Highland Games - Hawk Eye District Fall Camporee

Post date: Aug 13, 2013 3:50:30 PM

Finishing Touches are being put on the Fall Camporee that Troop 373 is organizing. Most important are the dates, registration info and leader guide.

The Highland Games will be held September 20-22 at Whitebreast Recreation Area of Red Rock Lake.

Registration Information

Fees: $12.00 youth / $9.00 adult. Includes patch and weekend camping fees. All forms and total fees are to be turned in at the time of registration.

Campsites will be issued by the registration team upon your arrival at the camporee on a first come, first served basis. It is MANDATORY for each UNIT LEADER to PRE-REGISTER his unit IN ADVANCE with an estimated number of people attending.

On-line Registration will start August 13, 2013 until September 11, 2013 or we reach maximum number of 160 people, whichever comes first. http://www.midiowacouncilbsa.org/Districts/HawkEyeDistrict/Activities.aspx

NOTE: The Fall Camporee is a BOY SCOUT only event. There will not be separate activities for Cub Scout units. Webelos II can come as part of your Troop.

The guide may be found here:
