The Brancato Quatrains

the Brancato Quatrains


Nostradamus (1503-1566) wrote his quatrains on individual pieces of paper, and then threw them up in the air. When they landed, the first one he reached for became Century 1, Quatrain 1. Or so I'm told, anyway. In some books, Nostradamus wrote 1000 quatrains: 10 centuries of 100 quatrains each. In The Complete Prophesies of Nostradamus, (translated, edited and interpreted by Henry C. Roberts; re-edited by Lee Roberts Amsterdam & Harvey Amsterdam; updated by Robert Lawrence, ©1994 edition), there are Centuries 11 and 12, incomplete, with only a few quatrains each.

The Brancato Quatrains have fascinated me -- and countless others -- since the beginning: where did they come from? Were they really Nostradamus' quatrains? The answer is that Chris Brancato, the creator of First Wave, made them up, using Nostradamus as a template.

Using the episodes, Journal Entries, and the SciFi website, I have compiled the Brancato Quatrains.

Century Unknown

Century One

Century Two

Century Three

Century Four

Century Five

Century Six

Century Seven

Century Eight

Century Nine

Century Ten

Century Eleven


Nostradamus at Morgana's Observatory

Of Nostradamus, Ravens and Weirdings 5/10/03


These are my Journals...I will Stop the First Wave

All quatrains (to my knowledge) ©1998-2001 Chris Brancato, Creator, First Wave