Walk bank

This bank of walks is designed as a ready-made set of walks for use in cases of emergency or, inclement weather prejudicial to safety of our walking groups. All the walks suggested have been proven by the author. They may be accessed from a phone at short notice.

To do this you need to use the Google browser on your smartphone when you access the Thornbury Rambling Club website. Select the `full frame ` icon on the top right of the Google My Maps window{a bounded box}. The detailed map will load onto your phone (it may take a minute or so...really!]. The GPS in your phone will then show your position on or near the walk. Using the Map layers icon you can load the Terrain layer which, when zoomed in will display contours and shading. You will need to wait some time for the maps to load if you are using a phone signal.

Thornbury Rambling Club Bank walk Ian Gross 1

Start and finish at the NT Shortwood car park near Haresfield Beacon,

Grid ref: SO832086, /// jigging.years.tasks, GL6 6PP

Approx 7.5 miles/11.4km with ascent of 1,300’/391m

Thornbury Rambling Club Bank walk Ian Gross 2

Start and finish at RSCP in Thornbury – goes via Alveston, Elberton and Littleton

Approx 8.5 miles/14km with ascent of 700’/213m

Ideal for times when road conditions are bad.