All About Trystan

A little bit about me......

Hi there!! Yep, that would be me.....a few pictures taken with my webcam ... the first was at the beginning of 2004, and the second two were October of 2004 ... and yes, that is pink hair!! (and i've still kinda got weird color underneath now, too.

If you've made it here, you gotta really be bored, so i might as well tell you something about me. I've been happily married since October 1994 to the best guy there is, and our first wonderful daughter was born in 1997, the second daughter in 2001.

Okay, okay, I have a LiveJournal and lookie what i did!!! i actually updated the thing!!! wow.

I like to read mostly anything, my favorite authors being Sidney Sheldon, Dean Koontz, H. P. Lovecraft, Jeffrey Archer, Ken Follett, Sue Grafton, Robert B. Parker & Sara Paretsky. I've also been known to enjoy a great sappy romance novel.

Some day, I plan on getting one of my manuscripts published. In the meantime, I've "published" some of my Fan Fiction. I've written fanfic for Supernatural, First Wave, Forever Knight, and a whole *host* of crossovers, including First Wave with Xena, Harry Potter, Babylon 5, Earth: Final Conflict, and So Weird. I've written Night Waves, my seven-part First Wave/Forever Knight crossovers. there's even some original works and an essay i wrote about First Wave.

Also, I am working on a Time-Travel Romance, where the heroine goes back to the year 1275. If anyone out there still reading this has any really interesting information about England back then, send an email my way...always doing research! J

i think i've bored y'all enough now, so, thanks for reading, and be careful what you tell a writer!!

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somewhat updated may 09