10 Things You Never Knew About Sebastian Spence

10 Things You Never Knew About Sebastian Spence

Cade from 'The Channel'

Or...10 Things You Know You Knew About Sebastian Spence

from Xpose, Issue #45 ©2000

*1* Sebastian Spence was born Sebastian Spence on December 9, 1969, which makes him a nice round 30 years old. He's just under six feet tall with light brown hair and blue eyes and was born in St. John's, Newfoundland. [Webmistress' note: hmm, he's only 8 1/2 months older than…me. J ]

*2* Sebastian was brought up in a theatrical family, his mother is an actress, director and playwright and his father was also a playwright. He got his start playing in local productions on stage. He has a sister named Sarah and a half-brother and half-sister too. [Webmistress' note: Sebastian uses his mother's maiden name, and his half-brother is Fergus Cook, who also works on First Wave.]

*3* Sebastian's big break came in 1993 when he was cast in TV movie The Boys of St. Vincent, a critically-acclaimed and harrowing tale which told the true story of events in Mount Cashel Orphanage in Sebastian's home town. He played the role of Kevin Reevey, a man with memories of physical abuse as a child, for which he received very favorable reviews. [Webmistress' note: I just saw The Boys of St. Vincent, and Sebastian's performance was very convincing, heart-wrenching, and a four-star performance!]

*4* Sebastian's other credits include Little Boy Blues, Dead Man's Gun, Anchor Zone, Breach of Faith: Family of Cops II and a guest spot on three episodes of Madison playing by Cal Sharpe. [Webmistress' note: Recently, Sebastian finished a five-episode run of Dawson's Creek, playing Professor Matt Freeman. Additionally, he played FBI Agent Owen Taylor in a made-for-cable movie, First Shot. He was also in A Family of Cops, Family of Cops III, Drive, She Said; Firestorm, an auto racing series that lasted one season, "Fast Track," and in episodes of Dark Angel (Hit a Sista Back), Special Unit 2 (The Rocks), and Glory Days (The Lost Girls). The Dead Man's Gun episode was called "My Brother's Keeper."]

*5* A big fan of science fiction, Sebastian has had guest roles in The Outer Limits (Paradise), Poltergeist: The Legacy (The Devil's Lighthouse) and the X-Files episode Home. [Webmistress' note: He was also in VH-1's "Twilight Zone of Rock," Strange Frequency (Don't Fear the Reaper). Sebastian has also guest starred in an episode of Mutant X, "Under The Cloak Of War," and was Harmon Hartman in a updated version of The Lone Ranger, at the beginning of 2003. in 2006, he guest starred as a demon in season 1 of Supernatural.]

*6* He had to do a sex scene in The Outer Limits, which he wasn't very keen on, and he had his head cut off in the X-Files. He was disappointed by Mulder's reaction with his dead body: "Mulder does one of those "Ohhh," and I thought "Well, thanks a lot!" I was playing this with such passion and I get my head lopped off, and they're like, "What a drag." [Webmistress' note: he did another sex scene in First Wave's Night Falls. He may not like doing them, but it certainly has the "desired" effect.]

*7* The First Wave casting people had originally wanted someone older to play Cade, but on seeing Sebastian's audition tape, they changed their minds. He wasn't sure he'd get the job as he looked like Billy Idol at the time! [Webmistress' note: I saw somewhere they were saying if they'd picked a "younger" Eddie, they would have gone for an "older" Cade, and visa versa. They went with the "older" Eddie, and the rest is history.]

*8* He has apparently had an alien encounter of his own while out in a car with his parents, and he believes he has seen a ghost. But never aliens. On the other hand, maybe he just didn't realize! [Webmistress' note: In "The Making of First Wave Season One," they asked Sebastian what he, Sebastian Spence would do if he found out the aliens were here. He laughed, "Me? I think I would just ... run and hide!"]

*9* Sebastian's hobbies include jeep off-roading, hiking, camping and playing the guitar. He's a real outdoors type, which might explain why he's so at home roaming the forests of Vancouver. [Webmistress' note: sounds like my kind of guy - as long as the locale is somewhere cool weather-wise. Rain is good. Hot and humid is bad.]

*10* Sebastian is currently filming the third season on First Wave in Vancouver despite the aggravation of an old back injury which caused him problems filming then end of the second season. He assures us he's better now. [Webmistress' note: I didn't notice any problems with the end of season 2 -- he looked just fine to me. And we appreciate Chris Brancato's posts on the SciFi.com Bboard, keeping us updated.]

Cade from 'Deepthroat'
Cade from 'Deepthroat'

~~ Paul Spragg

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