Boy Scout Leadership

Click here for: Current Scout Leaders

The following are descriptions of each of the leadership roles that a scout may hold in our troop.



Type: Elected by the Troop

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Scoutmaster

Description: Represents the scouts as the top junior leader in the troop runs all meetings and events.

Comments: The Senior Patrol Leader is the focal point of the troop. He needs to attend as close to all troop functions as possible. One of the major parts of the SPL's job is to assist with the appointment other troop leaders. He must choose leaders who are able, not just his friends or other popular Scouts.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: Previous service such as SPL, ASPL, PL, APL, Troop Quartermaster, Troop Scribe, Troop Librarian, Instructor, Troop Guide, or Chaplin Aide

Attendance: 75% over previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 85% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is ready to assume your responsibilities.


Runs all troop meetings, events, activities, and the annual program planning conference.

Runs the Patrol Leader's Council meeting.

Appoints other troop junior leaders with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster.

Assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is the second highest ranking patrol leader in the troop. The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader acts as the Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other junior leaders in the troop.

Comments: The most important part of the ASPL position is his work with the other junior leaders. The ASPL should be familiar with the other positions and stay current with the work being done.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over the previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 80% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Helps the Senior Patrol Leader lead meetings and activities.

Runs the troop in the absence of the Senior Patrol Leader.

Helps train and supervise the Troop Scribe, Quartermaster, Instructor, Librarian & Historian.

Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Scoutmaster

Description: The Troop Guide works with new Scouts. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank in their first year.

Comments: The first year as a Boy Scout is a critical time with new places, new people, new rules, and new activities. The Troop Guide is a friend to the new Scouts and makes first year fun and successful. This is an important position.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 75% over previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 90% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Introduces new Scouts to troop operations.

Guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities.

Shields new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts.

Helps new Scouts earn First Class in their first year.

Teaches basic Scout skills.

Coaches the patrol leader of the new Scout patrol on his duties.

Assists the Assistant Scoutmaster with training.

Consults individual Scouts on Scouting challenges.

Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council.



Type: Selected by the Patrol

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Patrol Leader is the leader of his patrol. He represents his patrol on the Patrol Leader's Council.

Comments: The Patrol Leader may easily be the most important job in the troop. He has the closest contact with the patrol members and is in the perfect position to help and guide them. The Patrol Leaders, along with the Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders are the primary members of the Patrol Leaders' Council.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher (none for New Scout Patrol)

Experience: none

Attendance: 75% over previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 80% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that the Assistant Patrol Leader is ready to assume your responsibilities.


Appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader.

Represents the patrol on the Patrol Leader's Council.

Plans and steers patrol meetings.

Helps Scouts advance.

Acts as the chief recruiter of new Scouts.

Keeps patrol members informed.

Knows what his patrol members and other leaders can do.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Troop Quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order.

Comments: The Quartermaster does most of his work around campouts. There are times when the Quartermaster has to be available to check equipment in and out.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over the previous six months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Keeps records on patrol and troop equipment.

Makes sure equipment is in good working condition.

Issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition.

Makes suggestions for new or replacement items.

Finds a temporary replacement if you’re going to miss a campout.

When requested by the SPL attends the Patrol Leader's Council.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the Patrol Leaders' Council and keeps a record of Scout attendance at troop meetings.

Comments: To be a good Scribe you need to attend nearly all troop and Patrol Leaders' Council meetings.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over the previous six months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Attends and keeps the minutes of Patrol Leaders' Council meetings.

Published the PLC agenda prior to PLC meetings.

Records individual Scout attendance.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Troop Librarian takes care of troop literature.

Comments: The library contains books of historical value as well as current materials. All together, the library is a troop resource worth hundreds of dollars. The Librarian manages this resource for the troop.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over the previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to given this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Sets up and takes care of a troop library.

Keeps records of books and pamphlets owned by the troop.

Keeps a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out.

Follows up on late returns.

When requested by the SPL, attends the Patrol Leader's Council meetings.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader

Description: The Troop Historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.

Comments: The true value of a good Historian does not show up until years later. The Historian provides material for displays and presentations of current activities. In addition, the work of the Historian provides a link with the past.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none, but interest in photography is helpful

Attendance: 50% over the previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Gathers pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps them in a historical file.

Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities.

When requested by the SPL, attends the Patrol Leader's Council meetings.



Type: Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader/Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Troop Committee Chairman

Description: The Troop Webmaster maintains the troop website.

Comments: The troop website is a primary means of communication inside and outside the troop. Keeping information on the website current provides critical information for troop Scouts and parents, and for those who may be considering joining our troop.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none, but experience with computers is helpful

Attendance: 50% over the previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders' Council meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Work with Troop Historian and Scribe to gathers information about troop activities (past and present) and keep information on the website current.

Work with Troop Committee Chair and Scoutmaster on website content.

When requested by the SPL, attends the Patrol Leader's Council meetings.



Type: Appointed by the Scoutmaster

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Scoutmaster

Description: The Instructor teaches Scouting skills.

Comments: The Instructor will work closely with both the Troop Guide and with the Assistant Scoutmaster for new Scouts. The Instructor does not have to be an expert but should be able to teach the Scoutcraft skills needed for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. The troop can have more than one instructor.


Age: none

Rank: 1st Class or higher

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 75% of all troop meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Teaches basic Scouting skills in troop and patrols.

Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council.

When requested by the SPL, attends the Patrol Leader's Council meetings.



Type: Appointed by the Patrol Leader

Term: 6 months

Reports to: Patrol Leader

Description: The Assistant Patrol Leader is appointed by the Patrol Leader and leads the patrol in his absence.

Comments: Substituting for the Patrol Leader is only part of the Assistant Patrol Leader's job. The APL actively helps run the patrol.


Age: none

Rank: none

Experience: none

Attendance: 50% over previous 6 months


Attendance: You are expected to attend 75% of all troop meetings, outings, and service projects.

Effort: You are expected to give this job your best effort.


Uniform: Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.

Behavior: Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.

Attendance: Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Patrol Leader if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


Helps the Patrol Leader plan and steer patrol meetings and activities.

Helps the Patrol Leader keep patrol members informed.

Helps the patrol get ready for all troop activities.

Represents his patrol at Patrol Leader's Council meetings when the Patrol Leader cannot attend.

Lends a hand controlling the patrol and building patrol spirit.