Who and where Cade has been......

Who and where Cade has been......

Seb as Cade from 'The Harvest'

i got this idea from another site, but this is my own research. i've watched *all* the episodes on tape; the ones i am uncertain of are in italics. Please email me if you can verify or correct them.

Unfortunately, the show only has a three-season run...and just like all the other shows i've enjoyed throughout the years, this one's cancelled! :( of course, those Canadians who get Spacecast are lucky enough to enjoy FW every day of the week....and unless there's a miracle, we'll never see the eps again on SciFi. It's a conspiracy, i tell you!!...of course, some moron re-arranged the dang schedule, and now its part of the "Daytime Rotation"...whatever the frell that is....check the Schedulebot because who the heck knows anymore. when they put it in rotation depends on what side of the bed they got up on i guess...

Which Season? Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Miscellaneous

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"Heart of a Killer" ©2000 Andromeda Entertainment. thanks to the Gua Net: First Wave Headquarters, where i got Season 3 episode names for 16-22, originally got the names of Season 2 episodes past Red Flag; Thanks Robzilla, for the previously "Untitled" episode! ("Tomorrow"). and thanks to the First Wave Portal - Virtual First Wave, where i got the names of the season 3 episodes #1-14. Episode #15 i got from Jigsaw First Wave Special.

  • *thanks to the ladies in the Tuesday night SciFi.com FW "Chick Chat" for this name!
  • **thanks to Ishtar on the SciFi FW BBoard for this one :)
  • ***location is where the ep takes place; Cade is not in "the Purge"

20 jan 11

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