4. Sample extensions

The few-paragraph introduction to the ``Galilean kinematic approximation", outlined in the teaser above, is meant to serve as a self-sufficient lead-in on which no class time at all need be spent. (Of course it might not hurt to mention that time t in the text might by default refer to time on clocks connected to one's map-yardsticks.) The following extensions are therefore provided only to illustrate how the distinctions made in that introduction are informed to modern insights into everyday matters, as well as into matters involving proper-speeds near & above spacetime constant c. 

We've therefore loosely grouped the extensions into two collections, according to whether they involve:

The sample problems or puzzlers provided here, which are underpinned by the traveler-kinematic equations below, might also help empower faculty/students in exploration of questions not covered in standard courses but within range of available math e.g. to the extent that time and motivation outside of class is available. Experimental physics education research, of course, is still needed to uncover the problems that faculty and students at various levels will encounter by such explorations. This in turn, will be important to text authors downstream to determine how minor changes like this might help to constructively evolve the standard course.