伯野元彦, 幸左賢二, 飛田哲男(文責), 吉村美保, 高島正典, Mayorca, P., Fallahi, A., 鍬田泰子, 林亜紀夫. (2004). "2003年12月26日イラン・バム地震被害調査速報." 自然災害科学, 23(1), 117-126.

121.  飛田哲男. (2004). "2003年イラン・バム地震被害調査報告-震源近傍の地震動特性." 2003年イラン・バム地震調査報告会報告書, 土木学会.

122.  Iai, S., Tobita, T., and Nakayama, K. (2004). "Model tests and analysis of group piles during earthquakes." The First Germany - Japan Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics - Advanced Pile Foundation System-, Berlin, Germany.

123.  Tobita, T., Miyajima, M., Fallahi, A., and Alaghebandian, R. (2004). "Questionnaire survey and microtremor measurements in stricken areas of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake." International Conference on Earthquake - Memorial of Bam Disaster, Kerman, Iran.

124.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2004). "Recent earthquakes in Japan." Proc. 5th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, New York, OSP15.

125.  井合進, 飛田哲男, 宮本順司, 稲積真哉, 清水博樹, 関口秀雄. (2004). "遠心力載荷装置における無線LANを用いた高速データ計測システムの開発." 京都大学防災研究所年報, 47B, 89-92.

126.  飛田哲男, 井合進, 仲山賢司, 原哲郎. (2004). "杭・地盤系の動的挙動に関する研究." 防災研究所年報, No. 47B, 111-119.

127.  Iai, S., Inazumi, S., Chigira, M., Kamai, T., Sidle, R. C., Mimura, M., Suwa, H., Saito, T., and Tobita, T. (2004). "Geo-Disaster prediction and Geo-hazard mapping in Urban and Surrounding Areas." Annuals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, No. 47C, 25-38.



128.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2003). "Analysis of soil-pile interaction." Proceedings of the Eighth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Liquefaction, Technical Report MCEER-03-0003, 581-588.

129.  Tobita, T., and Bardet, J. P. (2003). "Energy-based liquefaction analysis of earthquake site response." Proceedings of the Eighth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Liquefaction, Technical Report MCEER-03-0003, 625-636.

130.  飛田哲男, 井合進, 原哲郎. (2003). "群杭の地震時挙動に関する遠心模型実験." 土木学会地震工学論文集, 191.



131.  Bardet, J. P., Mace, N., Tobita, T., and Hu, J. (1999). "Large-scale modeling of liquefaction-induced ground deformation. Part I: A four-parameter MLR model." Proceedings of the Seventh Japan-US Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction, Technical Report No. NCEER-99, Seattle, 155-173.

132.  Bardet, J. P., Tobita, T., Mace, N., and Hu, J. (1999). "Large-scale modeling of liquefaction-induced ground deformation. Part II: MLR model application and probabilistic model." Proceedings of the Seventh Japan-US Workshop on Earthquake  Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction, Technical Report No. NCEER-99, Seattle, 175-190.



133.  飛田哲男(分担執筆),(2011). “3.1.5 地盤災害のモニタリングと防止対策.” 自然災害と防災の事典,丸善出版.

134.  飛田哲男. (2007). “相似則.” 土と基礎, 55, 43-44.

135.  飛田哲男, 井合進. (2007). “第7章 港湾施設の被害概要.” 2007年能登半島地震被害調査報告書,土木学会.

136.  Iai, S., and Tobita, T. (2007). Seismic analysis and design of geotechnical structures, Springer, Thessaloniki, Greece.



137.  Tobita, T. (2002). Energy-based modeling of liquefaction and earthquake site response, Doctoral dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United states of America.