Troop 750 Unit Safety Plan

Unit Safety Plan

Approved: May 14, 2021

Unit Type: Troop Unit Number: 750

Chartered Organization: St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church

Meeting Location: Various Outdoor Venues and/or Re-Opened Businesses or Facilities permitted by County of San Diego with youth-performing functions, including permitted areas on the grounds and within the facilities at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, subject to conditions of such facilities.

Meeting Address: See Above

# of Patrol/Dens: Varies

# of Scouts per Patrol/Den: Varies

Existing total # at a meeting -- Scouts: Varies Adults: Varies

Meeting Day: Varies

Meeting Time: Varies

Meeting Frequency: Varies

Date Proposed for First In-Person Meeting: June 01, 2021

Be sure to include in your following descriptions which Leader is responsible for each step of the process.

· Michael Brenner, or designee, will have primary responsibility for each step of the process.

1. Describe how your unit will offer virtual options to Scouts who are unable to join in-person meetings and activities.

· Virtual Zoom options will continue, as applicable and as needed.

2. Describe the plan for drop off and pick up and how movement of Scouts, Volunteers, and parents will be managed to avoid close contact and/or mixing of cohorts.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Car Pooling will not be permitted except for members of one’s own family.

ii. Gatherings will be limited to sizes permitted, depending on the various venues.

iii. Social Distancing will be as required.

3. Describe how Scouts and volunteers will be screened for symptoms of COVID 19.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Participants will be instructed to stay home when sick or if experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19.

ii. Upon arrival, anyone displaying such symptoms will be isolated and parents will be called for pick-up.

4. Describe how space and activities will be arranged to allow for physical distancing of Scouts and Volunteers.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Outdoor spaces will be used as the preferred alternative, when available and applicable.

ii. Spacing and social distancing will be as required by such facilities.

5. Describe how Scouts will be kept in small groups with fixed membership that stay together for all activities and minimize/avoid contact with other groups or individuals who are not part of the cohort.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Group sizes will be limited based on whether an inside or outside venue, in accordance with maximum quantities permitted.

6. Describe how face covering and other protective gear requirements will be satisfied and enforced.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Indoor spaces will be subject to wearing masks upon entering and exiting and/or as required by such facilities.

ii. Outdoor spaces will be subject to wearing masks as required when adequate social distancing cannot be maintained.

7. Describe the availability of cleaning and disinfecting supplies and who is responsible for providing these for meetings and activities.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies shall be transported to all meetings and activities, as applicable, by Michael Brenner, or designee.

8. Describe how shared surfaces will be regularly cleaned and disinfected (including restrooms) and how use of shared items will be minimized.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies shall be transported to all meetings and activities and shared surfaces will be regularly cleaned and disinfected (including restrooms) as applicable.

ii. Shared items will be minimized. Scouts and Volunteers will be instructed to bring their own personal items and not mix with others, as applicable.

9. Describe the availability of handwashing stations and hand sanitizer, and how their use will be promoted and incorporated into routines.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. The availability of handwashing stations may vary, depending on the venues and indoor vs. outdoor locations.

ii. Scouts and Volunteers will be instructed to bring their own hand sanitizer in addition to the hand sanitizer to be transported to all meetings and activities by Michael Brenner, or designee.

iii. Frequent handwashing will be promoted to become part of the routines for all activities.

10. Describe your plan for handling Scouts or Volunteers who exhibit symptoms or begin to feel ill at a meeting or activity.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Participants will be instructed to stay home when sick or if experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19.

ii. Upon arrival or if Scouts or Volunteers exhibit symptoms or begin to feel ill during a meeting or activity, such individuals will be isolated, and parents will be called for pick-up.

iii. Two-deep YPT Adult Leadership will be maintained, and meetings or activities will be terminated, if insufficient YPT Adult Leaders are available.

11. Describe the actions that will be taken when there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 within your unit.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Reporting will be in strict adherence to State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council requirements as well as any requirements of the venues in which meeting or other activities have taken place.

12. Describe how Leaders, Scouts, and Scouting families will be educated on the application and enforcement of this plan including any updates.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Advance communications will convey all protocols and requirements for all meetings and activities.

13. Describe any additional measures specific to your meeting location or unit.

· Subject to modifications to the health and safety guidelines from the State of California, County of San Diego, and/or the San Diego Imperial Council, as well as any directives from the Chartered Organization:

i. Additional measures specific to the various meeting or activity locations will be monitored and, as applicable, additional protocols will be followed to ensure compliance, as applicable.

14. Who will be responsible for continuously checking State, County, City and Council Websites for updated guidelines?

· Michael Brenner, or designee, will have primary responsibility for continuously checking for updated guidelines

15. Has everyone listed in this safety plan been informed of their duties as it relates to the Safety Guidelines?

· Yes, everyone has been informed.

16. Has your Chartered Organization been consulted about re-engaging in-person meetings and activities and approved this plan?

· Yes, the Chartered Organization has received a copy of this Unit Safety Plan and it has been approved.

17. Has your meeting location been consulted about re-engaging in-person meetings and activities and approved this plan?

· Meeting locations will be consulted, as applicable, for various locations as each are determined.