The Obligatory Picture Page

the Obligatory Picture Page...


The Furry Kids

August (R.I.P. 6/12/07), Jody (R.I.P. 3/19/10), Tiger (R.I.P. 7/19/05)

Nyx (R.I.P. 4/6/08), Jody, Blackie, August


A game of hide and seek?

Flyers and Eagles fan....ah, heck, i'll sleep anywhere!


there's a fly in here somewhere...

i'm on the file cabinet. yeah? so what?


get that camera out of my face!

the grass is my castle


Nyx ~ sitting pretty

ooh.... a buffet! where do i start??


i hate cameras!

i'm comfy, what are you staring at?



Max lounging in his couch (not our couch, his.)

A "Pile-A-Cat" ~~ aww, how cute....


Trystan's Realm