Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Region 7

NOTE: Some of the individuals here may be pending review by the Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC) or be unsubmitted. All review species listed here that have been through the review process are followed by the TBRC number and Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) number whenever possible.

All of the images below are of single bird observed from December 21, 2009 - January 20, 2010.

Map of Observations. These maps show all the counties in which a review species has been observed. They do not show the total number of observations as there can be multiple observations in a single county.

Click on maps to enlarge.

Observation reviewed from written details

Observation reviewed from written and photographic details

Photo by Cameron Carver

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Hidalgo Co., January 2, 2010. Documented by others with the following TBRC documentation: One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo, from 21 December 2009-20 January 2010, TBRC# 2009-106; TPRF 2786. This represents the first record for Texas and the United States.

Photo by Rick Nirschl

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Hidalgo Co., January 1, 2010. One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo, from 21 December 2009-20 January 2010, TBRC# 2009-106; TPRF 2786. This represents the first record for Texas and the United States.

Photo by Martin Reid

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Hidalgo Co., January 1, 2010. Documented by others with the following TBRC documentation: One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo, from 21 December 2009-20 January 2010, TBRC# 2009-106; TPRF 2786. This represents the first record for Texas and the United States.

Below: Image sequence of Bare-throated Tiger-Heron grabbing and swallowing a Hispid Cotton Rat

Photos by Rex Stanford

Image of bird grabbing the rat in its beak

Image of bird right after ingesting the rat (note blood on lower mandible)

Image of bird stretching out its neck to aid in pulling the rat downward.

Photos by Rex Stanford

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Hidalgo Co., January 1, 2010. One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo, from 21 December 2009-20 January 2010, TBRC# 2009-106; TPRF 2786. This represents the first record for Texas and the United States.

Photo by Rick Nirschl

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Hidalgo Co., December 21, 2009. One at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo, from 21 December 2009-20 January 2010, TBRC# 2009-106; TPRF 2786. This represents the first record for Texas and the United States.

All of the images above are of single bird observed from December 21, 2009 - January 20, 2010.