

26. S. Kudo, T. Harano, J.-F. Tsai, K. Yoshizawa, N. Kutsukake (2024). Maternal care under large clutches with small eggs: The evolution of life history traits in shield bugs. The American Naturalist 204: 3042

25. T. Harano, N. Kutsukake (2024). Body size evolution in otters distinguished from terrestrial mustelids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 37: 152–161

24. T. Harano, M. Asahara (2023). Revisiting the evolutionary trend toward the mammalian lower jaw in non-mammalian synapsids in a phylogenetic context. PeerJ 11: e15575

23. T. Harano, N. Kutsukake (2023). Way to big cats: directional selection in body size evolution in living felids. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 30: 97–108



22. T. Harano, M. Asahara (2022). The anteriorization of tooth position underlies the atavism of tooth morphology: Insights into the morphogenesis of mammalian molars. Evolution 76: 2986–3000

21. T. Harano, M. Asahara (2022). Correlated evolution of craniodental morphology and feeding ecology in carnivorans: a comparative analysis of jaw lever arms at tooth positions. Journal of Zoology 318: 135-145

20. T. Harano, N. Kutsukake (2018). Directional selection in the evolution of elongated upper canines in clouded leopards and sabre-toothed cats. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1268–1283


19. T. Harano, N. Kutsukake (2018). The evolution of male infanticide in relation to sexual selection in mammalian carnivores. Evolutionary Ecology 32: 1—8

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17. T. Harano (2015). Receptive females mitigate costs of sexual conflict. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 320–327

16. T. Harano (2012). Water availability affects female remating in the seed beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Ethology 118: 925–931


15. T. Harano, N. Sato, T. Miyatake (2012). Effects of female and male size on female mating and remating decisions in a bean beetle. Journal of Ethology 30: 337-343


14. T. Harano, M. Katsuki (2012). Female seed beetles, Callosobruchus chinensis, remate more readily after mating with relatives. Animal Behaviour 83: 1007-1010 


13. M. Katsuki, T. Harano, T. Miyatake, K. Okada, D. J. Hosken (2012). Intralocus sexual conflict and offspring sex ratio. Ecology Letters 15: 193-197


12. T. Harano (2011). Inbreeding depression in development, survival and reproduction in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Ecological Research 26: 327-332


11. T. Harano, T. Miyatake (2011). Independence of genetic variation between circadian rhythm and development time in the seed beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Journal of Insect Physiology 57: 415-420


10. T. Harano, K. Okada, S. Nakayama, T. Miyatake, D. J. Hosken (2010). Intralocus sexual conflict unresolved by sex-limited trait expression. Current Biology 20: 2036-2039


9. T. Harano, T. Miyatake (2010). Genetic basis of incidence and period length of circadian rhythm for locomotor activity in populations of a seed beetle. Heredity 105: 268-273


8. T. Harano, T. Miyatake (2009). Bidirectional selection for female propensity to remate in the bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Population Ecology 51: 89-98


7. T. Miyatake, K. Okada, T. Harano (2008). Negative relationship between ambient temperature and death-feigning intensity in adult Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis. Physiological Entomology 33: 83-88


6. T. Harano, Y. Nakamoto, T. Miyatake (2008). Sperm precedence in Callosobruchus chinensis estimated using the sterile male technique. Journal of Ethology 26: 201-206


5. T. Harano, T. Miyatake (2007). No genetic correlation between the sexes in mating frequency in the bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Heredity 99: 295-300


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