Contents of The Journal of East European Studies

Vol. 44, 2022

[Research Note]

“Czechoslovakism” in the Normalization Period: Historical Debates among Slovak Intellectuals in the 1980s (SATO Hitomi)


KAWAI Nobuharu, A History of East Germany: Challenge and Downfall of the Divided Nation (Tokyo: Chuokoronshinsha, 2020) (MOMMA Takuya)

OTSURU Atsushi (ed.), Overloading of National Self-Determination: Continuity and Discontinuity in East-Central Europe after the Great War (Kyoto: Showado, 2020) (IKEDA Yoshiro)

TSUJIKAWA Noriko, Hungarian Political Activists in Exile after the Paris Peace Conference (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2021) (BABA Masaru)

[Conference 2021] 

Management of Bodies in Modernizing Societies

Introduction (FUKUMOTO Kenshi)

Public Health in the Habsburg Monarchy during the Enlightenment: The Medical Police and Popular Enlightenment (UEMURA Toshiro)

Management of the mentally ill in the Province of Posen (WARITA Satoshi)

Animal Health Policy as Part of Civilization: The Practice in Bosnia-Herzegovina around the Turn of the 20th Century (MURAKAMI Ryo)

Comments: Nature’s Transition: From Assets to Capital Goods (FURUKAWA Takako)

Comments: For the Further Researches (FUKUMOTO Kenshi)

Comments: What is the history of the body specific to Eastern Europe? (TAKABAYASHI Akinobu)

Summary of Discussion

[In Memoriam]

To the memories of Nobuhiro Shiba

In the context of East-European historiography in Japan (ISHII Norie)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2021

From the Editor Board, Notes for Contributions

Vol. 43, 2021


The Role of Estates in the Festivalization of the Homage Ceremony: An Analysis of Upper Austria’s Ceremonies during the 16th and 17th Centuries (ISHII Daisuke)


Research trends about socialistic mass housing in former Czechoslovakia (MORISHITA Yoshiyuki)


A Short Report on the 20th General Congress of Polish Historians in Lublin, 2019 (YOSHIOKA Jun)


HAYASAKA Makoto, Lithuania. The Influence of Historical Tradition to the Nation-buildings:"Idea Krajowa" from the Present Perspective (Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2017) (KAJI Sayaka)

Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Maria Theresia: Die Kaiserin in ihrer Zeit (München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2017) (YAMASHITA Taisei)

KAWAKITA Atsuko, The ‘Expulsion’ of the German Population from Eastern Europe: Rethinking the History of Population Transfers in the Twentieth Century (Tokyo: Hakusuisha Publishing, 2019) (YAMAMOTO Akiyo)

MIZUNO Hiroko, Opfer-Nationalismus in Austria after the World War II: Memory of the Great Wars and Nazism (Kyoto: Minerrva Shobo, 2020) (MOMOSE Ryoji)

NEZU Yukio, St. Demetrios Is on Our Side: A Struggle for Sanctity in the Medieval Balkans (Tokyo: Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2020) (KARASAWA Koichi)

YAMADA Tomoko, The November Uprising and the Kingdom of Poland (Tokyo: Gunzosha, 2019) (SHIRAKI Taichi)

[Small Symposium] 

Populus in modern Central and Eastern Europe


People's Party Movements and the "ľud" in the Northern Part of the Kingdom of Hungary at the Turn of the 20th century (IDE Takum)

Popular Democracy, Democracy, and Populism: Czechoslovakia in the 1940s (NAKADA-AMIYA Mizuho)

The Ideological Struggle over the German Volk in Austria (MIZUNO Hiroko)

Round-Table Discussion

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2020

From the Editor Board, Notes for Contributions

Vol. 42, 2020


‟The Problematization of Gypsies” in Eighteenth-century Hungary (ICHIHARA Shimpei)


TOYA Hiroshi, Lapazzuk Budapestet(Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2017) (YAMANOUCHI Yoshiko)

KAWAKITA Atsuko, The ‟Expulsion” of the German Population from Eastern Europe: Rethinking the History of Population Transfers in the Twentieth Century(Tokyo: Hakusuisha, 2019) (SHINOHARA Taku)

Recent Publication

[Conference 2019]

Understanding the Potentiality of Studies in East European History: Thirty Years after the End of the Cold War

Introduction (The 2019 Conference organizing Committee)

Reconsidering the Study of ‟East European History” in Japan: Its Past, Present and Future (NAKAZAWA Tatsuya)

The Concept of Eastern Europe form the Viewpoint of Area Studies (FUKUDA Hiroshi)

Varieties of Authoritarianism and Fascism in Interwar Eastern Europe: Problems and Approaches (FUJISHIMA Ryo)

Comment: The Actuality of the Association for Eastern European Studies (ODANAKA Naoki)


Report on the Activities of the Association in 2019

From the Editorial Board, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 41, 2019


Farmers' Cooperatives and Reorganisation of the State-people Relationship in the Habsburg Monarchy at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries (KIRYU Yuko)

Politics as the Adversary of the Spirit: An Analysis of the Concepts pf Politics and Spirit among the Young Romanian Interwar Intellectuals(OTANI Takashi)


AKAO Mitsuharu and MUKAI Naoki(eds.), Jews and Autonomy: The Rise and Fall of Diaspora Community in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia(Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2017) (SHIGEMATSU Hisashi)

AKIYAMA Shingo, An Adultery Trial: The 18-th Century Transylvanian Village Life(Tokyo: Seikaisha Shinsho, 2018) (WATANABE Akiko)

INOUCHI Toshio(ed.), The Forms of Nations and States in Russian and East European History, (Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2017) (IKEDA Yoshihiro)

IWASAKI Shuichi, The Habsburg Empire(Tokyo: Kodansha Gendai Shinsho, 2017) (HARUYAMA Yuki)

SUGAWARA Sho, Remembering Utopia: Film Representations, Nowa Huta Narratives, and Postsocialism in Poland(Kyoto; Kyoto University Press, 2018) (FUKUDA Hiroshi)

NAKANE Kazutaka, Political Unity and Party Competition: Development and Transformation of Czech Party Politics in the Early 20th(Tokyo: Yoshida Shoten, 2018) (SAKUUCHI Yuko)

HASHIMOTO Nobuya(ed.), Competing Histories and memories in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia: Conflicts over the Past of Nazism and Communism (Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2017) (SHINOHARA TAKU)

YASU Michihiro, The Treaty of Riga: Reflections on the formation of Poland's eastern border, (Tokyo: Gunzosha, 2017) (TATE Hazuki)


The Long Aftermath of World War I in Russia and Eastern Europe: From the Point of View of the Displaced (TOSHIOKA Jun)

Borderlines and families: Claim for support of illegitimate children in the time of ending of the first word war (EGUCHI Fuyuko)

The Russian Historical Archive Abroad in Prague, Russian Émigré Society and the Far East (BARYSHEV Eduard)


On Study Abroad (AOYAMA Mizuki)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2018

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 40, 2018


Totalitarian Regime and National Education in the Independent State of Croatia : an Analysis of Schoolteachers' Nationalism and the Ustasha Movement. (MOMMA Takuya)

[Reseach Trends]

Reconsidering the Era of "Normalization": Post-Communist Scholars and Their Struggle over the New Historiography of Charles University in Plague. (NAKAI Anna)


How to Describe History of the Habsburg Monarchy. On Pieter M. Judson, The Habsburg Empire : A New History, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016. (KIRYU Yuko)

M. Mark Stolarik ed., The Czech and Slovak Republics : Twenty Years of Independence, 1993-2013, Central European University Press, Budapest/New York, 2016. (NAGAYO Susumu)

Jeroen Duindam, Vienna and Versailles : Twenty Years of Independence, 1550-1780 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). (IWASAKI Shuichi)

FUKUSHIMA Chiho, The Union of Brest 1595-96 (Tokyo: Gunzosha, 2015). (IIO Tadaki)

Sayaka KANJ, Dąbrowski's Mazurka and the Modern History of Poland (Tokyo: Gunzosha, 2017) . (UEGAKI Yutaka)

Akiyo Yamamoto and Norbert Pap (eds.), A History of East Central Europe and the Balkans : Migrations and Religion (Tokyo : Tosui Shobo, 2017). (SUZUKI Kenta)

Ryo MURAKAMI, The Colonial Policy of the Habsburg Empire : Aspects of Dynasty State through an Analysis of Rule over Bosnia-Herzegovina (Tokyo : Taga Shuppan, 2017). (OI Tomonori)

Tomonori OI, The Habsburg's Connection with the World : Cooperation of Its Navy, Science and Colonialism(Tokyo : Sairyusha, 2017). (MURAKAMI Ryo)

[Special Edition]

Confessionalization and Secularization as European Historiographical Paradigms.

Towards a Global History. (ODORI Tomoji)

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a Multi-confessional Republic and Its Transformation in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (KOYAMA Satoshi)

Rethinking Religions and Churches in Modern History : From Case Studies of Conversions to the Unitarian Church in Hungary in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. (WATANABE Akiko)

Adaptation and Resistance to the Imperial Regime : The Islam in Habsburg Bosnia-Herzegovina. (YONEOKA Daisuke)

Typologies of 'Confessionalization' and 'Secularization' in Central and Eastern Europe. (IIO Tadaki)

Laicisation and Secularization of the Public Space : The Name Change of Municipalities and Streets during the French Revolution. (TAKENAKA Koji)

Beyond the Narrative of Secularization : How Can We (re)Place Religions in Contemporary History? (KATO Hisako)


On Study Abroad (SUGIMOTO Ryo)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2017

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 39, 2017


The Unitartian Church and Matrimonial Laws in Dualistic Hungary: On “Transylvanian Marriage” (WATANABE Akiko)

The Successors of Warsaw Positivism: Ideology, Organization, and the Practice of Medical Care in the Provinces(FUKUMOTO Kenshi)

Antisemitism in Lithuania in the Late 1930s: An Analysis of Verslas, the Weekly Newspaper of Lithuanian Buisinessmen Union(SHIGEMATSU Hisashi)


Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin(Basic Books, 2010), trans.FUSE Yukiko(Tokyo: Chikumashobo, 2015) ; Timothy Snyder, Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning(The Bodley Head, 2015(Vintage, 2016)), trans. IKEDA Toshiho(Tokyo: Keiogijukudaigakushuppankai, 2016) (HASHIMOTO Nobuya)

Ján Juríček, Milan Rastislav Štefánik: vedec - politik - diplomat - letec - generál - minister -človek(Bratislava: Vydavatel’stvo Q111, 2006.(4th ed.)), trans. NAGAYO Susumu(Tokyo: Seibunsha, 2015) (KOSAKA Naoki)

Norman M. Naimark, Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleaning in Twentieth-Century Europe, (Harvard Univ. Press, 2001), trans. YAMAMOTO Akiyo(Tokyo: Tosuishobo, 2014) (YAMAZAKI Shinichi)

HASHIMOTO Nobuya, Politics of Memories: Conflicted Histories in Europe(Tokyo: Iwanamishoten, 2016)(CHONG Yong-Hwan)

Mark Mazower, Dark Continent: Europe’s Twentieth Century (London: Penguin, 1998), trans. NAKADA Mizuho, AMIYA Ryosuke(Tokyo: Miraisha, 2015) (SUZUKI Kenta)

[Recent Publications]

[Mini Symposium]

Relationship between “National School of Music” and National Building in Modern East Central Europe (SHIRAKI Taichi)

Nationalism of Music and its Verge: On the Relationship between Joseph Joachim and 19th-century Hungary (OTA Mineo)

Reappraisal of Czech Nationalism in Music: Social Evolutionismand Orientalism in Dvořák’s Life and Works (FUKUDA Hiroshi)

Comment: Universality and particularity in Nationalism Studies (ANEGAWA Yudai)


Remenbering Prof. Jacek Kochanowicz (NAKAI Anna)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2016

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 38, 2016


The Intra-Party Disputes and the Arguments over Nationalism in Serbia in 1987: The Paraćin Case and the Eighth Session of the LCS Central Committee (SUZUKI Kenta)

Disputes over Fallmerayer's Theory in the Russian Academic World during 1850s: On the Relationship between Modern Greeks and Slavs (TOKUSHIGE Yutaka)


YOSHIOKA Jun, Fighting Poland: Poland and the Second World War (Tokyo: Toyoshoten, 2014) (ITO Takayuki)

KATO Hisako, Homilies of the Pope John Paul Ⅱ: His First Pilgrimage to the Homeland in 1979 (Tokyo: Toyoshoten, 2014) (KOMORIDA Akio)

[Recent Publications]


Networks in East European History

Humanist Networks: The Humanists in Early Modern Eastern Europe (Satsuma Hideto)

Merchants and Commercial Networks in Early Modern Eastern Europe. Eighteenth-Century Hungary and Ottoman Merchants (AKIYAMA Shingo)

True Nature and Fictional Image of Jewish International Networks: In the Case of the Alliance Israélite Universelle and the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (NOMURA Mari)

Comment (YAMAMOTO Akiyo)


Report on the Activities of the Association in 2015

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 37, 2015


The Emergence and Development of the Yiddish Secular School Movement in Interwar Poland: National Cultural Autonomy, Yiddishism, and School Communities (NISHIMURA Yuu)

Religions and National Identity of Czech Evangelical Believers in Czechoslovakia Teschen in the Interwar Period (MORISHITA Yoshiyuki)


SHIRAKI Taichi, The Constitution of May 3, 1791[The Polish Historical Source Library 1] (Toyoshoten, 2013) (AKIYAMA Shingo)

KOYAMA Satoshi, The Warsaw Confederation (1573) [The Polish Historical Source Library 2] (Toyoshoten, 2013) (ODORI Tomoji)

TAKAHASHI Kazu, NAKAMURA Tadashi, and YAMAZAKI Akira (eds.), The World of the Post Cold War Period in Documentary Films: The Area Study of Russia, Germany and Earstern Europe and the Film Archives (Yamagata University Press, 2013) (SUGAWARA Sho)

FUJII Masao, The Birth of the Medieval Czech State: Monarch, Nobility, and Community (Showado, 2014) (CHIBA Toshiyuki)

Ivo Cerman, Rita Krueger and Susan Reynolds (eds.), The Enlightenment in Bohemia: Religion, Morality and Multiculturalism (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2011) (HARUYAMA Yuki)

Scott Ury, Barricade and Banners: The Revolution of 1905 and the Transformation of Warsaw Jewry (Stanford University Press: Stanford, 2012) (FUKUMOTO Kenshi)

SASAKI Yoko, The Railroad and the Steamer in the Habsburg Empire: The Railroad Construction and the River and Marine Navigation (Tosuishobo, 2013) (MURAKAMI Ryo)

[Recent Publications]


Memories of Working at Embassy of Japan in Slovak Republic (IDE Takumi)

[In Momoriam]

What Mr.TORIGOE Yasuhiko Has Been Grappling with for the Betterment of Historical Education (KONDO Takahiro)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2014

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 36, 2014


Austrian Liberal Tourism in the Mass Politicized Periods. the Relationships between the German and Austrian Alpine Association and the Friends of Nature (FURUKAWA Takako)


KARASAWA Koichi, The Monarch and Society in Bosnia and Serbia in the Late Middle Age (Tokyo: Tosui Shobo, 2013) (SUZUKI Hirokazu)

KÖVÉR György, Magyarország társadalomtörténete a reformkortól az első világháborúig (Budapest: Osiris Kiadó, 1998. Japanese trans., Tokyo : Tosui Shobo, 2013) (WATANABE Akiko)

YAMAMOTO Akiyo, Transatlantic Migration from the Kingdom of Hungary to the United States: Creating the Networks and Communities (Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2013) (ICHIMASA[NOMURA] Shiori)

MORISHITA Yoshiyuki, The Czech Housing Policy and Social History on the First Half of 20th Century: The Building of Czechoslovakia First Republic (Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press, 2013 (HAYASAKA Yumiko)

FUJISHIMA Ryo, King Carol vs. the Legion of the Archangel. Political Religion and Political Violence in Interwar Romania (Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2012) (KOMORI Hiromi)

History of the People's Republic of Poland Recontrusted: Andrzej Leon Sowa, Historia polityczna Polski 1944-1991 (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2011) (ITO Takayuki)

HAYASAKA Makoto, History of a Borderland: Speculations on the Past of Belarus ((Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2013) (FUKUSHIMA Chiho)

[Recent Publications]


Of One's Choice: A Remark on “Studying Abroad” (SUGIYAMA Anna)

The City Where I Once Studied: A Toponimical Essay (NAGAYO Susumu)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2013/2014

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 35, 2013


Disputes over History - Disputs over the Present Day: The Territories of the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Interpretation of Russian and Polish Historians of the Nineteenth Century (Katarzyna BŁACHOWSKA)

From Love for Hometown to Dynastic Patriotism: The Liberal Experience of the Volunteer Firemen's Associations in Imperial Austria (MIZUNO Hiroko)

Animal Health Policy in Bosnia-Herzegovina under the Rule of Habsburg Empire: The Contribution of the Dual Monarchy in the Fight against Murrain (MURAKAMI Ryo)

An Alternative by Hungarian 'Exiles' to the International Order under the Paris Peace Conference in Central and Eastern Europe: The Significance of the Requests from Pécs for the Extension of Occupation under SHS (1919-1921) (TSUJIKAWA Noriko)

[Research Note]

Women’s Emancipation Movements and Their National Consciousness in Poland at the Beginning of the 20th Century (YAMADA Tomoko)


SHINOHARA Taku and NAKAZAWA Tatsuya (eds.), Political Culture of Habsburg Monarchy (Kyoto: Showado, 2012) (UEMURA Toshiro)

WARITA Satoshi, State, Nation, Region in Prussia, 1815-1848: The Province of Posen, "Germany" and "Poland" (Tokyo: Yushisha, 2012) (NAKAZAWA Tatsuya)

KIRYU Yuko, Czech Nation-Building and the Creation of a Rural Public Sphere in Bohemia (Tokyo: Tosui Shobo, 2012) (YAMAZAKI Akira)

MURATA Nanako, A History of Modern and Contemporary Greece (Tokyo: Chuokoronshinsha, 2012) (MATSUURA Maiko)

NAKADA-AMIYA Mizuho, Democracy of Peasants and Workers: Political History of Czechoslovakia between the Two World Wars (Nagoya: Nagoya University Press, 2012) (NAKANE Kazutaka)

Tara ZAHRA, The Lost Children - Recostructing Europe's Families after World War II - (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2011) (EGUCHI Fuyuko)

OKU Ayako, Danilo Kiš : pisac na granici (Kyoto: Shoraisha, 2010) (TOCHII Hiromi)

[Recent Publications]


The Geisha's Group went to the Eastern Europe (INENO Tsuyoshi)

Leader's Personality under East European Socialism (ITO Takayuki)

My Research Stay and the Eating Habits in Vienna (OSHIO Ryohei)

My Daily Life and Studies in Miskolc - An Essay from Hungary - (ICHIHARA Shimpei)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2012/2013

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 34, 2012


The Creation of Bela Balazs Bluebeard’s Castle: On a Relation with Mystery Plays (OKAMOTO Yoshiko)


Kono Jun, Hapsburg and the Ottoman Empire: The Invention of “Politics” that Changed (Tokyo: Kodansha, 2010) (SATSUMA Hideto)

[Recent Publications]


Eastern Parts of Europe in Rinsho Mitsukuri’s Bankoku-shin-shi (Modern History of the World) (1871) (MINAMIZUKA Shingo)

My Further Journey: Research and Education (SHIBA Nobuhiro)

Niederhauser in Memory from a Japanese Perspective (IEDA Osamu)

About My Experience of a Researcher at the Embassy of Japan in the Slovak Republic (KOSAKA Naoki)

A Researcher's Daily Life at the Embassy of Japan in Hungary (KURAGANE Kei)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2011/2012

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 33, 2011


Liberal Nationalism and Physical Education in Dualist Era Hungary (ANEGAWA Yudai)

Josip Krizan: His Activities and Theory in the Context of Croatian Pedagogy in the 19th Century (TAMAKI Osamu)


Miyazaki Haruka, The Polish Problem and Dmowski: Pathos and Logos of National Independence, Sapporo, 2010 (IDE Takumi)

Nakazawa Tatsuya, A Study of the Theories of Slovak Nation-Building: A Theory for the Formation of a Modern Nation's Corporate Body for a 'Nation without History', Tokyo, 2009 (IKEDA Yoshiro)

[Recent Publications]

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2010/2011

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 32. 2010


Development of Agricultural Associations in Bohemia during the Agrarian Movement, 1870s-1890s.(KIRYU Yuko)

The Middle School (polgári iskola) of Local Society in Dual Monarchy Era Hungary (OGAWA Takashi)

From the Executive Committee of Association for East European Studies

[Research Guide]

The Studies of Political Development and Political Regimes concerning East European History (HIRATA Takeshi)


SHIDA Kyoko, The Expansion and Integration of the Russian Empire ― Bessarabia as a post-Byzantine space ― , Sapporo. Hokkaido University Press, 2009 (SUGAHARA Junko)

"Bosnian War" as a Subject for the Study of Contemporary History. On SAHARA Tetsuya, Bosnian War ― Globalization and Chaos Transformed into Ethnic Issue ― , Tokyo, Yushisha, 2008 (MOMOSE Ryoji)

How to Describe History of Jews in Eastern Europe. On NOMURA Mari, Jewish Galicia ― Between Poles and Ukrainians ―、Kyoto、Jimbunshoin, 2008 (SHINOHARA Taku)

[Recent Publications]

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2009/2010

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 31, 2009


Elementary School System Stabilizations through the Interaction of the State, Church and Local Residents in Hungary in the Early Years of Dualism (WATANABE Akiko)

[Research Notes]

Autonomy and Constitution Projects for the Former Polish-Lithuanian Lands under Russian Rule 1811-1812: Concepts of State and Nation Held By the Nobility of eht Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania (KAJI Sayaka)

The Metropolitan Region Developement in Czechoslovakia in the 1920's: Urban Planning by the State Regulation Commission for Prague and Surroundings (MORISHITA Yoshiyuki)


IIO Tadaki, Religion and Social Order in Early Modern Hungary, Sapporo, 2008 (AKIYAMA Shingo)

YAMADA Tomoko, Private Towns in Poland - Town, Country and Jews before the Emancipation of Peasantry, Tokyo, 2007 (KOYAMA Satoshi)

[Recent Publications]

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2008/2009

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 30, 2008

[Special Edition] Relativising the Concepts of Eastern Europe and of Modernity

Foreword (Exective Committee of AEES)

Part 1: Research into the Medieval and Early Modern Periods as a Critique on the Use of Concepts derived from Modern History

Political Custody and the Mannerization of Political Death: Medieval Poland from the Viewpoint of Intra-History (CHIBA Toshiyuki)

Changing Images of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Recent Historical Studies (KOYAMA Satoshi)

The South Netherlands as the "Third Section": The Inside of the Early Modern Austrian Monarchy, the Outside of the Modern "Habsburg Monarchy" (ANAMI Dai)

Part 2: Historiography on Postwar Socialism in the Midst of Postcommunism and Postcolonial Thought

The 1956 Revolution and the Studies of Contemporary History in Hungary (HIRATA Takeshi)

A Decade after "Instant History": Recent Literature on Factors in the Disintegration of the Former Yugoslavia (SUZUKI Kenta)


A Literary Controversy in 1970's Yugoslavia: The Disputes over The Tomb for Boris Davidovich by Danilo Ki? (OKU Ayako)


In Memory of Mr. Kazuo Tanaka: On His Posthumous Book In Search of the Heart of the Balkans (2007) (MINAMIZUKA Shingo)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2007/2008

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 29, 2007


Ideas and Practice of Matica slovenska: Its Place in the Slovak Nation-Building Movement (IDE Takumi)

Provincial Patriotic Discourse in Eighteenth Century Tyrol (SAKUMA Daisuke)


Litvan Gyorgy, Jaszi Oszkar (Budapest, Osiris, 2003) / A Twentieth-century Prophet: Oscar Jaszi 1875-1957 (Budapest & New York, Central European University Press, 2006) (TSUJIKAWA Noriko)

[Recent Publications]

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2006/2007

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 28, 2006


The Several Plans about Slovakia in the Administrative System in the Early 1920s: The Administrative Definitions of Slovakia in the Arguments among the Supporters of the Slovak Autonomy and among the Adherents of the County System (KOSAKA Naoki)

Politics of Primary Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Habsburg Monarchy (YONEOKA Daisuke)

Foundation of the Czech School Association in Brno and Its Activities for the Establishment of Czech Minority Schools in Brno (1877-1889) (KYOGOKU Toshiaki)

The Reform of Romania's Suffrage System at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Partidul Na?ional Liberal (National Liberal Party) and the Plan for Reform of Colegiul Unic (the Unique College) (TAKAKUSAGI Kunihito)


A Trend in Studies on Rudolf II and the Court of Prague: Concerning the Problem of Acceptance (SAKAGUCHI Sayaka)


Andrzej Garlicki, Historia 1939-2001. Polska i ?wiat.. Podr?cznik dla liceow ogolnokszta?c?cych, liceow profilowanych i technikow. Kszta?cenie w zakresie podstawowym i rozszerzonym, Warszawa, 2004 (Japanese trans., 2005) (KERA Sumio)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2005/2006

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 27, 2005


Modern Hellenism and the Representation of People (laos): The Gospel Riots and Modern Greek Nation Building (MURATA Nanako)

Manor Court and Communities in North Eastern Hungary in the 16th and 17th Centuries (IIO Tadaki)

Political Attempt of Viennese Pamphlet Writer: On Joseph Richter's Warum wird Kaiser Joseph von seinem Volke nicht geliebt? (UEMURA Toshiro)

Activities of Greek Associations for Promotion of Education and Their Networks in the Latter Half of Nineteenth-Century Macedonia (KAWASE Mari)

[Research Note]

Discourse on the Catholic Church under the Communist Regime in Poland: The Establishment of a Parish and a Church in "Nowa Huta" City (KATO Hisako)


19th Century's Historical Sources of the Habsburg Monarchy II: "Provisional Law of Municipality" in 1849, "Sylvester Patent" in 1851(ISHIDA Hiroko, UEMURA Toshiro, HORI Jun, MUTO Mayako, MORISHITA Yoshiyuki)


Laurence Cole, "Fur Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland": Nationale Identität der deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung Tirols 1860-1914", Frankfurt am M./New York, 2000 (SUZUKI Tamami)

Сто?ан Новакови?, Село, Београд 1891 (Japanese trans., 2003) (MATSUMAE Moyuru)

OGINO Akira, Hungarian Foreign Policy in the Cold War-era, 1956-1958, Tokyo, 2004 (KURAGANE Kei)


Region, Corporation and Tradition of Parlamentarism in Eastern Europe

Tradition of "Parliamentarism" in Habsburger Monarchy. Continuity and Discontinuity from Early Modern Times to the 19th Century (SHINOHARA Taku)

Political Ideas in Bohemia and Moravia from the 15th to the 18th Century (SATSUMA Hideto)

A Research Note about the Local Assemblies in Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth (SHIRAKI Taichi)

The Political System of Serbia and Bosnia during the Latter Middle Ages: Hybrid Character between East and West in the Case of Notion Crown, Royal Council and Bureaucracy (KARASAWA Koichi)

Comment: Over the Division (SUZUKI Hirokazu)

Comment: Building a Bridge into Modern Times: Historical Rights and Elective Monarchy (NAKAZAWA Tatsuya)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2004

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 26, 2004


Rusag as barones regni in Bosnia during the Later Middle Ages: Development of Baron's State on the Eve of the Ottoman Conquest (Koichi KARASAWA)

The Imperial Diet and the War against the Ottoman Empire: Information-tactics of the Emperor Maximilian II in Struggle for the "Tuerkenhilfe" (Jun KONO)


19th Century's Historical Sources of the Habsburg Monarchy I: "Kremsier Costitutional Draft", "Stadion Costitution (Sanctional Constitution)" in 1849. (Dai ANAMI, Hiroko ISHIDA, Toshiro UEMURA, Tatsuya NAKAZAWA, Mayako MUTO, Yoshiyuki MORISHITA, Akiko WATANABE)


Tomoko YAMADA, A Short History of Central and Eastern Europe, Tokyo, 2001 (WARITA Satoshi)

Jeremy King, Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian Politics, 1848-1948, Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2002 (Yuko KIRYU)


A Short Report on the First Conference of Mass Dictatorship in Seoul (Hiroko MIZUNO)


A Perspective from/to Peripheries: Minority Studies on Eastern Europe

The 'Minority View' in the East European Area Studies: a Reflection on Ethnic Cleansing (SAHARA, Tetsuya)

Rusyn/Ukrainian Minorities in Slovakia: How they Choose their Ethnic Identity (Susumu NAGAYO)

Between Accommodation and Resistance --A Study on Survival Strategies of the Sorbian Minority in Germany (KIMURA Goro Christoph)

To Overcome the Gypsy Stereotype --What Suggests the Work of Wim Willems (MIZUTANI Takeshi)


On the Concept 'Minority' (OZAWA Hiroaki)

Rethinking 'Territoriality': from Viewpoints of East Asia (TOBE Hideaki)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2003

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 25, 2003


The Agricultural Council of the Kingdom of Bohemia and its Reform Conceptions of Agricultural Employment Relationships: A Study of Reorganization of the Bohemian Rural Society in the Second Half of the Long 19th Century (Yuko KIRYU)

The Directions of the Austro-German Liberalism in the Habsburg Monarchy at the Turn of the Century (Dai ANAMI)

[Review Note]

The Recent Trend in the Studies on Modern Greek History in English (Nanako MURATA)

[Book Review]

Zoellner, E., Geschichte Oesterreichs, Wien 1990 (Japanese trans., 2000) (Tamotsu HOSOI)

[Symposium; East European Literature: Its Past and Future]


Some Remarks on East European Literature (Kazuo TANAKA)

Slovak Literature in the Post-socialist System and Post-Czechoslovakia (Hideaki KIMURA)

Some Remarks on Contemporary Czech Literature (Kenichi ABE)


(Susumu NAGAYO)

(Hajime KAIZAWA)

(Masako NAGABA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2002

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 24, 2002


The Process of the "Amnesty Policy" in the Early Postwar Period in Austria (Hiroko MIZUNO)

Czech Nation and the Gymnastic Movement in Bohemia before World War I; A Struggle for the National Symbol (Hiroshi FUKUDA)

[Review Note]

Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, The Rape of Poland; Pattern of Soviet Aggression, New York, 1948 (Jun YOSHIOKA)

[Book Review]

Robin Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c.1765-1918, London, 2001 (Dai ANAMI)

Daniel E. Miller, Forging Political Compromise: Antonin Svehla and the Czechoslovak Republican Party 1918-1933, Pittsburgh, 1999 (Kazutaka NAKANE)

[Symposium; "Eastern Europe" in History Education]


Geographical and Historical aspects of Eastern Europe in Japanese Textbooks (Yasuhiko TORIGOE)

"Austria as Victim" and German-Polish Relations in History Textbooks: Modern History Teaching in Central Europe (Takahiro KONDO)

Historical Culture in Czech Society in the 1990s. (Taku SHINOHARA)



(Nobuhiro SHIBA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2001

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 23, 2001


Local Church Congregation and Politics in Dualistic Era Hungary (Akiko WATANABE)

Janos Kadar and the Deportation of Imre Nagy, 1956 (Akira OGINO)


Sovereignty and Military in Poland during the August II era (1697-1733) (Katsunori TONAMI)

[Records of the 2000 Symposium]

Ten Years from the Changes: Studies on History of Eastern Europe

Reports (Susumu NAGAYO) (Tsuneyuki DOHI) (Tetsuya SAHARA)

Comments (Masako NAGABA) (Taku SHINOHARA)

Discussions (Tamami SUZUKI)

[Book Review]

Akiyoshi NAKAYAMA, Katsuhiko MATSUKAWA (ed.), New Horizons of European Historical Studies, The View from Poland (Kyoto, 2000) (Masaru ARAKI)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 2000

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 22, 2000


The Chraracter of the University of Prague in Its Initial Stage (Keiko ASANO)

[Research Notes]

The Legionary Movement in Interwar Romania: Problems and Approaches (Ryo FUJISHIMA)

[Book Review]

John W. Boyer, Political Radicalism in Late Imperial Vienna: Origin of the Cristian Social Movement, 1848-1897 (Chicago 1981/1995). Ibid., Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897-1918 (Chicago 1995). (Fuyuko EGUCHI)

Shingo Minamizuka (ed.) A History of Danubian Europe (Tokyo 1999) (Mizuho NAKADA-AMIYA)

Describing a History of a 'Region': Takayuki Ito, Toshio Inouchi and Kazuo Nakai (eds.) A History of Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic Countries (Tokyo 1998) (Satoshi WARITA)

Nobuhiro Shiba (ed.) A History of the Balkans (Tokyo 1998) (Kazuo TANAKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1999

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 21, 1999


The Hungarian Elementary Education Law of 1868 in the Context of Church-State Relations (Akiko WATANABE)

[Book Review]

Hiroshi Toya, The Early Modern Society of an Agro-Town in Hungary: A Study of the Cultural Dimensions of Sheep Farming and Related Industries in Kecskemet (Tokyo, 1998). (Shingo AKIYAMA)

Hideto Satsuma, Heretics in Praha (Tokyo, 1998) (Taku SHINOHARA)

Philip Carabott (ed.), Greek Society in the Making, 1863-1913: Realities, Symbols and Visions(London, 1997) (Nanako MURATA)

[Review Note]

Tsuguo Fujita, A Study for Military System and Constitutionalism: Case Studies in England, U.S.A., France and Germany (Tokyo, 1991) (Mayako MUTO)

A Report on the Summer Seminar of Austrian Studies (Yoko OKA & Tamami SUZUKI)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1998

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 20, 1998

A Foreword (Masako NAGABA)


A Study of the Slavonic Political Thought by Ludovit Stur in Slovakia during the 1848 Revolution in View of the Constitutional History - The Process of the Conceptual Transformation of `a Nation without History' to `a Statopravny Subjekt' by Invoking Traditional Ideas- (Tatsuya NAKAZAWA)

Programmatic conception of "New Democracy" in Czechoslovakia: Controversy on parliamentary democracy in 1930s (Mizuho NAKADA-AMIYA)

Dualism and Military Reorganization of the Habsburg Empire - Establishing the Defense Laws (Wehrgesetze) of 1868 - (Mayako MUTO)

The Structure of the rule of magnates and its historical change in the second half of the 18th century in Poland - a case on the Potocki family in Braclaw prefecture, the province of the right-side bank of the Dnieper river (Taichi SHIRAKI)

Hanza and Hangya - Annexation of Southern Slovakia by Hungary and Unification of Cooperative Centers - (Osamu IEDA)


Dalmatia in the Context of the Croatian National Integration (Shinichi ISHIDA)

[Book Review]

Gendai-Shiso (Journal of Contemporary Ideas), Special Issue: the Disintegration of Yugoslavia, Dec. 1997 (Shoichi NIWA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1997

Contents of the Journal of East European Studies, vol. 11-20

Reply to the Book Review by Yuko Ieda (Tatsuo ISHIKAWA)

From the Editor, Notes for Contributors

Vol. 19, 1997


"Thoughts of a Modern Pole": On a study of the formation of Domowski's "nationalism" (Michihiro YASUI)

Privatization Organization and State Asset-Management Organization in Hungary (Akio MORI)

Die Kronprinz Rudolfs-Bahn und ihre Anrainer: Probleme eines Eisenbahnbau in Oesterreich-Ungarn im 19. Jahrhundert (Yoko SASAKI)


A New Trend in the Czech Historiography: On Self-Representation of the Czech Nation in the 19th Century (Taku SHINOHARA)


On the lecture of Prof. Solomon Wank: Dynastic Empire or Multinational State (Eiko KUWANA)

[Book Reviews]

Tatsuo ISHIKAWA, Masaryk to Cheko no Seishin (Masaryk and the Czech Spirit) (Yuko IEDA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1995

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1996

From the Editor

Vol. 18, 1995


Reform Effects of Local Administration and the Formation of the Municipal Government in Ruse during the Tanzimat (Tetsuya SAHARA)

On Pronija, the System of Conditional Landholding in Medieval Serbia (Kohichi KARASAWA)

Record of the 1994 General Meeting of the Association

Opening Address (Isao KOSHIMURA)

Politics and Religion in Southeast Europe (Tetsuya SAHARA)

Emigration and Catholicism in the Liberal State of Italy (Akeo KITAMURA)

Religious and Ecclesiastical Situation in Slovakia (Susumu NAGAYO)

Rites and Rural Society (Kenji TERASHIMA)

Reports from the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences

[Book Reviews]

Wendy Heller, The Life of Lidia Zamenhof: Daughter of Esperanto (Oxford, 1985) (Katsuyoshi WATANABE)

Romsics Ignac, Bethlen Istvan: Politikai eletrajs (Budapest, 1991) (Takeshi HIRATA)

Cluj and Japan (Ei-ichirou HIRAGA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1994

From the Editor

Vol. 17, 1994


The Unification of the Bulgarian Principality and Eastern Rumelia in 1885 (Junko IMAI)

The Problem of National Integration in Dalmatia during the Revolution of 1848-1848 (Shin-ichi ISHIDA)

The Kosciuszko Centennial and the October Revolution in Petrograd (Akiyoshi NAKAYAMA)


Federation Plan of 1848 by Frantisek Palacky (Hiroko ISHIDA)

[Book Review]

Tadayuki HAYASHI, Disintegration and Integration of Central Europe - Masaryk and Making of the Czechoslovak State (Tokyo, 1993) (Mizuho NAKADA-AMIYA)

T. ITO / A. NAONO / S. MINAMIZUKA (ed.), Cyclopedia of Eastern Europe (Tokyo, 1993). (Miho UCHIDA)

* * * * * * * * * *

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1993

From the Editor

Vol. 16, 1993


Struggles for the Foundation of Czechoslovak Communist Party, 1918-1921 (Kazu TAKAHASHI)

Plans for Federation in the South-Eastern Europe and "Macedonian Question" (1941-1945) (Chieko OBA)


The Safer Law and Reality - The 1859 Ciftlik Law of Bosnia-Hercegovina (Hikari EGAWA)


The Conference of Historians in Kamieniec-Podolski: Ukraine, Poland, BeloRus, Lithuania (Makoto HAYASAKA)

[Book Review]

Shingo MINAMIZUKA, Hear the clattering of horseshoes through Hungary (Tokyo, 1992). (Hiroshi TOYA)

Notes for Contributors

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1992

From the Editor

Vol. 15, 1992

King and Nobility in the 14th Century Hungary - "Honor" system of the Angevins- (Hirokazu SUZUKI)

Legal Structure of "Zadruga" in Serbia and Montenegro (Toshiaki SONOHARA)

Alfons Mucha's Czech Nationalism (Koji CHIKUGO)

Report on the Activities of the Association (Hiroshi TOYA)

A letter from Wien (Atsushi OHTSURU)

From the Editor (Naoki MIYAJIMA)

Vol. 14, 1991

Special issue: States and peoples of and around the Habsburg Monarchy


Some proposals to reflect the themes of East-Central European historical studies under the impacts from the democratic reform movement in 1989 (Masanori SATO)

Die Bewegungen gegen den Ausgleich in der oesterreich-ungarischen Monarchie (Yasuhiko TORIGOE)

Die Hintergruende von der Geburt des Neoslawismus - Karel Kramar, der Initiator des Neoslawismus, und die tschechische Politik und Wirtschaft am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (Yukino SATO)

The Austrian War Mobilization Act and the Balkan Crisis in 1912 (Atsushi OTSURU)


Die Entwicklung der Wiener Stadtverwaltung in der Aera des Liberalismus (Yoshiko YAMANOUCHI)

A reconsideration of the 'Eastern Question' from the Perspective of the Bulgarian national liberation movement (Junko SUGAHARA)

[Translated article]

Uwe Jahnke: Der Beamte Franz Kafka und die k.k. Gewerbeinspektoren, introduced and translated by Atsushi OTSURU and Hiroyuki Eno

* * * * * * * * * *


Civilian Life during the Warsaw Uprising (Katsuyoshi WATANABE)

Some Problems in the process of the Establishment of the Modern Serbian Pricipality (II) (Tetsuya SAHARA)

Notes for Contributors

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1990

Vol. 13, 1990


Polish Intelligence and its Influence on the Policy Making Process in 1939 (Katsuhiko MATSUKAWA)

Some Problems in the process of the Establishment of the Modern Serbian Principality (I) (Tetsuya SAHARA)


On the Interview between General Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski, the Supreme Commander of the Home Army during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and Doctor Jan M. Ciechanowski (Katsuyoshi WATANABE)

[Record of the 1990 General Meeting of the Association]

An Interpretation of the History of Eastern Europe (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

Review of Socialism in History of the World (Haruki WADA)

Symposium <A Review of European Studies, and the Study of History within Eastern Europe>

[Book Review]

Hillel J. Kieval, The Making of Czech Jewry, National Conflict and Jewish Society in Bohemia, 1870-1918 (New York/Oxford, 1988) (Sugao KAWAMURA)

Jan M. Ciechanowski, The Warsaw Rising of 1944 (Tokyo, 1989) (Katsuyoshi WATANABE)

Report on the Activities of the Association

Vol. 12, 1989


Bohumir Smeral in the Period of the Foundation of the Czechoslovak Communist Party (1918-1921) (Kazu TAKAHASHI)

Problems of Schooling in Austro-Hungarian Bosnia, 1878-1914: Cultural Mission and Slav Nationalism (in English) (Robin OKEY)


Mor Jokai and His Age (Eiko KUWANA)

On the History of the Introduction of Mickiewicz's Life and Works to Japan (Riko SHIBA)


On Hussitica: Zur Struktur einer Revolution (Koeln/Graz, 1965) by F. Seibt (Keiko ASANO)

Summaries of Reports at the Symposium "Problems on History of the Balkans"

Importance of Sources of the Ottoman Empire in History of the Balkans (Tadashi SUZUKI)

Modern Historiography of the Balkans in Western Countries (Nobuhiro SHIBA)

Problems on Historiography of the Balkans (Tadashi HAGIWARA)

[Book Review]

A. Zahorski, Spor o Stanislawa Augusta (Warszawa, 1988) (Taichi SHIRAKI)

W. Wiltschegg, Die Heimwehr. Eine unwiderstehliche Volksbewegung (Muenchen, 1985) (Yoshihumi HURUTA)

Takayuki ITO, A Contemporary History of Poland (Tokyo, 1988) (Michihiro YASUI)

In Memory of Prof. Bokuro EGUCHI - His Historical Study and East European Studies (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1988

Vol. 11, 1988


The Political and Military Background to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 - A Study of Ideology of Headquarters of the Home Army - (Katsuyoshi WATANABE)


Over the So Called "Inauguraeni Diplo" of the Czech King John (Hideto SATSUMA)

Florian Witold Znaniecki's Commentary on Western Civilization (Shouji ISHITSUKA) [Miscellanea]

On the Study of Vuk Karadzic in Japan (Kayoko YAMAZAKI)

The Most Sincere Modernist in an Agrarian Country - In Memory of Dr. Gyorgy Ranki- (in English) (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

[Book Review]

John Coutouvidis & Jaime Reynolds, Poland 1939-1947 (Leicester, 1986) (Keiichi HIROSE)

Makoto HAYASAKA, Eastern Agency in Istanbul (Tokyo, 1987) (Tetsuya SAHARA)

Report of the Activities of the Association in 1987

Vol. 10, 1987


Stanislaw Konarski as a Forerunner in the Polish Enlightenment (Akiyoshi NAKAYAMA)

The Background of the Sarajevo Incident - "Mlada Bosna", "Narodna Odbrana" and "Crna Ruka" (Shinichi KONDO)

T. G. Masaryk's Ideals of Czechoslovak Independence - A Survey of Masaryk's War-Time Appeals in his London Exile- (Yuko IEDA)

The Meaning of "Das boehmische Staatrecht" - "State Right" or "State Law"? (Sugao KAWAMURA)

Mico Ljubibratic and Uprising in Bosnia (Miho SHIMIZU)

In Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Masaryk's Death (Tadayuki HAYASHI)

[Book Review]

Robin Okey, Eastern Europe, 1740-1980 (Tokyo, 1987) (Kumiko HABA)

Shigeru Kido, Takayuki Ito, Modern History of Eastern Europe (Tokyo, 1987) (Hiroshi MOMOSE)

Kieniewicz, S. and others, History of Poland (Tokyo, 1986) (Takashi KAWANA)

Hideki Masutani, Revolution in Pamphlets (Tokyo, 1987) (Taku SHINOHARA)

Shingo Minamizuka, Calm Revolution (Tokyo, 1987) (Fumio TASHIRO)

Peter Pantzer, Japan und Oesterreich-Ungarn (Tokyo, 1987) (Tsuyoshi INENO)

Ryou Kojima, The 1956 Hungarian Incident and Japan (Tokyo, 1987) (Kumiko HABA)


From Warszawa (Taichi SHIRAKI)

From Budapest (Eiko KUWANA)

From Praha (Hideto SATSUMA)

Report in the Activities of the Assosiation in 1986

Contents of The Journal of East European Studies, Vol. 1-10

From the Editor

Vol. 9, 1986


Die Entstehung und anfaengliche Entwicklung der Oesterreichischen Heimwehren (Yoshifumi FURUTA)

Principles of Equal Rights and Self-Determination of Peoples; as applied to the formation of Yugoslav State (Toshiaki SONOHARA)

Some Problems Concerning the Naissance of the Hungarian Kingdom - On the Codes of Laws of King Stephen (Hirokazu SUZUKI)


Masaryk's Criticism of Bolshevism (Tatsuo ISHIKAWA)

Die Juden Wiens im Vormaerz (Mari NOMURA)

The Reorganization of Education by Social Strata at the Period (1773-1776) of Commission for National Education (Taichi SHIRAKI)

[Book Review]

Kyoichi Tango, Die Entstehungsgeschichte des modernen Staates von Oesterreich (Tokyo, 1986) (Masanori SATO)

Gabor Vermes, Istvan Tisza, The Liberal Vision and Conservative Statecraft of A Magyar Nationalist (New York, 1985); Poloskei Ferenc, Tisza Istvan (Budapest, 1985) (Eiko KUWANA)

Chikara Rachi, Ein tolles Jahr am blauen Donau - Wien 1848 (Tokyo, 1985) (Toshiaki SHINOHARA)

From the Tenth Anniversary Congress of the Association


Ten Years: Inside the Association (Kazuo TANAKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1985

From the Editor

Vol. 8, 1985

Special issue: The First World War and The Reformation in Eastern Europe

Poland at the Time of the Russian Revolution - A Survey of the Political and Social Affairs (1917-1918)- (Takashi KAWANA)

Polish-Soviet War (1919-1920) - The Fulfillment of National Self-determination- (Kazuo KATO)

British War Aims and the Habsburg Monarchy during World War I (Masayoshi SHIMIZU)


Richard G. Plaschka/Horst Haselsteiner/Arnold Suppan, Innere Front. Militaerassistenz, Widerstand und Umsturz in der Donaumonarchie 1918 (Atsushi OHTSURU)

* * * * * * * * * *

The Polish Socialist Party-Left in the Revolution of 1905 (Takiko FUKUMOTO)

The Annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Aehrenthal (Shinichi KONDO)

Report on the 13th General Congress of Polish Historians (Makoto HAYASAKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1984

From the Editor

Vol. 7, 1984


On the History of Shaping the Conception of the "Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania" in the National Question (1899-1901) - The National Ethos and the Idea of the Internationalism - (Takashi KAWANA)

Masaryk and Huss - Masaryk's Idea of Humanity - (Tatsuo ISHIKAWA)

On the Disolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Establishment of the New State in the German Austria (Masako NAGABA)


On the Lines of the Early Sokol Movement (Toshio KUNUGI)

Svetozar Markovic and Paris Commune - Echoes in Serbia - (Akihiro MATOBA)

[Book Review]

Shigeaki Hirata, Umoreta Kaikaku [Buried Reform] (Tokyo, 1984) (Syuichi IKEMOTO)

* * * * * * * * * *

To the Memory of Prof. Robert A. Kann (Atsushi OTSURU)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1983

From the Editor

Vol. 6, 1983


The Croatian Problems in the Revolution of 1848 (Hiroshi KUROZUMI) On Rosa Luxemburg's The Industrial Development in Poland (Tomoko YAMADA) [Notes]

Problems of the Soviet Studies on East European History (Hitoshi MORI)

The Condition of the Yugoslav Peasantry and the Formation of the Co-operative "Gospodarska Sloga" in the 1930's (Isao KOSHIMURA)

[Book Review]

Hans Kohn, The Habsburg Empire 1804-1918, Japanese edition (Tokyo, 1982) (Masayoshi SHIMIZU)

Kurimoto Shinichiro, Budapesuto Monogatari (Tokyo, 1979) (Masatake YOSHIDA)

Peter Pastor, Hungary between Wilson and Lenin: The Hungarian Revolution of 1918-1919 and the Big Three (New York, 1976); Tibor Hajdu, The Hungarian Soviet Repiblic (Budapest, 1979) (Kumiko HABA)

Dusan Bilandzic Historija Socijalisticke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije - glavni procesi (Zagreb, 1979) (Isao KOSHIMURA)

Gary B. Cohen, The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 (New Jersey, 1981) (Kazu TAKAHASHI)

Az europai fovarosok epitestorteneti forrasai (Budapest, 1980) (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1982

From the Editor

Vol. 5, 1982

Special issue: Middle Age in Eastern Europe

Society and Church in the Period of the Estyablishment of Hungarian State (Hiromi AIZAWA)

On the Location of "Great Moravian State" (Toru SENGA)

Bulgarian National Liberation Movement and the April Uprising in 1876 (2) (Junko IMAI)

[Discussion] History and Literature: Hero Legend in Eastern Europe

Main Report On Kraljevic Marko (Kazuo TANAKA)

Discussion by Atsushi NAONO, Masatoshi KOHARA, Kenji TERASHIMA etc.

[Book Review]

Stanley Suval, The Anschluss Question in the Weimar Era: A Study of Nationalism in Germany and Austria, 1918-32 (Baltimore, 1974) (Masako NAGABA)

P. F. Sugar/I. J. Lederer (eds.), Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Seattle/London, 1969; Japanese trans., 1981) (Takashi KAWANA)

W. H. McNeill, Venice: The Hinge of Europe 1081-1797 (Chicago, 1974; Japanese trans., 1979) (Misato TODA)

* * * * * * * * * *

On the International Symposium on Cultural Relations between Japan and East-Central European Countries, held in September 1981 in Tokyo and Kyoto (Kenji TERASHIMA)

Correction of the Bibliography of Japanese Literature on East-Central Europe(1981)

Current Biblipgraphy of Japanese Literature on East-Central Europe (1981.1.1 - 1982.4.1)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1981

From the Editor

Vol. 4, 1981

Bulgarian National Liberation Movement and the April Uprising in 1876 (Junko IMAI)

On Criticism to Cracow School of History in Polish Historiography and the Recent Researches (Makoto HAYASAKA)

On Albanian Struggle for Independence (Keiko SHIMOHAMA)

[Review] Pamlenyi Ervin, A History of Hungary, Budapest, 1973 (Osamu IEDA)

[Review] Yamamoto Toshiro, Inouchi Toshio, A History of Polish Nation, Tokyo, 1980 (Ichiro ABE)

[Review] Stephen Clissold, A Short History of Yugoslania, London,1966 (Miyoko NOHARA)

* * * * * * * * * *

Japan's Cultural Relations with East-Central European Countries in Historical Perspective (in English)

I A General History


1. Japan-Polish Relations

2. Japan-Czechoslovak Relations

3. Japan-Hungarian Relations

4. Japan-Romanian Relations

5. Japan-Yugoslav Relations

6. Japan-Bulgarian Relations

III Some Conclusions

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1980

From the Editor

Vol. 3, 1980

Special issue: East-Central Europe and Revolution of 1848

Poland in 1846: Cracow Uprising and the Peasant Revolt in Galicia (Toshio INOUCHI)

The Transformation of the Slavic Thought in Slovakia: A Study of the Prehistory of the Czecho-Slovakia Problem in 1848 (Tsuyoshi INENO)

The Emancipation of Serfs during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849 (Fumio TASHIRO)

Denmark in 1848 (Masato MURAI)

The Postwar Yugoslav Historiography of the Revolutionary Movement in Vojvodina in 1848 (Nobuhiro SHIBA)

The Illyrian Movements among South Slavs: Translation from Enciklopedija Jugoslavije, 4, Zagreb, 1960 (Kazuo TANAKA)

[Review] Lawrence D. Orton, The Prague Slav Congress of 1848, New York, 1978 (Atsushi OHTSURU)

* * * * * * * * * *

The Formation of Bulkan Entente in 1934 (II) (Takako UETA)

Front Policy by the Comintern in 1935 (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1979

From the Editor

Vol. 2, 1979

The Formation of Pitsudski's Group (Andrzej GARLICKI, Warsaw University)

Fundamental Viewpoints to Analyse the Process of Industrial Revolution in Austria-Hungary (Masanori SATO, Ibaraki University)

Problems of "A History of Yugoslavia" : Ekmecic vs. Gross Disputes (Nobuhiro SHIBA, Waseda University)

The Formation of the Balkan Entente in 1934 (I) (Takako UETA, Tsuda University)

[Book Review] F. Fejto, Histoire de Democraties Populaires apres Staline 1953-1975, japanese edition by Iwanami Shoten (Shigeru KIDO, Kobe University)

[Book Review] Tsutomu Rachi, Mukogishikara no Sekaishi - Hitotsu no 48 nenkakumeiron, Miraisha; Herbert Steiner, Karl Marx in Wien. Die Arbeiterbewegung zwischen Revolution und Restauration 1848, Wien, Muenchen, Zuerich, 1978 (Hideki MASUTANI, Tokyo Gaikokugo University)

Report on the Activities of the Association in 1978

From the Editor

Vol. 1, 1978


1. On the Significance of East European Studies in Japan (Bokuro EGUCHI)

2. The Japanese Interest in East-Central Europe in Historical Perspective (in English) (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)


3. On the Proto-Bulgarians' State: "Great Bulgaria" (Yasuo KINBARA)


4. The Emancipation of Serfs in Eastern Europe (Shingo MINAMIZUKA)

5. 1848's Election to the Frankfurt Congress in Bohemia (Tsuyoshi INENO)

6. Bulgaria in the Period of the Decline of Turkish Feudalism and Formation of Capitalist Relations (Junko IMAI)


7. Beginnings of Socialist Movements in Rumania (Atushi NAONO)

8. The Establishment of the Hungarian All Workers' Party (Tomoko MIURA)

9. The Early Socialist Movements in Poland (Kazuo KATO)

10. A Note on Nationalism in Poland (Naoki NIYAJIMA)

11. Socialdemocrats in Hungary during the First World War (Kumiko HABA)

12. The Struggle for the Independence of Czechoslovakia (Tadayuki HAYASHI)


13. A Note on the Stamboliski Regime (Bunji OBUNAI)

14. Eastern Pact and Poland (Takako UEDA)

15. Hungary under the Economic Crisis : State, Policy and Fascism (Masahiro KASHIMA)

16. Populism in Hungary (Noriko SATO)

17. A Note on Japan-Hungarian Cultural Relations (Hiroshi TANAKA)


18. Intellectuals in Jugoslavia in 1948 (Kazuo TANAKA)

19. National Problems in Ukraina in 1945-1972 (Setsuo AOKI)

20. Recent Movements in Jugoslavian Historiography (Nobuhiro SHIBA)