About Me

I am a Tenured Professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. I'm also in the State Key Lab. of Intelligent Systems and Technology, and Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology.

My research work involves several fields of Embodied Intelligence, including Robotics, Dynamic Systems and Machine Learning, with particular emphasis on robotic perception, learning and control which address the three widely-known challenging issues:

Research Summary

We have been working on tackling the above problems and our long term goal is of establishing a cognitive pathway between the manipulation control and robotic perception using innovative learning methodologies. We believe multi-modality of perception, high degree-of-freedom of action, and persistent accumulation of learning are essential to simulate intelligent behavior. Our research work during the past five years can be summarized as:


I am currently responsible for teaching three courses in Tsinghua University: “Dynamic Systems Analysis and Control” for undergraduate students, “Robotics” and “Uncertain Artificial Intelligence” for graduate students, all of which are closely related to my research fields. The various research topics in the different fields motivate me to investigate the intrinsic relationship among them from the perspective of a teacher. Therefore, I develop several illustrative projects which bridge the pedagogical gap between Systems Control and Machine Learning. A representative example is the dynamic video texture for dynamic video texture for dynamic system stability analysis, which provides the opportunity for students with no access to mechanical or electronic equipment to learn system stability. A detailed description can be found in [TE_2014].