
Biomedical research can lead to amazing discoveries and new treatments for human disease, but it is also arduous, time consuming and expensive work.  

You can make a difference in moving this work forward by contributing directly to our labs ongoing research projects. All donations are used to support our research efforts to develop and test new therapies for neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.   

For lay press articles on our work in FXTAS, please see the following link:

How Fragile X repeats influence transcription

RAN translation in FXTAS

For a lay press article on our work on Fragile X Syndrome, please see the following link:

Link to FRAXA article

For a Lay press article on our work in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), please see the following link:  

ALS, RAN translation and cellular stress

If you would like to learn more about our program and opportunities to support it, please contact:

Kirsten Petriches

Assistant Director of Development, Neurosciences

Michigan Medicine Office of Development, University of Michigan

1000 Oakbrook Drive, Suite 100 | Ann Arbor, MI | 48104-6815

office: 734-763-5240 | mobile: 313-231-0230 |